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  • Posted by dcwilcox 11 years ago
    Go Georgia! And this won't be the only state to call for a Constitutional Amendment Convention. Nine other states have bills working their way through their legislatures, and at least 10 others are drafting bills.

    Legislators from nearly 40 states met at Mount Vernon late last year to formulate rules for conducting the convention. It will be explicitly limited to curtailing the power of the federal government. The Bill of Rights won't be on the agenda, only amendments limiting the power of the legislative, executive and judicial branches will be considered. Indiana's bill includes penalties for convention delegates who stray from the stated agenda. I'm confident that a balanced budget amendment will be at the top of the list as most states have to live under such a constraint.

    If this effort doesn't fizzle, it could be the biggest political event of the 21st century. There are some really good people n many state legislatures who, I believe, will lead the effort. Although he's now in the US Congress, Tom McClintock served in the California legislature for many years. I know him and I know that he has the brilliance, wisdom and integrity to fill the shoes of any of America's Founding Fathers. Men and women of honor will have a chance to do what John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and just a few others did in the late 1700s. You can bet that the likes of Carl Rove and his modern-day Dewey/Rockefeller Republicans will be fighting this effort.

    This is the first political event I've seen in a long time that is a source of optimism for the future. If it fails, at least we can say we tried. But, the hell with that. I'll do anything I can to make it happen. I love the America I grew up in and I want my grandchildren and great grandchildren to have the same blessed country.
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  • Posted by Cincinnati_Joe 11 years ago
    Your VOTE is the most powerful tool to use at a state level. FInd out WHO your state reps are, and CALL them. You may not talk to them directly, but their aides will pass along STRONG TRENDS in calls and emails. Most importantly, VOTE for those who uphold your personal ideals. Lets hope the convention comes to pass and that they place TERM LIMITS on the CONGRESS and SENATE!
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 11 years ago
    A Convention of States is long overdue. The federal government needs to be put back in its place.
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    • Posted by jimjamesjames 11 years ago
      Disagree. The states with the most power are collectivist that suck most at the national nipple. They would control the outcome.

      Here's an idea: Legalize the US Constitution. Period.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 11 years ago
        A convention is meant to reign in the fed gov when there is abuse of power. I believe it is a constitutional provision. This only means that the 50 states, not each individual state, can work to restrict the scope of the fed gov. I could be wrong, but I do not think it has much to do with population.
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        • Posted by jimjamesjames 11 years ago
          IMHO, a waste oft time and resources, too risky and with little ROI. Uphold and enforce the Constitution. Every Executive Order, the day it is signed, should be challenged in Court as to its "pursuance" to the Constitution. Simple.
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  • Posted by squareone 11 years ago
    Since the Sixteenth Amendment (federal income tax) was fraudulently ratified in 1913 (source: The Law That Never Was, by Bill Benson and Red Beckman), extreme care must be exercised to make sure that the Constitution is amended and not tampered with.
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  • Posted by jimslag 11 years ago
    A COS is good and not to worry about it getting out of hand. The proposed amendments still would have to be passed by 3/4 of the US States to be ratified. If the proposed amendments are not good then the states have the ability to recall their delegates or to vote against the amendments.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 11 years ago
    I would love to see these Marxists stopped, and the Constitution protected. That said, be wary of any Constitutional conventions, as things can go really wrong, really quickly. Check out Tom DeWeese's take on matters at Between liberal plants, SEIU and other trouble makers, we could end up with some bad results. Proceed with caution, extreme caution.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 11 years ago
    Mark Levin has a book out, concerning a number of amendments he would propose. Some, I agree with, but not all.
    He definitely changed my mind about term limits for Congress.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 11 years ago
    I would love to see the States call for a Constitutional Convention and bring the following items up for discussion and possible inclusion as Amendments:

    1. Balanced Budget Amendment. The Federal Government may not spend more than the previous year's revenue collections in taxes after paying debt service.

    2. Automatic twilight provisions for both revenue and tax bills. All bills that either spend or raise money automatically have a twilight provision equivalent to the length of the term of the originating body. In other words: all tax and spending bills must be re-approved every two years. That means that politicians can't pass bills on their way out of office and not be responsible for them in perpetuity.

    I'd love a whole list, but either one of these would IMHO go a long way toward restoring solvency to the US.
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  • Posted by $ rjim 11 years ago
    The problem that I see is the biblical world view at the time of the original Constitution is no longer present in the U.S. That in of it self will produce something that is different. People do not understand that concept. Nor do they understand what's in the book "The Law" by Frederic Bastiat concerning law, plunder, and justice. If they did, they would not be using this method at time - its too dangerous. The States still power to make the federal govt cave, but they will not use it, stop taking the money and stop doing the federal govt.'s biding. Will your take its responsible? Now or after an Article 5 convention? There is no indication they will.
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