
Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 10 months ago to Culture
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1) Isn't this the US?
2) 5 May isn't even a holiday in Mexico - totally an American creation. 19 Sep is Mexican Independence Day.

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  • Posted by lostsierra 10 years, 10 months ago
    One of the most important things to learn in life is to disobey. Civil disobedience is a potent weapon. Learn to use it. Do not run from conflict; win it.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 10 months ago
    It sounds like The Onion. It's absolutely bizarre.

    I think of the US as this beautiful place where I ride my bike to a lab and make circuits, with a crossing guard who waves and gives me the two-line weather forecast as I ride by. There's another part of the country where people are all fired up about people wearing the flag. I'm guessing that's not their only problem. I wish everyone who wants it could have boring Midwestern existence with no fighting over flags.
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  • Posted by RobertFl 10 years, 10 months ago
    They should wear Texas Flag shirts with, "Remember the Alamo", and see whose panties get in a bunch then.
    They only banned displaying the American Flag.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
      I'm guessing they would find that objectionable as well.

      Since 5 May is on a Monday this year, I'd wear all kinds of patriotic gear on the Friday before, then all black on Monday.
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  • Posted by g4lt 10 years, 10 months ago
    It clearly IS the US, with a Flag Code that states that you're not supposed to wear the flag at all (prior to the late sixties, it was actually a jailable offense). The kids wearing the flag are the disrespectful ones here.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
    Here's what I don 't get -do we have these kinds of issues on St Patricks Day? Chinese New Year? Why this one holiday which is NOT a deal in Mexico? Judicial activism. Wearing patriotic clothing does not signify you' re in a gang. Seriously. These schools and judges are so touch feeley and cowed. So they force those that they think will most likely follow the rules. I would keep my kid from going to school that day. And then I' d find another school.
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    • Posted by Rozar 10 years, 10 months ago
      It's fear. They did it to protect students wearing the flag from Latino aggressors. It says so in the article. They aren't scared of Chinese or irish violence. It's the same motive that was behind the video that supposedly caused the Benghazi incident. They are scared to provoke barbarians, so they censor. It's a shame.
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  • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
    So? Those boys are free to wear their USA shirts any other day of the year. If you know the backstory they specifically were looking to start trouble. If you ask me, it’s the white-american boys who forced a situation where the USA flag could be viewed in a negative manner, and created a situation where the USA flag would have to be forced out of view for public safety. Doesn’t sound like they have a lot of respect for the flag either.
    Cinco de Mayo day is a festival holiday for mexican-americans. You really have a problem with that?

    There are many cultural days celebrated around this country that came from other countries. We just don’t hear about them because the ethnic populations aren’t as large and the celebrations tend to stay regional. Take Saint Ubaldo Day in Jessup PA. It might not be a holiday that you have ever heard of, but for the largest concentration of Italian-Americans living in the US, it is a celebration they plan all year for.

    Fifty percent of the students at that school were of Mexican heritage. Of course, the celebration would be big. It is rude not to allow the American-Mexican families to enjoy their holiday in peace.

    How about next time, you don a Mexican flag and go join the fun...hmmm?
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
      It's a ginned up celebration propagated by mexican restaurants and bars. Frankly, I was looking forward to celebrating it down here. nada.
      "The court also rejected a claim that the white students suffered discrimination because others who wore the colors of the Mexican flag were not required to change. There was a practical reason for the distinction, the court said. Only those wearing American flag shirts were targeted for violence."-LA Times
      who was inciting the violence?

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      • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
        “Who was inciting the violence?”
        The White-American boys. They knew exactly what they were doing. It’s a Mexican-American holiday, period. Those with Mexican heritage are going to celebrate freely, or should be allowed to celebrate it. To show up waving or wearing your US “colors” is in a way saying. “Yeah, you are a Mexican, so don’t celebrate your holidays here.”

        That’s why I brought up Saint Ubaldo’s Day. It’s HUGE in Italy, as well as here in the USA; it’s huge in Jessup PA where the largest concentration of Italian descendants live. Everybody wears the colors of the three saint teams, waving italian flags, participating in Italian customs. Nobody sneers at them and says "if you want to celebrate in my country as if you are Italian go back to Italy. This is the USA”

        These boys didn’t pay for their lawyer and drag this nonsense through court on their own. Adults did. Adults that didn’t want to reasonably look at the pain and suffering caused by their sons for not letting AMERICANS with Mexican heritage celebrate their holiday in peace.

        The boys were ask to remove or turn their shirts around because they were inciting violence.

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        • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
          How, in your warped view of the world, is wearing something with an American flag on it inciting anything?

          What happened to the 1st Amendment? Or is that optional to you?
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
            It’s obvious you lack the critical reasoning skills to address this problem with a level of objectivity.

            I don’t take 1st Amendment rights lightly. I don’t apply them to hormone-driven minors looking to be the king of the playground.

            The school had a history of problems on Cinco de Mayo, racially-driven problems. Those students devalued the meaning of the flag by wearing it as warpaint. 1st amendment rights my arse.
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            • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
              the racially driven problems you are referring to, mimi, involved mostly gang related issues. The school's community is 50% latino and only 2/3 of the latino students graduate HS. The gangs are latino. In that school district, the elementary schools fall in the bottom 3 in the city for english proficiency. The district website includes information on the district in Spanish. There are racial tensions in the schools. The latino parents complain that the academic performance of the white students is completely different than the latino students. Well, if you begin your education with english as a second language, there will be some catch up. However, if 1/3 of the latino student population isn't graduating, I'd say the community culture plays a role. Gangs whip up tensions. The threat of violence were all from latino students. kids will be kids, but the american flag depicted on shirts and shorts is not a call to war. The latino community bears some responsibility in this case. They were not victims. They should have focused on having a fun day-instead, some were employing machismo and taking it too far. Why aren't you holding the those students responsible for their actions?
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              • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
                I am holding those students accountable. When you have a day that is known for potential widespread brushfires caused by locals you don’t allow the tourists with full gas cans to sit on the sidelines. How can schools properly prepare for unseen events if they forceable made to deal with completely avoidable situations? The boys made it all about “them”, diverting the school’s attention away from other real concerns.

                This was a local issue, not a national concern or a constitutional issue. It was about controlling mayhem among adolescents.

                They obviously suck at it. And we suck at decency and reasoning for “rubbernecking” our way through this wreck flying our patriot colors.

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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
          actually that is not what the court ruled. The boys were in no way chastised. I am not proclaiming there wasn't some push back here in making a statement-but in NO WAY is making a 1st Amendment statement "inciting" violence. One of the boys turned his shirt inside out. Two of the boys were sent home for refusing to turn their shirts inside out. Those two boys received calls and texts which threatened violence from latino students. That is incitement. The school's position was clear. They were protecting the boys who wore the patriotic shirts FROM violence. This from another article-
          "I can't fault the (9th Circuit) for this," said Eugene Volokh, a UCLA law professor. "But, boy, this is a pretty sad commentary. Here we have a school saying it's too dangerous for students to wear an American flag to an American school."
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        • Posted by rlewellen 10 years, 10 months ago
          This is America maybe the Mexican kid shouldn't be so easily incited to violence just because someone supports America. Both sides should be told about the Bill of Rights instead of trying to limit it to the minorities rights. It's all just meat for lawyers and socialists.
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
            That’s the whole point--it isn't “Mexican” kids--it’s American kids with Mexican heritage. .

            Your right-- if you marginalize Americans, treating them like second-rate citizens because of their skin color, parents point of origin, their language, or their culture they often do become easy fodder for socialists.

            But in the end: who’s fault is that?
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago
              How'd they get to be "American kids with Mexican heritage"? All previous generations of immigrants, the waves of Irish, Italians, Russians, Germans, and so on, while celebrating their ethnic holidays, still took pride in their Americanism. They weren't threatened or incited by American symbols on their holidays because they took pride in being BOTH.

              I made a post about St David's Day. I celebrate it for my Welsh heritage on my father's side. I likewise wear orange on St Patrick's Day to celebrate my Irish heritage on my mother's side (her family was protestant). NEITHER interfere with my American heritage, why should it incite these "American kids with Mexican heritage"?

              Because they are being taught that America is the bad guys, that we "Europeans" "stole" America from their ancestors (along with the space shuttle and Wal-marts and hospitals and factories, and superhighways and so on, I guess)

              I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of the "American kids with Mexican heritage" at that school are 1st generation, or maybe even 0th generation "Americans". In the past that would be enough, but not now when they're being raised to have no respect for, and even hostility toward "their" country.

              In the end, it's the fault of their parents and grandparents who wanted the unearned and snuck into America. In the end, it's the fault of the government and crooked businesses who wanted the easy votes and cheap labor.

              It's NOT the fault of a handful of multi-generational American kids who have gotten fed up with drowning in Mexicanism in their own darned country.
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            • Posted by rlewellen 10 years, 10 months ago
              I speak and you speak, they are just words there is no loss unless you only support one group. Support all of them is all I am saying. You assumed all the kids with the American Flag were white, one of those kids were pretty dark complected.
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  • Posted by Ranter 10 years, 10 months ago
    Communist holiday? There is nothing communist about Cinco de Mayo. It is a celebration of independence from European colonial domination.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 10 months ago
      It actually has nothing to do with independence. It was a catchy name that was used to disguise Communist rallies and is huge in Europe. I've seen them and there is nothing Mexican or independence-minded in them - they are emblazoned with the communist hammer and sickle and are big party rallies for the Communist parties of their various kinds in the EU nations.

      Americans have made it into a Mexican thing, but to Mexicans it's not a big deal except as an excuse to hold pro-Mexican and immigration rallies here in the US.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago
    It's not an American made-up holiday.

    Puebla fell to Mexican forces on May 5, 1862.

    I don't celebrate Cinco de Mayo... I celebrate Camerone Day, which commemorates April 30, 1863, when a handful of French Foreign Legionnaires humiliated thousands of... Mexican... troops, and prevented the lifting of the siege of Puebla, which soon fell to the French forces on May 17, another date I celebrate as noisily as possible.

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  • Posted by Ranter 10 years, 10 months ago
    Cinco de Mayo is a day of celebration in Puebla, where Mexican forces held a fort that was attacked by the French and defeated the French army. It is not a national holiday, but a very important local one. It was an important battle in the struggle to keep European powers from establishing control over parts of the Americas.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago
      NO... Cinco De Mayo celebrates when they TOOK Puebla... it was a year later that they were besieged by the French and Puebla finally fell.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 10 months ago
    Yeah, I saw this. Just more legislation from the 9th Circuit Court of appeals. It will go to the Supreme Court.

    What's ridiculous is that these administrators aren't worried about safety. They aren't even concerned about education! They just want the money that comes from the public education system and all the federal grants that go to education in "underprivileged" schools.

    What I question is why they are making a school celebration out of a Communist holiday?
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    • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
      Well, to be fair, Cinco de Mayo is from Mexico, not really a communist holiday.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 10 months ago
        No, it isn't actually. The words are Spanish, but not the "holiday". The Communists in Europe celebrate this every year and though the name varies, the ones I saw were always staged with protests and demonstrations which are anti-business, pro-union affairs. Cinco de Mayo just has a lot nicer ring than "Annual Socialism Love Fest". ;)
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  • Posted by illucio 10 years, 10 months ago
    well, bs is taking over everywhere. Like I´m supposed to be gratefull to the government for inventing more paid idle days. Hell, it´s ridiculous. And I´m essentially part employed, part self employed. Meaning that I´m on both sides of the counter, and I can honestly say this isn´t good for anyone. But hell, so many things have been wrong that one more is just part of the plan I suppose. For this, I assure you, isn´t coincidence!
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