How do you resist?
Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 11 years ago to Government
As a naturalized citizen the love of freedom is not only etched but burned within my being. I fell in love with the United States of America and all it stood for: putting a man on the Moon, FREEDOM, Opportunity. However, it seems that these days that country has been overtaken by the Socialists, Marxists and Communists it once fought and guarded against. The thought police with its Political Correctness, the looters with its wealth redistribution and the legislative actions it has taken in recent years has turned this into a Nation I no longer recognize. I stand in opposition whenever and however I can from not hiring people to being 'On Strike' ! But truthfully, I think I've lost all hope for the country called the United States that once was. Wondering, how do YOU resist? What can be done? CAN anything be done?
and never, NEVER let an opportunity to speak out for "the American Way" go by. It doesn't matter if you're tired, or there are only 2 other people there, speak out. example? My honey was standing in a very long line at the pharmacy last month, and a customer was berating the clerk about being stupid, the store for not hiring enough clerks, yada yada. The pharmacist actually came out and apologized, saying that "the changes" were making things take longer. The hero I live with said, very loudly and very clearly "thank YOU, President Obama!!" and almost started a riot. People were so angry and upset and didn't have any target for that feeling. He gave them one, and everyone in the line started talking to each other about "did you hear..." and "I tried to get the insurance..." and that sort of thing. For those few moments, they came together, and had a common enemy, and they knew who it was. Will everything change overnight? Of course not. But some percentage of those people will take that aimed anger and frustration and DO something with it: political, educational, small arena like the weekend BBQ or large arena.
One of the best things you can do is to plant the seeds of change, every time you get the chance.
It's a self-selected group who stands around grousing about politicians being responsible for their problems. The rest of the world just selects another vendor and gets things done.
Get involved in politics. Campaign for you choice of candidate. Contribute to causes you believe in. If this doesn’t seem to be working, run for office yourself. The more people involved and working to stop the changes, the more effective the effort will be.
One of the best ways to influence wha t is going on is to form a Tea Part group. I know there is no umbrella organization for Tea Party organizations or groups, but there are some large Tea Party groups that might be able to assist you in getting set up and going.
So don't give up hope. America is still the land of ideals and principles to a lot of the world. Those of us who know what is important should just do as much as we can.
Politically I am active in state and national gun rights. I talk to everyone I interact with more than once about it. I also make the normal calls, letters, and gatherings. My conversations with individuals usually start with their opinion against guns and me asking them who is responsible for their protection. They almost always reply with the word police. I, of course, site the 2005 SCOTUS decision in Castle Rock v. Gonzales and the conversation turns my way every single time.
I find it amazing that we are able to not only survive, but live and thrive as a family on a single income of just over $50,000 a year. I never thought it possible, and it has given me another outlet. All the drive I had to succeed and, well being honest, conquer has found a place in this new life. I make my own ammo, do my own auto repair, we garden, and I have actually taken up woodworking of all things. I find that I really enjoy the act of creating not with only my mind, but my hands also. My work is not what I would call “up to snuff” yet, but it is getting there.
I do what I can, but when it comes right down to it these jerks in office and the people who elected them have only each other to blame. They belong together. Me? I opt out. To hell with the looters and moochers. Let them have it… For now.
You can't make people wake up, but you can control what you do.about the situation, and you CAN try to educate the people around you.
The good news is more and more people ARE waking up, and there are more of us than there are of the thug socialist tyrants who are trying to destroy our freedom. Keep calm and keep resisting.
Concealed carry, purchasing a new firearm with a Fed background check, heck, even obtaining a hunting license or frequenting a firing range will put your name in a database of people to confiscate firearms from.
You say someone has been foolish to identify themselves to the government by having a carry permit? I say if one has abandoned their ability to protect themselves and their family while out and about leaving their day to day safety up to random chance, the goodwill of their fellow man, and the forbearance of reptiles they are the real fools. There is no shortage of people who believe they can own a firearm no one knows about, not get training, not frequent a range, and think they will somehow “rise to the occasion” if that firearm is needed. It is simply not true in the least. In a stressful situation you do not revert back to the level of the last youtube video you watched, or even to the last training you got. You revert back to the level of training that you have MASTERED. I have seen combat, just as others have, and what you said is nothing more than a recipe for failure and death.
Public property, on the other hand, should have no restriction.
Really, are you this dense?
That said, I try to resist by calling bullshit on anyone who hides behind evasions and lives through contradictions, calling out their double-standard. I resist through being prepared. I resist through trying to lower my taxability in every way I can. Every check I send in for my property extortion or to the Irs or any other government entity, I always sign, "Signed under threat duress or coercion." I always buy American Flag stamps and put them on my envelopes upside down. I put little 'Who is John Galt' stickers on gas pumps, vending machines, shopping carts, and other random places. We try to eat healthy and organic when affordable. We have a good sized garden and greenhouse with heirloom vegetables organically grown. We have banished commercial television from the house, and come summertime, I intend to take the TV out and put a clip of 7.62 through it.
I question everything and take nothing on face value; always wondering , 'What could be their underlying motives?"
I plan to resist even further by homeschooling, and refusing unnecessary vaccines. I will resist any attempt by the state to steal my child's mind, or mine. We're working towards full self-employment and, eventually, being completely off the grid.
I resist by breaking bubbles and delusions. When people try to avoid the way things are, I slap them in the face with facts, and basically try to make the comfortable, uncomfortable; even if sometimes I have to set my sights on myself.
"Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone." - Ayn Rand
...and from some advice given to Sir Antony Fisher, as described in the Introduction to the Road to Serfdom, about how to affect change in society:
"Fisher makes the short walk from his office to the [London School of Economics] and knocks on Hayek’s door. Fisher also recalled the physical setting of Hayek’s office in minute and accurate detail, including its proximity to that of the dreaded Harold Laski. Fisher claimed that after small talk (which neither excelled at) the conversation went like this:
I share all your worries and concerns as expressed in The Road to Serfdom and I’m going to go into politics and put it all right.
No you’re not! Society’s course will be changed only by a change in ideas. First you must reach the intellectuals, the teachers and writers, with reasoned argument. It will be their influence on society which will prevail, and the politicians will follow."
Government-provided health care the world over is called Socialism, and here it is unconstitutional despite the best efforts of lawyers who are paid to cast doubt on the obvious and make the ridiculous seem plausible.
The government takeover and control of corporations, banking/lending, insurance, manufacturing, et al, is called Corporatism, Corporate Fascism, or simply Fascism, and it too is unconstitutional.
This is not just my opinion. Take it from the father of Fascism, Benito Mussolini: "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
Government mandated redistribution of wealth by any and all means is pure Marxist Communism: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need," Bastiat called it "Plunder," and it is also unconstitutional.
As Ayn Rand explained (lest anyone try to parse differences where none really exist): “Fascism and communism are not two opposites, but two rival gangs fighting over the same territory . . . both are variants of statism, based on the collectivist principle that man is the rightless slave of the state.”
Our lawless President, US Senate and previous Democrat-controlled House committed all these violent assaults against our liberty, and the Courts all too often aid and abet them in this tyranny. Congress has no Constitutional authority whatsoever to meddle in any of these things.
The Tree of Liberty is damned thirsty!
An excellent tutorial illustrating the spectrum of govt:
That said, you should get involved in local government. You can change your community and by becoming a person in leadership, you can help to educate and influence others.
Back to Socialism, the speech is great. Very convincing for it goes right for the arteries, it´s very "heart felt". But who are we kidding? We´re men, not saints. Rules are made to be broken, and the more rules there are, the more corruption there is. A powerfull State, metaphysically speaking, is one that has small need or use. A very "oriental" statement, a weak state is always "up in your face", down your pants and in your deductions. Why does Socialism only work in Syberia, Finland and Sweden? Because, like wolves we are us humans, and when in extreme situations the pack must group up to protect itself from death. The extreme climates in these places call for extreme measures, but even they know that Smith was right, that capitalism is more our nature than any other as a society. It hurts to admit that Social Darwinism is very accurate. It is. That´s why Ayn Rand is so great, that´s why we´re here honoring her work.
I live under a two regimes right now, clashing constantly. One is dawning, dressed in todays trendy socialist mumble jumble. The other is old, and it´s hidden behind the experience that laissez faire is the ideal and that this new speech is like a drug, for it´s more real than religion but, ultimately, it aspires for the same things. Control, Power and yup, ironically, capitalism. But only for the few, selected "friends" that aspire to monarchic goals through the bribing and distortion of democracy, freedom and all these utopias as well.
The Kirchners, if you don´t know them, are like bankers. They "legally" became very wealthy through mortgages as the banks legal representatives and, in politics, are making "legal" fortunes for themselves with the stories of capitalism and all that. They defend Maduro in Venezuela not for philosophy or anything else, but because of the raw oil, the friendship and the same selfish "capitalism" that Chavez excercised...
The whole concept of a State is abstract, and it´s need should only be for your private benefit, to each his own. It´s hard to measure merit, even money is a defiant system. But hey, we as humans shall never be perfect...that´s just the way it goes. Live, learn and profit. If we all stuck to our own selfish requires, completely and directly, we´d realize that if my neighbor is well off, all the better well off I´ll be as well. Classism is an awfull truth...
Take into account that the Dept. of Education and schools are indoctrinating kids at an early age. Children are taught not to be proud of the USA, not to show too much patriotism or pride. As a society we no longer award achievements or excellence instead choosing to award everyone equally. The US is now a country where half the population, yes, 50 %, is on some sort of government assistance.
I may be entirely wrong in my assessment however, having lived abroad, experience a great many adversities, I believe the only way America will get back on track is through experiencing some very hard times (perhaps like those in Atlas Shrugged).
I think it will take harder times than the Great Depression era. When all handouts are gone and people really have to fend for themselves, perhaps we might see a reboot of the USA but until we are tested by fire and show our mettle I don't think anything will change.
It contains the CARR - Constitutional Amendment Repeal and Repair that will restore a government OF the people not Above the people.
Your wrong. Most Americans are against what has happened here but most of us have not woken up yet but when we do, the people that are trying to bring down America will not be standing any longer. God bless America and down with the Secular Progressives.
Yes and no, but mostly no. If you ask many (or most) people about some particular egregious situation (a specific effect of applying a law or regulation) then they will honestly agree with you.
The next step, however, usually meets with intransigence - try to convince them that the entire law or regulation is bad and they will just start quoting how some bad person or group or corporation would oppress and destroy if not kept in check by the law or regulation.
I can only remember ONE success I've had, and it was recent. A friend said that she believed that health care was a basic human right. I calmly explained to her why I didn't believe that. How it's impossible to have a right that depends on someone else to provide it to you. It only took 2 or 3 minutes and she had changed her mind. She really internalized what I said. But that was an exceedingly rare moment!
There's nothing wrong with using Labels -- Labels are just words, words with definitions, and all language depends on words. The more words you know the better you can communicate, but we must all agree on the definitions of those words, else we're just babbling at each other.
If we eliminated all political "Labels" today, new ones would be invented to take their place tomorrow. The problem arises when the meaning of a Label is obfuscated or mutated communication fails; some call it equivocation, the less nuanced among us simply call it lying.
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