Is Paul Ryan a shoo-in for Speaker?

Posted by edweaver 9 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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Well, I guess if you ask the Republican establishment he is. I heard this morning that the republican party has already sent out invitations to celebrate the 54th Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan. The vote does not happen until Thursday the 29th. Do they have inside info?

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
    Doesn't much interest me a RIno is a Rino is a Rino and the only ones calling him conservative are other Rinos and....kiss of death...the left wing..Their approval means he's unsuitable. The rest is dross.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
        Good point. I have understood that a group called the Freedom Coalition (or something like that) had something to force Bonehead out if he did not resign. Not sure what it was because it never came out. It could have simply been enough votes to remove but I doubt that. I personally believe that the people that stepped forward for the position were not acceptable to the establishment and that is why Boehner cancelled the vote when McCarthy decided against it. I think McCarthy was pushed out too but have nothing to back that up other than knowing the system we have. For me, one thing is certain and that is there is something fishy going on.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
        Yes they found out the nation is in full revolt status. Rats deserting a sinking system. Didn't help the extremist left took oiver. Hard to operate the pig trough system in when State Fascist Economics takes over.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 9 years, 4 months ago
    There's a legitimate schism in the Republican Party based on a legitimate debate. It is whether the first priority is to get elected, even if it means compromising one's principles - including Constitutional principles, or whether it's better to stand by principles and likely not get elected.
    I'm not in their camp but, In my opinion, it's simplistic to call the first camp RINOs, as though they are fundamentally evil.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 4 months ago
      I don't buy it. The Republican Party has no principles, though a few of its candidates do. (And some of those are not my principles.)

      But even if you were exactly right -- I don't see that electing a Chamberlain is any better than electing a Nazi directly. The effect is the same.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
      Kiss Principle. When all but one answer is found to be false the one remaining is the probable answer.

      As for the last sentence the entire left wing stands on a a principle that IS fundamentally evil.

      That's not a question worth asking. Greater or lesser only supporters of evil have to ask and that makes them what?......Evil People. The degree of which is immatereial.

      LEFT = Government control by any means over citizens. Ergo sum the left is evil be it religious or secular.

      The center of the politics IS not the the center of the left.

      It's the Constitution. What's that got to do with this government?

      Absolutely nothing.
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      • Posted by bsmith51 9 years, 4 months ago
        Well, it's certainly true that the Constitution has little to do with our government in the eyes of the Supreme Court.
        Evil is the religion of the left. Though they are largely non-believers, it's curious they use Jesus and compassion as their excuse to loot from others.
        As to my point, there's no way to achieve unanimous, uncompromising fealty within an organization unless, perhaps, it's akin to the Hitler Youth. Given that fact, what do you suggest?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
          Continuation of the start of one suggestion from five hours ago in the threat "are you a hard worker."

          Cleaning up the dirty/soft money in other words controlling what they get and how they can spend it.

          You might want to read that first. then this one..

          The premise was those who MAY not vote MAY not contribute

          followed by contributions are cash, kind, time or labor.

          followed by geo-political restrictions. One who MAY Vote and MAY contribute MAY do so only in their own area of concern per voters pamphlet and ballot sheet.

          If it's local only in iyour own precinct, district, city or county. If it's not local only in your own state or for the two federal level offices on a nation wide basis

          Donation of time, material, money marked and reported for the intended level.

          Therefore Soros May not flood a certain area with vote buying cash unless it's his own precinct, district, city, county, state or nation and for the two federal level offices.

          That part ended with how one of his water carriers got the you know what slapped out of htem when they argued free speech. A.the right they claimed wasn't valid and be there were four or five other rights that had to be violated to do so. the mantra was I have the right without explanation to take all your rights without exception. I enjoyed hammering them with that.

          So now we turn to Who MAY vote. No corporate, business, union, foreign government or business MAY vote. Takes being a citizen except in Oregon which is why we're down to 49 States and not why they are known as New Amersterdam. Has to do with their chillingly left wing fascist voting procedures.

          Seven years ago the fascist shut down the column that said Non-registered and lumped it in with somthing called Eligible Voters Base. The exact statistic available and the statistics on who voted for who or what are no longer available. Think of the requirement to send in data from education (even if it meant shutting down classrooms) or from law enforcement on crime collection data. Now they say it can't be done. Not with us in the computer age? The second half of why is biggest vote getter gets your vote even though you voted agains the POS or SOB.

          Eligible Voters opted out of participation . They don't get to contribute

          Registered but not voting do get to contribute.

          How much to each question, proposal or candidate is an open question.

          People who vote or voted do get to contribute as long as their registration is in force and for me because of the scummy trickery pulled in Oregon and verified at least once every two years. and every four years against address change to other geo-polictical locations.

          Bueno.. they get to contribute and that's an end to it

          Main opponents will not be Sore Ass but tv networks. Not a big loss as we've just seen.

          Control their money and where but not how it's used except funding other locations you regain control and voting becomes honest and open.

          If you are one of the slave states without recall GET IT!

          In doing so you support citizens over government, freedom, democratic beliefs and your State and Nation as a Republic and the Constitution.

          Across the board.

          AND lest the guy has his ears unboxed and is over the black eye thrashing i gave him are healed and he's a masochist is the beginning of just one area that can be attacked. The very worst that can happen is igniting a fire storm in 110,000 precincts. All the billionaire Democrats which means most of them can't begin to fund protection from that sort of storm.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
        I'm confused. What do you mean by the constitution having nothing to do with government?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
          you just questioned your own answer .... most officials pay little attention ....maybe when it's used to confuse and abuse because people are accustomed to thinking it protects them, gives them rights. It doesn't. People protect themselves by guarding against change to a document that specifies the rights they retained and powers they did not give to government.
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        • Posted by bsmith51 9 years, 4 months ago
          Or, as my little kid once asked, "Daddy, are you speaking the language of sarcasyism?"
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          • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
            I could not tell if that was sarcasm or not so I had to ask. Very hard to tell with no voice inflection. :)
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
              I had to catch up myscreen is set iup differently But I''ll promocionate that. That from a bi-lingual spanish and english speaker who asked me to promocionate them for a job. I though cerebral! threw back promotionate physical and have a new Android instructor. (in those -ion ending words t used iin English and C in Spanish. It's linguistic humor.
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 9 years, 4 months ago
    Ryan has really disappointed me by voting for the budget agreement that Weepy Boehner has gifted to Oblabla by letting him spend whatever he wants for 2016 and 2017 by eliminating the spending cap. That is a betrayal that starts his speakership with a pall hanging over it.

    If Congress is going to ignore its Constitutional responsibility of controlling spending, perhaps We The People should ignore our Constitutional responsibility of paying taxes.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 4 months ago
    I believe Rush occasionally, and he called this -- the fix
    was in, and Ryan is Speaker, 3rd in the line of occupants
    of the oval office. -- j

    p.s. Plus, the rats approved the bloated budget for
    the whole of 2016 and 17, taking it off the table as
    an election subject.
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