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Hillary, ever hear the phrase,"if you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about"?
More important the phrase people with ' a Jesus Complex' refers not to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ But to those who think they are Jesus. You might try learning English language in most any of it's acceptable forms before jumping to erroneous interpretations...unless of course you have a Jesus Complex.
I love it when people try putting words in my mouth only to find out their own words are a confession of guilt.
Sorry i can't absolve you. But I know who can. I used to arrange appointments though.
Oedipus, btw, for JT's 'benefit' never even existed, yet HE had a Complex named for him...
Objecting to the use of a term like Jesus Complex shows a hypersensitivity of the highest order of PC.
But hey, sufferers from it think they're Perfect.
Clarify, please? Thanks!
in traffic at that cop stop. -- j
like hours. . I was just going home from work. . when they had
conducted their inquisition, they forgot about me, but
I didn't dare drive away until I got the word. . sitting in
the exit lane from the interstate with the engine off and
the radio on, low, gawking in the rear-view mirror.
had to turn my headlights on when they finally let me go.
then there was that other time when they stopped me....... -- j
about finding another pretty woman. -- j
Quoting Hillary, "'What do you mean? What are you saying? Why did you lie to me?'"
(source: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/... )
The most ---------- Halloween Costume this Year? ----------- as U.S. President.
She used the word awkward and someone else scary but I thought of this thread and arrogant came to mind. Have fun it is after all also Dia De Muertos in Mexico the day of respect for the departed but they celebrate it with respect .and and humor.
You get to change the third word and the first word of the second sentence.