Ayn Rand's simplicity
Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 3 months ago to The Gulch: General
I am amazed and impressed with how Ayn Rand could make a point so quickly and simply. I was listening to the part where Mr. Thompson is trying to get John Galt to help fix the economy.
John Galt : I don't pay someone for my life.
Mr. Thompson ; That's not true! If you break your leg you pay a doctor to fix it.
John Galt : Not if he is the one who broke it
John Galt : I don't pay someone for my life.
Mr. Thompson ; That's not true! If you break your leg you pay a doctor to fix it.
John Galt : Not if he is the one who broke it
John Adams
A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible.
Woodrow Wilson
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.
Gerald R. Ford
"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is "needed" before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents' "interests," I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can." 1960
"My faith in the future rests squarely on the belief that man, if he doesn't first destroy himself, will find new answers in the universe, new technologies, new disciplines, which will contribute to a vastly different and better world in the twenty-first century. Recalling what has happened in my short lifetime in the fields of communication and transportation and the life sciences, I marvel at the pessimists who tell us that we have reached the end of our productive capacity, who project a future of primarily dividing up what we now have and making do with less. To my mind the single essential element on which all discoveries will be dependent is human freedom." 1979
August 12, 1974
(Possibly earlier written by Paul Harvey)
Just yesterday I was talking with a buddy about this. I mentioned the end of the movie "28 Days" (if I'm remembering my movies correctly). In that scene you have people living on an old farm by the water, just living day to day taking care of themselves. It was a beautiful scene really - and one you probably can't obtain in America anymore...just living your life, free from interference. Nice.
All the electorate needs to do is BELIEVE that it's 'the best source'... facts become irrelevant at that point.
Much akin me, an atheist, 'arguing religion' with a Believer. It's just SO much 'fun.'
"Why should we" is not the appropriate question to ask. If anything, it's "Why should THEY (or Anyone) Believe that?!" What can we do to Fix THAT?!
I just wonder how many iterations it took for her to become
satisfied with a statement like "show me the woman he sleeps with."
I bet that there were drafts and drafts -- remember that she said
that the process was "Killingly Difficult." -- j
I thought it would take a while to find the above turned out they first five pages. Hope that helps
order it tonight. . for me, Michael, writing is a challenge like math.
if I can't do it in a few words, the reader won't get it. . and precision
is absolutely required, no matter how the language
has been perverted. -- j
are not nearly as clear as she was. And I guess
some of it is, they are jealous of her because of
It ain't "follow the money" alone...
It's Follow The Money, The Power and The Desire To Control Others.
We regularly host their operatives, the exact word in this case, who under varying an changing names. attempt to influence conversations by posing as objectivists, libertarians, constitutionalists or seekers of knowledge. The technique is called 'Framing The Debate.'Lynne Stewart a radical leftist lawyer convicted of conspiracy for providing material support to terrorists, defrauding and making false statements.' is another of his group. Soros objects to US fighting terrorists Stewart an open advocate of violence had her legal bills paid by Open Institute another of George Soros's front groups.
They are both of Jewish cultural heritage and descent but both are advocates and supporters of radical islamists.
Soros survived WWII in Hungary and their were two ways to do that. The regular underground anti -Nazi movement and the Communist underground....The first have no record or memory of him under his original name.
After the war he was soon in London in the School of Economics and fast became more than extremely wealthy. Now resides, banks and does business offshore but lives part time in New York City.
Nothing secret about any of that I got it using Google for the most part. His non-US taxpaying business is in Curacao. Funny he wants to strip the rich but .......not where he is concerned.
"I always wonder after the fall of the 'Evil Empire' if he had found a new controller or become the puppet master himself. That's just a theory of my own."
Back to Lakoff who works out of SP Central UC Berkely provided the movements hand book Don't Think Of An Elephant, Know Your Values and Frame The Debate. See if you recognize from right here in the Gulch these points. "Never answer a question from your opponents point of view. Dodge questions and recite instead rehearsed answers.Everyone should read this book the dude is very open and the use of the book shows up here quite frequently.
If you don't want to spend the tenspot for that book or his others I have it on Kindle and it should make for some interesting post questions.
In the meantime I reframed the debate to my viewpoint and it's in New and Government under Define Not Divine and still a work in progress. Two parts the first comment is my opinion the rest is just condensed history.
Neat package of information to answer your question. Now it's time for FOGs' to step in...Friends of The George's
As if 'zealotry' is a defective gene and the polarity can change at a moment's notice.
Please use "explicit irony" or "explicit serious" font when you post a question like that, OK?