Petition to add more fluoride to water. Unbelievable!

Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years ago to Entertainment
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This is all in the name of fun... but man, does it show the ignorance of some people!

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  • Posted by squareone 11 years ago
    Fluoride is a poison if it is too concentrated a solution. In a much lower concentration,1 part per million in drinking water, it prevents tooth decay. My biochemistry professor in dental school pointed this out to the class. I prescribed it for the child patients in my practice. Squareone, DDS
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    • Posted by g4lt 11 years ago
      It's not being used to prevent tooth decay, that's a side benefit. It's being used as a halogen to prevent coliform growth: to prevent coliform growth in water, you need to acidify it slightly, typically through addition of a halogen: fluorine, chlorine, or bromine. Out of the three, chlorine has a...distinctive taste, many people accuse it of being like drinking a swimming pool (because it is, they don't have to be nice about pH balance in a pool, so they dump it in), bromine, which, as anyone who's served on a US Navy ship can attest, tastes TERRIBLE, or fluorine, which doesn't actually taste bad.
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  • Posted by JohnR 11 years ago
    Read the warning on any tube of fluoridated toothpaste. It will tell you to contact a poison control center if you swallow it. Fluoride was tested in two cities (one got it, the other didn't) in Michigan not long after WWII. The idea was to see if it reduced cavities. Even though the result didn't prove anything, the fluoride got added anyway. Isn't it strange how this happened right after WWII when the production of aluminum skyrocketed to make warplanes, etc. Fluoride is used in the extraction of aluminum from the ore. Seems like the government-industrial complex found a way to dump all that waste. Many European countries have stopped adding fluoride to their water and report no increase in cavities.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years ago
    Holy crap. The first woman was a pompous stupid ass, wasn't she?
    Aside from fluoride being toxic, all toothpastes, unless organic, contain artificial sweeteners, which pose their own health dangers. That said, I have well water at my home, which had naturally occurring uranium, soooo major whole house water filtration system put in for that, as well as a separate system for radon removal. The cold water is actually really cold, any season, as well. And tastes wonderful!
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  • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years ago
    I guess the FDA is responsible for ensuring the general populace is to be as docile as possible while the deliberately slow communist coup consumes the nation? BTW, my family does not drink tap water nor do we use floride toothpaste. Got freedom of choice?
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years ago
    They've worked out the right amount. It's not like more is better. It becomes toxic in high doses.
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    • Posted by gonzo309 11 years ago
      Not so! Fluoride is a poison and placed in the water supply and sodas (pop) as a way to get rid of it without having to dispose of hazardous waste. There are three films to watch to understand what's going on.

      The best film is "The Great Culling - Our Water" which describes how we're being poisoned on purpose at:
      A great explanation of the coverup and hiding of the dangers of fluoride is "Fluoridegate - An American Tragedy" at:
      A great explanation of fluoride and how it's made is "The Fluoride Deception" and can be found at:

      I bought a house in an area with wells , which have problems of their own with agricultural waste. I filter my water to remove all contaminants. Please let me know if your opinion is altered by the videos.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years ago
        Are you confusing fluorine with the fluoride ion? We know fluoride isn't toxic at the right doses.

        We've already seen the affects of places not providing fluoride. When I was kid I lived in one briefly and took fluoride supplements.

        It would be extraordinary to find out some other factor was responsible for what they thought were the benefits of fluoride. Someone who thinks that should do a blinded test. The benefits to children are so great, though, such a test would be unethical. They'll have to get the data from people who choose to withhold fluoride from their children, and those people may have other unscientific practices that cloud that data.

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        • Posted by $ blarman 11 years ago
          Any chemical in the wrong dosage is a health hazard. The question is really about the costs and benefits of such a policy. Is there such a marked difference in dental health from a raised level of fluoride in the water that it recoups its costs? That to me seems to be a better starter question. The follow-up: are there side-effects to one's health from the intake of fluoride? How serious are the side-effects? At what dosage levels do the various side-effects begin to occur and what percentage of the population is affected?

          To me, the problem with this is that the policy-makers haven't done their homework. They think that since a little of something has been shown to be a good thing that a lot is better! It's the same problem with most government programs: the bureaucrats and elected officials don't know how to draw the cost-benefit line and define a cut-off point.
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          • Posted by gonzo309 11 years ago
            The problem is that the captains of industry "own" the regulators and agencies so they can solve thorny problems that face their respective companies. People are being squashed for the sake of "saving the policy."
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            • Posted by $ blarman 11 years ago
              Please expound a bit. I'm not sure I understand your entire argument, but it sounds plausible.
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              • Posted by gonzo309 11 years ago
                Fluoride is a perfect example. Alcoa produces a huge amount of fluoride and phosphorus waste product that would cost them a fortune to dispose of. Through money and lobbying efforts, legislators allow laws to pass and regulators are told what conditions must exist for the money to keep flowing. Regulators are willing to sacrifice their most expert and proficient employees who dare to blow the whistle on these insane regulations. So the corporations eliminate a costly problem by using the agencies to give them an avenue to dispose of the toxins through humans using their bodies to process the chemicals. If they dumped the toxins, they would run afoul of the EPA and be fined but put it in the food supply and it's given the green light, or more accurately, they look the other way. This case is in the video I mentioned.

                In another example, aspartame was rejected for approval to be marketed because it was found to be unsafe. Donald Rumsfeld led the push to approve aspartame when he was President of G.D. Searle Pharmaceuticals. When he became Secretary of Defense in 2001 under GW Bush amazingly, aspartame was approved.

                In the end we wind up being the solution to difficult problems that stand in the way of corporations making megabucks and solving their disposal problems by using our bodies to process their toxic waste. I'm very tired at the moment so I hope what I gave you makes sense. The videos will make it crystal clear. Here's the link again:
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        • Posted by MattFranke 11 years ago
          Fluoride IS poison. There is a poison label on the packaging or barrel that it comes in. I have read multiple stories across the US where water companies screwed up the dosage and people died.
          Fluoride = poison = I don't want it in my damn water. I don't care if it won't kill me in low doses. Neither will arsenic, but soon enough it will. Fluoride weakens teeth and bones as it hinders calcium uptake and breaks down existing calcium deposits (bones and teeth) not to mention the effects of it on the mind .
          "Benefits to children are so great" What a load of tripe.
          I will gladly withhold fluoride from my child as I have from myself for over a decade.
          Do you support mothers mixing fluoride treated water in with their baby formula? Its doctor recommended.
          Are you going to tell me that the Nazi's didn't experiment with fluoride as a means to make people more docile and subservient to what was being done to them??? I don't want that shit in my water; and to force it on a whole town or city, is criminal in my opinion. If you want it, they should sell a fluoride concentrate you can add to everything you consume.
          It is basically derived from industrial waste. It would be prohibited for a business to dump in a lake or in the ocean; but it can be sold to municipalities and put in the drinking water. Makes no sense. Taxpayers simply paying to poison themselves.
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          • Posted by g4lt 11 years ago
            There's also a poison label on large shipments of booze, yet you have no problems adding that to water, no?
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            • Posted by MattFranke 11 years ago
              Not on an individual level, no problem whatsoever. But I would be opposed to a municipality spending millions of dollars every year to pump whiskey or everclear, against peoples will, and forcing them and their children to drink it. There is a slight difference. If you want to subject yourself and your children to fluoride, fine but don't force it on me and mine.
              Don't you see? Even if fluoride were safe, I still would not support forced consumption by a state entity. Besides, the chlorine in the water is causing just as much damage to people's health, because it kills beneficial bacteria in the intestine; which has a variety of negative side affects. Point being, most city water is barely fit to wash your car with.
              If you like, we could get into the extremely high levels of estrogen, blood-pressure meds, and anti-depressants that are building up in city water all over the country.
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              • Posted by gonzo309 11 years ago
                While we wait for others to wake up, we should use filters, like the ProPure or Berkey gravity filters or Reverse Osmosis filters to remove what we can. Those that choose to believe the hype and don't educate themselves can continue to drink the "governmental beneficially treated water." A phrase comes to mind " Are you going to believe your lying eyes or what I tell you to be true?"

                Folks also don't understand that the mixture of these ingredients can be hundreds of times more potent than the individual poisons.
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              • Posted by JohnR 11 years ago
                Don't worry too much about the chlorine in water killing the beneficial bacteria in your colon. Very little of the chlorine added to the water actually makes to your tap.
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        • Posted by gonzo309 11 years ago
          Not at all. Fluorine is a gas and fluoride is a solid, or when diluted, a liquid. Fluoride is responsible for decreased IQs and dental fluorosis among many other serious negative effects. Watch the videos I provided to get the real scoop on what we all aren't being told. Besides the fact that the fluoride in water isn't fluoride at all but a mix of toxic and poisonous substances, including radioactive materials. It's commonly known as hydrofluosilicic acid or hexafluosilicic acid. There's too much for me to type here but listen to the experts on the video (The Great Culling) from the EPA, chemists, legislators dentists, etc. who have done these tests and were appalled at what they found. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you've been lied to by the looters so they can continue looting.
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  • Posted by 11 years ago
    Wow! Been so busy last few days I hadn't realised my post had created such a debate. ;]

    I need to sleep right now but I'll read the comments tomorrow.

    Goodnight all.
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  • Posted by Danno 11 years ago
    When I was about 12 years old, I went to the dentist and he and another dentist couldn't figure out a white spot on one incisor. I found out much later it is a fluoride spot from drinking too much municipal water (that city cut its fluoride content by 50% recently).
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  • Posted by gonzo309 11 years ago
    Those are the people that continue to vote for Harry Reid! Mark Dice does the same thing in California with the same absurd petitions and people just smile and sign their life and freedom away. We're all being drugged into a stupor! Wake Up!
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