How about a movie about Atlas Shrugged fans.
Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 3 months ago to The Gulch: General
On Saturday I had my copy of Atlas Shrugged on the counter. A customer sheepishly asked who was reading it. I told her I had read it and enjoyed it very much. She relaxed and said she was also a fan. We talked for a while and I realized how often fans of Atlas Shrugged or Ayn Rand are relieved and pleased to find like minds. I started thinking that with the right creative minds that this would make a great movie. Many Gulchers have expressed how AS changed their lives. Perhaps it could revolve around someone who reads Atlas Shrugged for the first time and suddenly sees the people in their life with a whole new perspective.
Another effect would be to get more people to read AS for the first time, so it would be important to limit the spoilers in this movie. To be successful, I think it would be important that the AS references are blended into an independently good story, otherwise it would feel like a movie-length promo.
Wonderful for him, and your son to have taken an interest in him. Thanks for sharing he story, Herb.
AS has a way of changing lives. Ask me - before AS I had devolved to a socialistic left wing semi-Leninist believer in the greatest good for the greatest number of people according to what everyone could provide for the common good, etc. THEN... I read AS. And it totally ruined this good little pinko commie's heart. I saw - explicitly and blatantly - the actions of the looters I once hung around with. I experienced the moocher mentality first-hand - not as a fellow moocher, but instead, as a producer. What I saw - from my former life - not just disgusted me, it sickened me.
True, I still have friends from that part of my life, but as to core beliefs - things like honesty, earning what you produce and deserving what you earn - seeing there was far, far more good in being a producer than a Moocher - exposing the toxic lie of the dogma I once blindly not just followed, but espoused... Having had my eyes opened, bluntly, baldly, and blatantly - they not only could not be diverted again from the truth, but it would be nigh impossible to be as blinded by such a false doctrine, a no-sum game as that which I used to embrace.
Some people can "claim" that they are objectivists, some can say they know both sides of the argument - but unless you have actually LIVED on both sides of the tracks, Lived - no BELIEVED with your soul the goodness of the evil, and had that ugliness and evil exposed before you, made - forced - to realize not that it's bad in theory, but shown how awful it is in realistic, real fact, you will never get the entirety of what Ayn was not only "selling", but what she was trying to save fools (like I was) from...
Some are grateful for her writing one heck of a good read. I am grateful for her, for perhaps saving my existence, if not my very life.
Your story could be a part of this endeavor.
Bravo Susanne!
Like i said, AR likely not only saved my soul from beyond the grave, she likely saved my sanity and my life. My ONLY regret it it didn't happen 20 years sooner.
I will go a step further and suggest that trivializing common forms of fictional communication is not in our best interest. How many people developed their vision of the world by watching Star Trek or reading comics? Answer: Probably a lot more than by reading philosophy texts or AS.
Our heroes used to be independent, resourceful, and competent; now they are masses of doomed, writhing, self-loathing angst. Even just getting media out that addresses the heroic archetype again is a step in our favor. Free will, freedom, competence - there are many 'baby steps' that we can take that would be hungrily seized on by audiences.
If you do proceed with this project, I would love to provide a perspective from the medical field. I intend to pursue a fully cash based practice. I refuse to spend my life digging the graves of myself, my children, and my grandchildren.
I swear by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask that he live for the sake of mine.
turn out to amount to plagiarism.
Yet I have been surprised at how many have never heard of or do not understand what Objectivism is. Your idea could possibly bring this into perspective by the stories of the individuals and the impact that AS/Objectivism had on their lives. This would show actual living applications of Rand's philosophy. How better to relate to this powerful, life changing philosophy .
I almost had a similar experience in which a fellow ciner noticed my copy of AS that was sitting next to me. She started a conversation about it and I asked her what she felt she gotbout of reading the book. She said ....she learned a lot about trains !
Ayn Rand/Atlas Shrugged fan finds the factory remnant shown in the image-header on this page:
...just a thought - but then, thoughts are the beginning of...well...everything.
And I mean it.