Proably another plan by the Obama administration to win back some of the women voters who are jumping ship. They'll give them out like they did the Obama phones.
All kidding aside, I wonder if it would work on Muslims that have had clitoral mutilation as young girls. That I think would be a worthwhile use of the device.
Wonder if they are going to build in a remote button they can shut off. Suppose the woman does not agree with the government who ever, she receives a message "You will do as I say or I will turn off your orgasm implant" I for one know of a better way and it has worked since the creation of mankind.
study chakras and their functions. Cherokee's have a therapy that can bring on orgasm without penetration. Read the 5th dimension. Example; one suffered an accident as a child, their bodies energy became unbalanced, through joining with another's energy you can realign a persons inner energy in order to balance one's energy. This is done by knowledge of the chakras as they are called by some and by others the bodies energy center.
no we all have energy running through our bodies. It's only mysticism because it is misunderstood and not main stream. I am part Cherokee and that is the greater part of my upbringing. I have merely pointed out that there are other ways, many ways. Just because you do not believe a thing does not make it any less real. I will remain open minded in order to grow. Just because the American medical society has said a thing does not make it the absolute true thing. The art of investigating and exploration are only labeled bad by those whom are not willing to go farther than were they are.
Kidding aside, I saw a TV special on women who were very dysfunctional and whose marriages were suffering even though they had understanding husbands. They were so preoccupied with their perception of being different or broken their lives were miserable.
Unfortunately, at the time the documentary was made, direct nerve stimulation only worked on about half of the patients.
Regarding the importance of the work: In a free society and a free economy we don't have to fret about the relative worth of what each person does. One can get good at brain surgery and another at hitting a baseball and someone else can do years of research on hair loss. It's a beautiful thing.
On the plus side, if all women are implanted with this (for women's health of course), then they won't need men, they won't need birth control, and the abortion issue is resolved. If all liberal women are implanted, and on the First Tuesday in November a day long "seismic" event is broadcast, they won't go out to vote.
Will women want to cuddle with the remote afterwards??
THAT'S IT1 Thank you, preimert. When I can't remember a title it will bug me all day long. It was based on a French comic strip. That was before she became Janerella, Queen of North Viet Nam.
Diane Keaton was in the Woody Allen flick. Several things in that movie have become or are on the verge of becoming our future..That in itself is frightening. But hey, it is Weiner posting his privates on the Internet, phone and Internet sex, no one really has a conversation anymore,so this just goes along with it.
There was a scene in "Sleeper" where Woody Allen was masquarading as a robot at a party and had to handle an "orb" that induced orgasms in humans. Of course it shouldn't have affected a robot, so his ensuing attempt to keep his cool was hilarious.
don't scientists have other more important things to discover, understand etc. why should the world of science not be dumbed down like the rest of society in the usa. sex sells so someone will try marketing it.
This was found by accident working on other issues related to spinal damage. I don't know how many people this can help, but it is a surgery designed for women who clearly have nerve damage that affects their ability to have an orgasm. Sex is part of life.
"ahh, AHHh, AHHHH...thanks, hon. that was amazing."
yes! she's right-this does it for me
fitting, Russian aggression
Unfortunately, at the time the documentary was made, direct nerve stimulation only worked on about half of the patients.
Regarding the importance of the work: In a free society and a free economy we don't have to fret about the relative worth of what each person does. One can get good at brain surgery and another at hitting a baseball and someone else can do years of research on hair loss. It's a beautiful thing.
If all liberal women are implanted, and on the First Tuesday in November a day long "seismic" event is broadcast, they won't go out to vote.
Will women want to cuddle with the remote afterwards??
Thank you, preimert. When I can't remember a title it will bug me all day long. It was based on a French comic strip. That was before she became Janerella, Queen of North Viet Nam.
Several things in that movie have become or are on the verge of becoming our future..That in itself is frightening. But hey, it is Weiner posting his privates on the Internet, phone and Internet sex, no one really has a conversation anymore,so this just goes along with it.
Um, hold on, my iGasm is ringing...