Harebrained Inventor Me...
Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 9 months ago to The Gulch: General
Window cleaning. Don't knock it.
I started my round from scratch & I can make more money per hour than the average joe in any other job in my part of the world.
I'm very happy to say I've almost completed building a 'pure water fed pole' WFP window cleaning system (eliminating the need for ladders so saving lots of time). I still need to purchase RO/DI filters to purify the water itself but by the time I've bought what is necessary to complete the kit, I'll have a working system which has cost me around £200 to build, rather than buying a ready made system which can cost up to £7000.
I have used:
1 x 15L backpack style crop sprayer (This comes with a hand pump which I've converted to electric) £22.00
1 x high torque 12V motor (to power the hand pump at 30 revolutions per minute) £12.00
1 x 12V caravan pump (to act as a slave pump) £free
10 metre length of 8mm bore clear plastic tubing £7.95
1 x telescopic extention pole £15.00ish
1 x soft bristled broom (reinforced & attached to end of extention pole) £2.95ish
I'm buying a six stage reverse osmosis de-ionising unit for £135.
I have adequate batteries left over from a previous harebrained scheme.
Once I'm up & running, the entire system should pay for itself in under two days.
I started my round from scratch & I can make more money per hour than the average joe in any other job in my part of the world.
I'm very happy to say I've almost completed building a 'pure water fed pole' WFP window cleaning system (eliminating the need for ladders so saving lots of time). I still need to purchase RO/DI filters to purify the water itself but by the time I've bought what is necessary to complete the kit, I'll have a working system which has cost me around £200 to build, rather than buying a ready made system which can cost up to £7000.
I have used:
1 x 15L backpack style crop sprayer (This comes with a hand pump which I've converted to electric) £22.00
1 x high torque 12V motor (to power the hand pump at 30 revolutions per minute) £12.00
1 x 12V caravan pump (to act as a slave pump) £free
10 metre length of 8mm bore clear plastic tubing £7.95
1 x telescopic extention pole £15.00ish
1 x soft bristled broom (reinforced & attached to end of extention pole) £2.95ish
I'm buying a six stage reverse osmosis de-ionising unit for £135.
I have adequate batteries left over from a previous harebrained scheme.
Once I'm up & running, the entire system should pay for itself in under two days.
I can easily transport 100L of pre treated water in my van/people carrier. My system will be mounted on a trolley. I'm sure it will need a bit of fine tuning but I love being inventive. :)
Got three or four tunes I need to finish off. I just don't have the time right now.
I have a question for you? What's the gun situation in the U.K. I've heard a few things...just wonder how it adds up.
There's plenty of gun crime in the UK. Shootings are not uncommon in a town (Bognor Regis - of all places) just six miles from where I live.
Bognor has a very high concentration of Eastern European immigrants. It's practically a foreign country. I've heard whispers of a Polish mafia running the drug scene in the town. Someone I know landed up visiting a house occupied by Polish immigrants. There were guns everywhere apparently. He got out pretty quick. They're not all bad but the bad ones won't think twice about shooting you if you're 'on their patch' so to speak. There have been several murders & vicious rapes in Bognor, carried out by immigrants.Of course you never hear about it in the media & the police hush it up because they know damned well there would be rioting. None of us Brits got a vote on immigration & whereas I'm no racist, it's not our responsibility to take care of folk from every other country in Europe. It makes me sick & as usual we've got the Lefty Labour Party to thank for it.
I have to be honest & say owning a gun is not something I've really thought about, for the simple reason that I'm not that interested in owning one. There's no major necessity for it in the UK. Despite the state of British & EU politics, things really aren't 'that' bad yet. Rest assured if that changes, it would be easy enough to procure a gun on the black market - or if you're resourceful enough, build your own.
The majority of GB is pretty peaceful. Sure, people get busted for growing cannabis or selling dodgy cars but for the most part, that's as bad as 'street crime' gets.
As for things getting 'that' bad - ie excessive government 'intervention' to the point of being oppressive, the British people will have serious problems fighting back. We as a nation have been fragmented by all the immigration. Anyone caught complaining about it gets dubbed a racist by the 'progressives'. Of course most of the immigrants have come here from failing Communist countries & love all the freebies our generous government give them. Despite living here & having the right to vote, I can't see them lifting a finger to help us, should all hell break loose - least of all the Muslims.
So at this point I suppose I'll have to accept the possibility that the UK is in a worse position than the US, although I've heard so many negative things about Obummer & his predecessors that I assumed things were THAT BAD for you guys, despite your constitutional right to bear arms.
Ps. Should I need to defend mine & my family's right to life, I'll be a bit more resourceful than whittling down a broom handle. I'm a small time inventor remember. :)
What fascinates me is the current 'zombie apocalypse' trend in cinemas & gaming. Being a cynic & a bit of a conspiracy theorist, I can't help but question whether it's a Socialist plot to desensitise the public to social unrest - chaos & rioting in the streets. (Stay indoors, do nothing. It's okay, the government will protect you from these mindless thugs). The 'mindless thugs' of course being those who HAVE minds & are trying to defend their rights to life. Just a theory.
There are lawyers in the UK we call Ambulance Chasers (perhaps you have them too). If I witnessed a car crash & rushed in & managed to save someone's life while not being qualified to do so, I would run the risk of being prosecuted because my actions 'may' result in someone being permanently disabled. If there's any way to pass the buck (avoid responsibility) in this country, it'll happen. The result? We're all sheep living in fear, with no rights or ability to take action, whatsoever. It's a really shitty way to live, which is why when I'm not working, or at the studio, I'm pretty much a hermit. I have as little to do with the outside world as possible because it will shit on me somehow. I do what is necessary to keep the business going & pay the utilities, & have few friends. I've lost several friends because they turned out to be not so good guys with no sense of personal responsibility (oh the state will pick up the tab if I fuck up). I've been there too & realised how unhealthy it is & now I'm trying to better my circumstances despite (thanks to the state) it being completely unnecessary to do so. I'm doing it for me & nobody else, & it's hard. Why bother working if you can get more money by claiming benefits?
Prime Minister David Cameron is an idiot but credit where it's due. The Tory government are trying to do away with the benefit culture & they're suffering a serious backlash from the moochers as a result. Hatred for the Tories & Capitalism is broadcast all over Facebook & Twitter, & is further propagated by a legion of websites & lobby groups like Change.org - & look at all the crass street parties & celebrations after Maggie Thatcher's death. It's vile! The Tories won't get many votes in the next election & the fact that UKIP have suggested a coalition with the Tories (it's the only chance they have), has probably dashed all chances of them getting in too. I expect we're doomed to suffer 'Red Ed' Miliband's Labour government & frankly I'm dreading what the future holds. A return to union power & further 'entitlements' at the tax payers expense I'm sure. What the hell is anyone with a sense of life supposed to do? Emigrate perhaps, but where? Nowhere in Europe, that's for definite.
Off to the studio again - while I'm still at liberty to do so.
Honestly, I find my modesty quite remarkable. :)
Of course the best use of weed washing would start at the WH and then on to the fools on the hill.