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Also one of the comments quoted from under the article: "Interesting comparison between Hillary and Evita Peron. Evita and her husband, Juan Peron created a foundation allegedly to benefit of the underclass, from which she and her husband would enrich themselves."
The only makeup Broom Hillary needs to be a payaso is a bulbous red clown nose.
This line of reasoning is as big a stretch as the article.
Evita Peron'
Met with Clinton'
By way of Madame Madonna.
They studied Stalin'
While sipping at Gin'
One said I will if you Wanna
Offered Philosofia'
Advised on the food at the Fonda.
If you contact la gripa'
Don't let it ripya'
This salsa will cure la problema.
Now where did that mango'.
Che Che Silohetto'
No se ...Tu conosca'?
And I've got the T Shirt to Prove it.
As does anyone in the forum whose been around for a few months.
I can't wait to see what he plasters all over LA in the cover of night :)
1- Both Hillary and Evita are opportunists and will say whatever will bring them more power.
2- Both Hillary and Evita change their tune in response to the political winds of the moment
3- Both Hillary and Evita are sociaiists and want to take from the rich and give to the "poor"
4- Both Hillary and Hitler hide what they are doing from the people she is supposedly helping. Hitler tried to hide the death camps when he thought he was losing the war. Hillary tried to hide whatever it was that she did as Secretary of State by having a private email server.
We dont need someone like this as president in my opinion
sidered her to be much of anything but a witch (ex-
cept spell that with a B), since about 1994, when,
upon being asked what her government-mandated
health care plan would do to small businesses, she replied that it wasn't her job to save every
small business in the country (as if anyone had
asked her to save any such, rather than just
leave them alone). In other words, the old (al-
leged) "Let them eat cake."