This was on Greta last night...It was her teaser before she went to a commercial...she showed the picture and than I had several minutes to think of what it looked like before she came back and told us... I was convince the kettle part looked like butt cheeks..... Hitler? I never would have saw. What a stretch. Slap a swastika on it and...MAYbe.
I asked Dale to come over and see the picture of a kettle. he immediately saw it. here's how dumb I was-I didn't read the headline of the post-I was just coming into the comments about seeing Jesus in everything so when I clicked on it, I was expecting a Jesus face. I immediately said Hitler. Look we do design patents. You look at stylized, proportioned images all the time. that is definitely a stylized design
The "Hitler Teapot" has been stirring around the web for a few days now. In the no publicity is bad vein... According to JCP, the teapots are sold out online but some may still be available in stores. I guess the consumer has the last word, for once.
I saw it immediately, complete with the outstretched arm salute.
But I never even wondered if this was deliberate...what retailer targets the over 80 market (other than Viagra)?