Bill Gates: Only Socialism Can Save Us from Climate Change
Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 5 months ago to Politics
Another elitist that believes his success has granted him omniscience... When one becomes so rich and/or famous that they are surrounded by yes-men anything they conceive of is reinforced and contradictions, if recognized at all, are dismissed... irrelevant... Celebrities/the rich and powerful are entitled to their opinions as is everyone, but why do we, as a society, give them special credence when they speak of things outside their field?
Of course it is easy for him to say since he has already secured his place or influence among the elite politburo...
I really wish I didn't have to use this guy's products, for so many reasons...
Of course it is easy for him to say since he has already secured his place or influence among the elite politburo...
I really wish I didn't have to use this guy's products, for so many reasons...
Previous comments...
Ready to give up all the stuff you've earned, Mr. Gates?
Ah, a vision just swam into old dino's mind. Replace the image of Atlas with Bill Gates holding up the world.
SOCIALISM is not a political system, it's a misnomer, its just watered-down communism. We know this. Social otherwise means communication, friendship, interaction. It therefore becomes a sick excuse to make shady deals over meals paid for by ones "constituents". This leads us to the clear conclusion that socialists believe in pull, which means consciousness and not existence, which means witch doctor and the Attila. No word can change the nature of the collective. And Bill wants to be one of them? Why?