Thank You All

Posted by Leon 11 years, 9 months ago to Philosophy
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I am blessed to be in the Gulch surrounded by people who understand the value of human thought and ingenuity. It is an honor and a pleasure to be here with so many who believe as I so in why we must strike. The moochers of the world we live in soon will start to end society as they know it, and they don't even want to look at what is happening. After my fiance, who immigrated here from Russia in 1990 opened my eyes by giving me an audio book (unabridged Atlas Shrugged), and I have listened to it multiple times and thanked her. She is in fear of our great land turning into what she ran from and all I can say is our current government is using the book as its playbook. which is is frightening to me. I was apolitical and my philosophy revolved around non-political issues, not anymore. I too believe in not sharing what I have in my head with those who just want to take and take and do nothing.

As you can see from my ramblings I am very excited to be here and I look forward to meeting others here in the gulch.

I swear by my life,
Leon (a picture to come soon since i am recuperating from surgery so here is one of our doggies)

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