Seeking On-Line Proofreaders

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 11 years ago to Classifieds: Wanted
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I am a speculative fiction writer. I am seeking several on-line proofreaders to act as sounding boards to bounce ideas off of as I write them. I am in Arizona and my writing occurs usually Tuesday (7P-10P Mountain) and Thursday (5P-7P) evenings and randomly for smaller amounts of time (whenever I can steal them). Currently, I am working on: 1) a follow-up to my first novel: Shadows Live Under Seashells, 2) an occasional short story to be added to my novel Fallacies of Vision, 3) a yet to be named pure science fiction novel and, 4) a story that is either going to be a zombie apocalypse action story or a science fiction alien invasion story (haven’t made up my mind).

<u>What I am seeking</u>

1. People who can tell me if what I am writing is interesting, compelling, underdeveloped or overdeveloped.

2. People who are able to point out my understood writing weaknesses: Punctuation, grammar and occasionally structure issues.

<u>What is required</u>

1. An instant messaging service. Having an Instant Messaging service (any one will do) is a necessity. IM is the most direct way to communicate when I hit my mental blocks/insecurity ditches. Being able to reach out to someone I can rely on helps me overcome my writing blocks.

2. The ability to be constructively honest. No one likes to take criticism, I’m no different. But I see it as a very necessary component of making what I write as good as it can be.

3. The ability to understand that my approach to delivering my messages oftentimes does not provide the reader with instant gratification. Everything I write has purpose and meaning, but that purpose or meaning isn’t necessarily evident immediately.

4. A mind open to the possibility of just about anything.


1. Mention on the acknowledgments page

2. A copy of the ebook and/or a signed copy of the paperback novel if/when it becomes available.

3. If you prefer, a character named/developed around a set of personal characteristics (attitude, likes/dislikes, compulsions) that you present to me in writing.

<u>My Process</u>

Before any decision can be made I feel it’s important to explain my process.

1. Anything I share is somehow attached to one or more story idea outlines already copyrighted with the library of congress.

2. My titles are always top secret – my wife doesn’t even know.

3. I do not always contact anyone each time I sit down to write. Typically I share several sentences or several paragraphs that I’ve been struggling with for days, weeks or months. The paragraphs/sentences may or may not mean anything in relation to those excerpts I’ve shared previously.

4. I very, very rarely share hardcopy of more than a chapter or two.

If interested, please contact me via this website's messaging program.

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  • Posted by $ 10 years, 10 months ago
    I've kind of put writing on the back burner for a while. When I turn back to this project I'll be sure to contact you. Thanks for the follow-up.
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