What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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We want to hear from you. What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

A. Casting
B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
C. Cinematography
D. Special Effects
E. Hiring the right Director
F. Other

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  • Posted by DonThorntonJr 11 years, 4 months ago
    yes - all of the above

    I liked the part I cast better but using an all new cast in part III would be a novel idea and keep with the theme from part I to part II.
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  • Posted by GreedyBastard 11 years, 4 months ago
    I have to say that "B" (Getting the message right") comes closest to what I believe is THE number one priority. However, I would tweak, or revise the statement slightly to something like, " GETTING THE RIGHT MESSAGE OUT, TO THOSE WHO STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS AT STAKE, BUT ARE STILL REACHABLE."
    In other words, pre, and post, release advertising needs to target and inspire the youth, Hispanic, Black, and "middle-class" citizen groups, to see viewing of this movie as an Imperative. Possible ad line:
    "America has grown long on problems and short on solutions. Learn and understand what "Atlas Shrugged" presents, and YOU can be THE SOLUTION, and not just another part of the problem."
    We HAVE TO REACH A MUCH BROADER AUDIENCE THAN JUST THE FAITHFUL, if we are to gain ground quickly enough to pull America back from the brink of oblivion.
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  • Posted by PJV 11 years, 4 months ago
    B> Message
    ...And make the film at least 2 hours long or more. While I love the first 2 movies, they seemed too short.
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  • Posted by gilmichelini 11 years, 4 months ago
    E) In the previous two, you had the effects and the cinematography but it lacked in strong writing and therefore acting which ultimately falls to the director. Everything rises and falls on leadership.
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  • Posted by StevenH 11 years, 4 months ago
    I think you should forget about making Part III and instead make a movie of the story of the 20th Century Motor Co. as told by the stowaway. I think this story gets the message across in a way that people who haven't read the book will understand. I also think it is a story that can much easier be made into a commercially successful movie on a small budget.
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  • Posted by monsterdoc 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. The cast from part II was brilliant. Get the theme correct; it isn't too difficult as Ayn spelled it out multiple times in the book and in other forms.
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  • Posted by vido 11 years, 4 months ago
    B, of course. Atlas Shrugged is about struggling and building, and being free.
    These are the times governments around the world are enslaving people, and this message has to be transmitted.
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  • Posted by TxAg69 11 years, 4 months ago
    I was disappointed that the original cast was not used to film Part 2. I think they were great in their respective roles and should have been used in 2. I would like to see you attempt to use the original cast for Part 3. I think that would part of "Getting it Right"! The rest of your work was really great in the making of Part 1 and Part 2!!!!!!
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  • Posted by PhilBrown 11 years, 4 months ago
    Even though I advocated DIALOGUE AND EXPOSITION earlier, the ~kind~ of dialogue and exposition are crucial: They are for the purpose of building character, laying out conflict, showing emotions and attitudes not just preaching philosophy. Or politics.

    This is not a 'message' movie, any more than the book was. It is a work of art, a 'sense of life' movie.

    Don't make the mistake of hamfisted didacticism (script by someone else who is neither a great writer nor historic genius): Use RAND'S OWN WORDS: Four things --> her striking metaphors, vivid descriptions, passionate emotion, powerful logic.
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  • Posted by rickwm01 11 years, 4 months ago
    F. Other - Script. Getting the writing right is the most important part. Finding good actors is easy, and special effects don't have to be anything great. But the script and dialogue have to be perfect or the movie will be misunderstood.
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  • Posted by ecam 11 years, 4 months ago
    B or courese, but I hope you can keep the current cast.
    IDEA *** during galt's speech which is the "in case you didn't get it" part of the book, Use footage of REAL events that illustrate his message as background. Hopefully, this will "cement" the point. Thanks for listening.
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  • Posted by Jclark930inc 11 years, 4 months ago
    By far, Getting the message right is to priority. Ayn Rand's message is timeless and the world need to hear it more than ever.
    Also understanding why Societies decline. The Five Laws of Decline include, Sturgeon's Law, Bastiat's Law, Gresham's Law, Law of Deminishing returns and The Law of Momentum. A book that simplifies how these 5 Laws lead to the Declin of nations is LEADERSHIFT by Orrin Woodward and Oliver DMille.
    At any rate JOHN GALT'S voice has to be heard Clearly and Simply as it relates to the Rand's Book because this is the defining moment in Part III.
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  • Posted by Briteblackfilms 11 years, 4 months ago
    F. Make sure your screenplay is a solid piece of entertainment which people want to go see, the message is a theme you'd be hard pressed to miss, so just worry about the characters coming across as engaging on the page.
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