America is not for everybody.
Posted by coaldigger 9 years, 3 months ago to Culture
The people that came here prior to the welfare state knew that there was nothing for them here but opportunity. They were escaping the soul crushing life of serving a master with no chance of realizing their or their future progeny's potential. They carried guns and had little hesitation in using them to protest themselves and what they claimed as their property. They judged others by their productivity and honor and would choose to banish those that had neither. Those were simpler times with a lot of space and few inhabitants but instead of refining our society to meet modern needs, we have strayed completely away from the core values to accommodate people that don't want what we are but what we have.
It's the starving children and widows, don't you know, and our Christian ethic says we have to help them.
Deport them to the home of their philosophy.
Siberia. (With apologies to the Siberians;^)