Connecticut sends out the first gun confiscation letters

Posted by stargeezer 11 years ago to Government
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Gun confiscation is one step closer in Connecticut. The mainstream media spins it as “one more chance” for non-compliant gun owners who failed to register their scary guns before the January 1 deadline.

In reality, these letters - 106 to rifle owners, and 108 more to residents with standard capacity magazines – are the first step in the Connecticut State Police beginning to round up guns arbitrarily made illegal last year in that state. These guns include America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15 and magazines over 10 rounds, which include the standard capacity magazines made for that America’s favorite rifle.

Failure to register is now a felony now in Connecticut.

How long will it be before there is bloodshed over this law? We’re not sure, but we’re confident it is coming unless the law is rescinded or struck down by the courts.

Mike Vanderboegh of the edgy Sipsey Street Irregulars released an open letter a couple of weeks ago, warning of what’s coming to Connecticut. The Connecticut State Police aren’t listening. Yet.

We suspect attitudes may change after the first few rounds of bloodshed.

As it stands right now, the best estimates are that 4% of newly-regulated guns and magazines in The Nutmeg State have been registered, leaving a hundred thousand or more newly classified potential felons looking over their shoulder.

Editor’s note: We’re not going to link to the article because they are hiding most of the content behind a paywall and we won’t drive thousands of readers to their website.

One more chance for gun owners

Posted: Monday, February 24, 2014 3:35 pm | Updated: 3:36 pm, Mon Feb 24, 2014.

Manchester, CT (Journal Inquirer) – When state officials decided to accept some gun registrations and magazine declarations that arrived after a Jan. 4 deadline, they also had to deal with those applications that didn’t make the cut.

The state now holds signed and notarized letters saying those late applicants own rifles and magazines illegally.

But rather than turn that information over to prosecutors, state officials are giving the gun owners a chance to get rid of the weapons and magazines.

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years ago
    What a great choice for the picture. I bet she likes her gun, probably needs it as well.

    I sincerely hope that Mike Vanderboegh's warning is taken to heart, but it won't be. There will be blood.
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    • Posted by $ 11 years ago
      I have always tried to not judge a person by their looks or dress or even any physical characteristics, because I know the mind is where the important things happen. But I do feel that what goes on in the mind will be reflected in the life and body of a person in time.

      With that disclaimer spoken;

      Have ever noticed that most of the liberal females - in particular the gun grabbing variety are less than attractive? Watch Fox News during the day and flip over to CNN or MSPMS and check out show. Fox has the most beautiful ladies (and they are that too) on the air. There must be something about the leftist mentality that corrupts from the inside out - look at Diane Fienstink, or Barbra Boxer. As soon as they want to run your life, it eats them up.

      Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

      And evil intent gives us Nancy Pelosie.

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      • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years ago
        I agree with trying not to judge, but it's hard to escape the reality of what we see and encounter on a daily basis. But it's not only the liberal women, look at Henry Waxman. There is a pattern that is amply illustrated in Congress as well as other aspects of life.

        Is it driven from within, or is it their early experiences and lack of popularity that drives the mentality? It is certainly true, that the socialist/collectivist laws and rules they impose on the rest of us, they don't feel apply to themselves. Is that a way at getting back on the rest?
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 11 years ago
        If you ever check out the bios on those FoxNews chicks you'll find that most of them are lawyers and such. Not merely beauty contestant winners (though quite a few are that as well). The libs tend to be merely "broadcast journalism" majors. No real substance other than speaking to a camera.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years ago

    “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”
    Ayn Rand
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 11 years ago
    Let's hope that someone with standing gets this in front of the courts soon. This needs to be adjudicated in an expedited fashion before there is bloodshed.
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  • Posted by Tuner38 11 years ago
    If the second amendment of the Constitution is to mean anything men of integrity must stand up for it and retain what is their property. The first step should be to barrage the politicians that support this nonsense with letters of outrage and clarification of what the second amendment means.
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  • Posted by $ Pabjornedax 11 years ago
    How in the world did this thing get done? Was the NRA asleep at the wheel? When I read this type of post and the info is true, it just frosts my cookies!
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    • Posted by $ 11 years ago
      Pardon me for saying so, but if you can honestly ask that question (and I really hope it's just sarcasm), you just may be an example of "how this got done".

      The NRA is 3.5 million members. I don't know the numbers in CT, but if it's more than a hundred thousand, I'd be surprised. They have limited money and are fighting this in all fifty states and DC. Following Sandy Hook there was a huge and thankfully temporary push to "do something" and since Lanza had saved us the cost of a trial, everybody started blaming the tool instead of the madman who used it. Many still do. And many just say it as an opportunity to build THIER powerbase. And worse of all, many saw it as a chance to take down a part of the constitution that keeps their hands bound. These were the dangerous ones.

      They took the bodies of those children and used them as drama props to effect legislation that they had been pushing for years without enough support to ever be allowed the light of day. Legislation that run contrary to every principal and value that makes us what we are. They took the horror of those dead children and manipulated the mental images we all had of our own kids going off to school and used them like weapons against freedom. The NRA was just too small, too paralyzed with the horror, too unable to defend a state of gun owner against themselves as the entire country mourned.

      So where do I lay the blame for this? At the foot of every voter who is not a NRA member. At the foot of every voter who ever voted for a politician who was left leaning. At the feet of every gun owner who ever who ever bought a politician saying that they supported the 2A - for hunting guns, or who said the 2A didn't apply to "military" guns - and they voted for the evil jerk. At the feet of ANY union member who bought the "party line" and voted for the liberal ticket. At the feet of any voter who ever voted for a politician who ever said "we have to do this for their own good". At the feet of any voter who ever voted for a democrat, because "They were raised to vote that way".

      I lay it at the feet of the voters of CT. And they are about to pay for it.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
        My father joined the NRA; the only result was the overburdening of our mailbox with offers of crap for sale and pleas for more donations.

        The NRA for years compromised with the anti-gun left, for years pretended it was only about hunters' rights. Well... good for them.
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  • Posted by KYFHO 11 years ago
    Uh....wasn't the second amendment was written to protect us from this type of government thuggery? I would be so tempted to grab a pitchfork, some tar, some feathers, my shotgun......
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years ago
    What will happen when so many move out. How do they know who still possesses these arms? What if these people claim they sold there arms? What if they buried them in their back yards? Nothing but trouble... poking a bee's nest I believe...
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  • Posted by Notperfect 10 years, 12 months ago
    Sounds just like my senator from Michigan. Carl Levin is just drooling over these acts, but me and the majority carry open or concealed. My choice. If this is the best they got then maybe the poster boy/girl needs to go back to mommy and daddy and get a refresher on what OUR rights are. Her choice.
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