How about a movie about Atlas Shrugged fans.

Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 3 months ago to The Gulch: General
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On Saturday I had my copy of Atlas Shrugged on the counter. A customer sheepishly asked who was reading it. I told her I had read it and enjoyed it very much. She relaxed and said she was also a fan. We talked for a while and I realized how often fans of Atlas Shrugged or Ayn Rand are relieved and pleased to find like minds. I started thinking that with the right creative minds that this would make a great movie. Many Gulchers have expressed how AS changed their lives. Perhaps it could revolve around someone who reads Atlas Shrugged for the first time and suddenly sees the people in their life with a whole new perspective.

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  • Posted by salta 9 years, 3 months ago
    I really like this idea. I noticed a contradiction during the releases of the three movies, some Rand followers were over critical of the movie. They focused on things that were lost during the transition to screen, and things they found not strictly accurate. However, even pedantic fans would identify with a movie about the books effects on fictional people.
    Another effect would be to get more people to read AS for the first time, so it would be important to limit the spoilers in this movie. To be successful, I think it would be important that the AS references are blended into an independently good story, otherwise it would feel like a movie-length promo.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
    Rich, you are so right. There must be thousands of incredible stories out there. Here's one: My son, Todd had an employee that he found out was hooked on speed. However he was an incredible worker. In confronting the employee, we'll call Tom, Todd said he'd give him a chance under certain conditions, which of course depended on getting clean. Tom saw a copy of A.S. on Todd's desk. He asked about it and Todd gave him a rundown on the book and gave it to him to read. (We never loan things out, we either give it or keep it.) A monthe later, Tom had been clean for 2 weeks. Todd asked him if he had read the book. Tom replied he had, but he had "a million questions." Todd asked him which character he identified the most with. Tom said it was the mechanic who worked on the stalled train. Long story short: that was 25 years ago. I recently caught up to him on Facebook. Not the same guy. Not even close. He is married (2 kids) doing well, and is an NRA activist. He doesn't consider himself an Objectivist even though he has read all of Rand's fiction and keeps A.S. handy always. In signo vinces.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
    Ain't it the truth, brother... :-)

    AS has a way of changing lives. Ask me - before AS I had devolved to a socialistic left wing semi-Leninist believer in the greatest good for the greatest number of people according to what everyone could provide for the common good, etc. THEN... I read AS. And it totally ruined this good little pinko commie's heart. I saw - explicitly and blatantly - the actions of the looters I once hung around with. I experienced the moocher mentality first-hand - not as a fellow moocher, but instead, as a producer. What I saw - from my former life - not just disgusted me, it sickened me.

    True, I still have friends from that part of my life, but as to core beliefs - things like honesty, earning what you produce and deserving what you earn - seeing there was far, far more good in being a producer than a Moocher - exposing the toxic lie of the dogma I once blindly not just followed, but espoused... Having had my eyes opened, bluntly, baldly, and blatantly - they not only could not be diverted again from the truth, but it would be nigh impossible to be as blinded by such a false doctrine, a no-sum game as that which I used to embrace.

    Some people can "claim" that they are objectivists, some can say they know both sides of the argument - but unless you have actually LIVED on both sides of the tracks, Lived - no BELIEVED with your soul the goodness of the evil, and had that ugliness and evil exposed before you, made - forced - to realize not that it's bad in theory, but shown how awful it is in realistic, real fact, you will never get the entirety of what Ayn was not only "selling", but what she was trying to save fools (like I was) from...

    Some are grateful for her writing one heck of a good read. I am grateful for her, for perhaps saving my existence, if not my very life.
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    • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 3 months ago
      Susanne: I appreciate your frankness and candor.
      Your story could be a part of this endeavor.
      Bravo Susanne!
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
        Not a problem. i was raised by very right wing conservatives, but then my mom passed away when I was 13 and my dad had fallen in love with and married an ultra left liberal... while i held true to my roots for a long time the marxist promises slowly, slyly, and stealthily infiltrated my psyche and infested my soul one lie at a time, until I could proudly espouse the sayings of Lenin as golden nuggets... and believe them like a member of the inner kabal... preach the unholy doctrine of Marx (and how my great grandfather and he were correspondents way back when) and make it sound like the holy gospel of socialist salvation and was the best thing since the newest 5 year plan...

        Like i said, AR likely not only saved my soul from beyond the grave, she likely saved my sanity and my life. My ONLY regret it it didn't happen 20 years sooner.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 3 months ago
    I hypothesize that this is what Agialoro et al have been doing, or trying to do, with their movie production/distribution company. I agree with both you and with salta in that it is necessary to get entry points to Ayn Rand's philosophy 'out there'.

    I will go a step further and suggest that trivializing common forms of fictional communication is not in our best interest. How many people developed their vision of the world by watching Star Trek or reading comics? Answer: Probably a lot more than by reading philosophy texts or AS.

    Our heroes used to be independent, resourceful, and competent; now they are masses of doomed, writhing, self-loathing angst. Even just getting media out that addresses the heroic archetype again is a step in our favor. Free will, freedom, competence - there are many 'baby steps' that we can take that would be hungrily seized on by audiences.

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
    I've mentioned this before a chance encounter with two locals started with discussing motorcycles and ended with Rand. They had noticed my copy ofAS. They were hungry for more so down to the boat and there went my library. Now replaced. They now have what spanish language versions are available. AS is alive and well in Mexico.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 3 months ago
    Rich! You brought me back with this post! I could just kiss you!! What a brilliant idea. I'm thinking make a compilation of short takes submitted by by readers, expressing what you just stated above. Put it to music, and I think it could be something REALLY SPECIAL. Are there any video people here? I'm positive there must be. Lets do this!!
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  • Posted by Alyssa 9 years, 3 months ago
    I will agree with you on the fact that it is so relieving to find other people who enjoy Atlas Shrugged as much as you do. I would always tell people that my favorite book is Atlas Shrugged and most people would just give me a funny look. But I realize that when I started college that there were other students my age who have also read the book and agree with the ideas in it.
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    • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 3 months ago
      I'm glad you've actually met other students who read Atlas Shrugged! It seems so much of campus life at present is devoted solely to squashing any other dialogue excepting the progressive liberal far left.
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      • Posted by Alyssa 9 years, 3 months ago
        Although, some of my liberal friends have read Atlas Shrugged and they said that they may not agree with everything that is said in the text, but they still appreciate Ayn Rand's ideas.
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  • Posted by mj88 9 years, 3 months ago
    I read this book for the first time at 17, and have read it numerous times since. I am now in medical school and everyday I find myself so thankful (yet very lonely at times in my thinking) that I found Ayn Rand as early as I did. Her ideals are my strength and guidance in entering a field that the looters and moochers are continuing to entwine themselves in. One of my favorite parts in the book is the excerpt from Dr. Hendricks.

    If you do proceed with this project, I would love to provide a perspective from the medical field. I intend to pursue a fully cash based practice. I refuse to spend my life digging the graves of myself, my children, and my grandchildren.

    I swear by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask that he live for the sake of mine.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      Hi mj88. I really hope we find a way to make this happen. We have some great ideas here. You are definitely on the front lines when it comes to moochers. I like your thinking. Keep up the good fight.
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  • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 3 months ago
    Rich: As you say, "Either you love it or hate it." I have seldom found tepid responses to AS/Rand. I have heard over the years many comments, e.g., "Yea, good story but nobody can live like that." or "Impossible to follow such a philosophy."
    Yet I have been surprised at how many have never heard of or do not understand what Objectivism is. Your idea could possibly bring this into perspective by the stories of the individuals and the impact that AS/Objectivism had on their lives. This would show actual living applications of Rand's philosophy. How better to relate to this powerful, life changing philosophy .
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      Thanks JC. I think there are a lot of options creatively on how it could be done. Wish I had 10% of Rands ability so I could do it. She was a master at character and story development.
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  • Posted by Bethesda-gal 9 years, 3 months ago
    Hi Rich,
    I almost had a similar experience in which a fellow ciner noticed my copy of AS that was sitting next to me. She started a conversation about it and I asked her what she felt she gotbout of reading the book. She said ....she learned a lot about trains !
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      What a let down. A fellow AS fan told me during his working career he gave out copies of the book all the time. He would then do something subtle(for example put a dollar sign next to his signature) and if they got the reference he knew they read it. Unfortunately some didn't bother to read it.
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