The Objectivist Newsletter vol. 1, no 1

Posted by TheYoung-Capitalist 11 years, 9 months ago to The Gulch: General
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i have started to read this book and i have some questions. i will be doing one of these every time i finish a section and have some questions about it. i have tried to weed out all the obvious questions so that i can slim this down a

A. Choose your issues-
1. who and what are the statists?
2. Due to the anti-trust laws shouldn't all businesses be out of business because businesses are violating these laws all the time. With these laws, aren't the businesses at the mercy of the government?
3. why are conservatives just reacting to the latest things and are not creating a real solution to the problem instead of excepting the terms of the opposing side? to me it is all a big drama show in Washington, does anyone else feel this way?
4. what are "trial balloons"?

B. Planned chaos-
1. Are we still a capitalist economy or are we heading for interventionism before socialism? why i ask this is because interventionism is a lot like what is happening now; government keeps adding legislation and laws to cover up for their past laws instead of removing them.
2. ok, if socialists, fascist, statists, interventionists and any other one i missed all want to destroy freedom; how do they think they are going to live after it's gone?

C. Excerpts from Any Rand's lecture-
1. i already knew this but as i read more and more i can see that every chance the government gets, they hound the businesses and praise the bums. my question is why does every government turn out like this? is it due to a faulty system or just the power hungry individual that wants to rule all things?

D. Intellectual ammunition department
1. What is cultural osmosis and how does it work?
2. ok, i get this but i do not fully understand it : Emotions do not have to be your enemies, your torturers and your destroyers----- which is what they become when you follow them blindly. Emotions are the means of experiencing the enjoyment of life. But they offer that experience only to the man who does not substitute his emotions for his mind."last paragraph"

any help with these questions would be greatly appreciated :)

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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 9 months ago
    Part C. – Does every government go down the path of tyranny? Yes. History has always been about the Individual vs. the Collective. The essence of Collectivism lies in the denial of the Individual Right to own property. They enact this denial by using the power to tax or by outright physical force.

    America, in the Bill of Rights, tried to ensure the right to private property (amendments 4 & 6) but failed to make this right absolute and to deny the power to tax to the Government.

    It took 100 years for the Collectivists to begin the decline and fall of the Right of the Individual to own property. They began with the Sherman anti-trust act of 1890, then moved to take our income with the 16th amendment of 1913, and in 2005 Kelo vs New London the Right to own ones home went away.

    I'm moving on in years. I'm not sure we can convince enough people to rally around the principle…Don't tread on my property!
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