Capitalism - The Socialism Engine

Posted by SantomR 9 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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94 MILLION Americans are out of work and every day we hear about companies rushing to get away from the US and States that have hostile tax, labor and EPA regulations. Face it, America is out-of-business! CLOSED FOR BUSINESS. The progressive left has demonized, taxed, over regulated, investigated, indicted and charged businesses for being too successful. Is it any wonder why businesses are shutting down or moving out? Our politicians make it worse by demonizing business and capitalism. Without capitalism the government cannot exist, social programs cannot exist! This is why we are nearly $20 Trillion in debt! Our politicians continue to grasp power by giving out freebies to the tranquilized masses and twisting their minds against productivity, success and innovation. There is a saying "Buy low and sell high". Well just take a look at America. Is it time for us to flush the politicians who tax, spend and over regulate? Or will we continue to elect the same old same old? Maybe it is time for a President Trump? Maybe it is time for us to elect leaders who understand that capitalism cannot survive under the current situation. And if capitalism dies so too does all of the social programs that the progressive left loves so much. So, why are millions of illegal aliens coming to America? HAND OUTS! CLOWAR-PIVEN STRATEGY - LOOK IT UP.

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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 5 months ago
    I have sometimes wondered if the taxes and regulation are a New World Order strategy designed to move some our jobs to other countries. A re-distribution of jobs. If we collapse the Clintons, Obamas and RINOs don't care. They will just re-tool the country to a full Socialist nation.
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