Hillary's campaign demanded comedy videos about here be taken down. Now she's got a national comedy video contest targeting her! Welcome to free speech!
This is what I call comedy!! The owner of the Laugh Factory, the iconic and historic comedy club in LA, got a threatening phone call from someone in the Hillary campaign demanding that he remove from YouTube some comedian routines that made fun of Hillary. The link here includes the original story from Judicial Watch. What does an outrageous attempt at threatening free speech deserve? A "make fun of Hillary" comedy video competition, of course!!! Welcome to blowback from Americans who still enjoy and know how to use their freedom of speech--and can be cheeky about it! If anyone here in the Gulch takes initiative and creativity to make their own video and submit it, give it a plug with a comment below! http://www.infowars.com/national-cont...
It's like a cold shower.
Let's hope the water doesn't turn to blood. Probably not quite there as yet.
I can hardly wait to see some of the results.
Being so thin skinned highlights her character flaws which would not serve the country well should she become president.
Perhaps she should just stay home and enjoy her rich perks of "Public Service". After all, milking she and Bill's "Public Service" for all of the 100's of millions of dollars in kickbacks and influence peddling should have her very comfortable.
Leave the presidency to someone a little more honest!
Her antics at the Rose Law Firm, her being kicked off the Watergate committee as a staffer for "lacking integrity" and lying, her attacking women raped and assaulted by her philandering husband as well as all of those moronic decisions she made in varying positions of "Trust" paints her as an already wildly successful, cartoon character.
Perhaps if she had a little integrity through the years, she would have something to complain about however being that she created her own character, now she must live with the consequences!!
The score is:
At the bottom of the barrel (or at least the bottom of a fifth...)
Guess the goon squad got to them...
I do not believe the leadership of the Clinton campaign authorized the call. Some possible scenarios are discussed here: http://www.slate.com/articles/double_...