Excerpt: John Galt's speech
Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: General
I have been listening to AS and I am up to John Galts speech. I found this part to be particularly prescient.
“This country-the product of reason-could not survive on the morality of sacrifice. It was not built by men who sought self-immolation or by men who sought handouts. It could not stand on the mystic split that divorced man’s soul from his body. It could not live by the mystic doctrine that damned this earth as evil and those who succeeded on earth as depraved. From its start, this country was a threat to the ancient rule of mystics. In the brilliant rocket-explosion of its youth, this country displayed to an incredulous world what greatness was possible to man, what happiness was possible on earth. It was one or the other: America or mystics. The mystics knew it; you didn’t. You let them infect you with the worship of need-and this country became a giant in body with a mooching midget in place of its soul, while its living soul was driven underground to labor and feed you in silence, unnamed, unhonored, negated, its soul and hero: the industrialist.
“This country-the product of reason-could not survive on the morality of sacrifice. It was not built by men who sought self-immolation or by men who sought handouts. It could not stand on the mystic split that divorced man’s soul from his body. It could not live by the mystic doctrine that damned this earth as evil and those who succeeded on earth as depraved. From its start, this country was a threat to the ancient rule of mystics. In the brilliant rocket-explosion of its youth, this country displayed to an incredulous world what greatness was possible to man, what happiness was possible on earth. It was one or the other: America or mystics. The mystics knew it; you didn’t. You let them infect you with the worship of need-and this country became a giant in body with a mooching midget in place of its soul, while its living soul was driven underground to labor and feed you in silence, unnamed, unhonored, negated, its soul and hero: the industrialist.
give back, anyone?
EVIL! Now go vote for them again and brand your forehead
What we are seeing today is a long-coming relapse to wanting to have without the commensurate effort to earn it, a primitive motivation of envy. And because humans have developed the brain capacity for abstract reasoning coupled with unreasoning emotions, they have managed to construct thought systems that rationalize demanding that the productive serve the needy. And rather than gratitude, the productive are paid with the insolence of ever-growing demands, envy and accusations of greed. People can easily be led to believing that thus enslaving the more able is justified "for the greater good".
The evil resides in those who know how envy works and build it into a political philosophy that then enshrines itself into the culture as altruism enforced through socialism. You can see it nakedly exposed in a Bernie Sanders speech to congress that I came across recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsDYA...
There is growing talk of "war", first metaphorically as the war on drugs, the war against women, or against the middle class, or against the rich, or against the poor. But wars become real, and after making illegal wars against any number of foreign nations, we seem to be building towards civil war, what with militarized police and drones and ever-encroaching limits on citizens' rights. And will this civil war be people against people, or people against governmental tyranny? And how can we reverse this snowballing process to restore the enlightened system that built America, without a war, without bloodshed and destruction?
It always galls me when people speak of "the American experiment", as though it were just some transient thing to be tossed away instead of the breakthrough to the best great hope for a lasting civilization, a foundation upon which this strange product of evolution, the human species, could advance to greatness not yet dreamed of.
In my first non-fiction book I point out a number of changes in the laws from the late 90s that undercut technology startups. These same laws of course undercut the engineering profession. What is amazing is that so many engineers do not understand that their value is tied to the strength of the patent system for instance. Without strong property rights, engineers cannot work independently or start their own businesses. Manufacturers (including google and similar companies) are the new Luddites.
I started in the aircraft industry, mostly manufacturing engineering and (my favorite) aircraft structures analysis. I eventually made the switch to A&E - hvac, plumbing, fire suppression and a little seismic. Salaries for engineers, during my career, have really stagnated and even dropped some. I know some very good engineers who get paid $65K/year. They need to have their heads examined. And, I've had plenty of offers to get to work for nothing. When I left the aerospace business I was seeing designs from major companies you've all heard of where it was clear the company didn't value good engineering. They were hiring people with zero experience to do things like design satellite structures and the designs were terrible sometimes. But, that's ok because those engineers are cheap. I've had some good laughs looking at piping drawings that were outsourced to India. Sharp people, with little experience, working for almost nothing. Knock yourselves out...
Look at the story of our new Bay Bridge here in the Bay. I love to look at it and at the Golden Gate nearby. The Golden Gate was done with pencils, paper, slide rules and real grit. The new Bay Bridge, recently done, is a mess - crappy welds, etc. We just can't get it done. I'm thinking the engineers on the Golden Gate probably had a house on the hill or a little coastal real estate...
Sorry for the rant...
Large companies today are worried about inventors that they cannot control and their answer has been to weaken patent laws, so all inventors (engineers) have to work for them and not compete with them.
DiLorenzo put it: “The use of the words United States in the singular did not become acceptable until after 1865, when the voluntary union of the states was overthrown by a bloody and violent revolution.”
DiLorenzo, Thomas (2009-01-16). Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe (Kindle Locations 903-904). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
I am more concerned with the stronger establishment of individual rights than I am in making the US a conglomeration of independent nations.
I have no problem with the US States having more independence and differentiation (though I pointed out that they did not seem to want to) but we have not had a war within the US in over a century. This cannot be said of the smaller nations of Europe. We do not need to change our current model in order to solve 'how to keep the States of the US from going to war with each other'.
This sounds like nationalism, but in this case it's what actually happened.
not society, not to the country, but for the individual
I said it's not nationalism but rather what actually happened. What's the matter with you?
The biggest best weapon available is the military those who are still loyal and reminding of the fact of their oath of office and mention how they are being treated despicably most recently in their paychecks and future retirement checks.
It doesn't take tanks in the streets. These bozos are very open to a take down without violating a single law. Not even the Secret Service will object. But they won't move without support from the population. Right now they are none to sure about the general population.
Sorry I'm not about to give the other side the juicy tidbits..
Handouts = solar companies.
Mystic split = climate change.
Worship of need = animal rights...
Mooching = mooching is over because the moocher bought a gun with the $$ we gave.
Environmentalism is to treat other men as an animal. Taxing him disproportionately to punish incentive, imposing restrictions, quotas, and rationing to control his growth, removing his ability to represent his own ideas. Are these not cruel acts with analogous actions? Kill all the buffalo and no fur or meat will remain. Destroy the bee hives and there is no honey for the toast. Beat the horse and don't be surprised if it kicks your chest. But men are not animals, and liberals cannot shape policies which will affect civilization in such a way as they would predict. Institute economic policies and stocks plummet. Institute racial quotas and racism spreads. Institute climate change policies and we shall see what happens... The liberals see themselves as the master, but they are soon to find out exactly what Malcolm said in Jurassic Park. Life finds a way. Despite the doomsday scenarios, when it comes to capitalism, the cat is out of the bag. When it comes to capital, the liberals will say, don't let the door hit you on the way out. The capitalist, though, just moves from the rental to the property. Countries will compete for capital, or they will crumble when cut off from its life-force. Rational men will not be slaves.
It was born in the halls of governance, the antilectual dyslexia of progressiveism or "not to be"
Not the being of order but the plaque of disorder.
Thanks to the consequences of creation, we whom chose to be, still thrive and prosper; otherwise, I fear, existence would have disappeared.