One view from Israel's Oldest Newspaper...
"For a long time, the debate between different factions of Jews was framed as an ideological, strategic or political one (“when, how and what to negotiate with Palestinians”). But with time, in the face of the systematic colonization of the land, the pervasive exclusion of Arabs from the body collective, the Judaization of Israel, the tone of the debate has changed and been replaced by a question about the moral nature of Zionism."
I do endorse many of the view here, but...
This is why I believe it is urgent to be less hysterically defensive--frankly irrational--about Israel's history--and more open to the truth. It will not be a threat to the future of Israel; quite the opposite...
I do endorse many of the view here, but...
This is why I believe it is urgent to be less hysterically defensive--frankly irrational--about Israel's history--and more open to the truth. It will not be a threat to the future of Israel; quite the opposite...