Watch Activists Airdrop Flyers onto an NSA Base Urging Agents to Quit Their Jobs

Posted by gaiagal 9 years, 2 months ago to Government
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A government seeking control over its people can't be successful without the complicity of most dangerous threat to life and liberty: the order takers.


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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 2 months ago
    I'm pretty sure that for every person who quits over "ethical" reasons, there'll be 10 or more lining up to take his/her place. Maybe I'm wrong. Make that 20 people.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
      You are low by a factor of ten at the very least. They will not only follow orders they will pass them on and automatically participate in a cover up. it's only when they are hauled in before a version of Nuremberg do they wake up and realized it's their turn to be sacrificed. They are especially prevalent in and around government jobs just to keep their own spot. The worst make a career of advancing by sacrificing others. They are most easily found on the battle field' after the battle is over. after the hard work is done and it's five minutes from knocking off for the day or flying high high overhead then swooping in looking for credit and souvenirs. After the shooting, after the forest fire, after the hurricane. We have a time honored acronym for them. REMF. The polite version is Rear Echelon Mother Feathers. When it's over they arrive like a pack of locusts wondering why the place isn't cleaned up, the tools cleaned, the uniforms starched or the complaining about the requests for replacement of bodies, tools, ammunition and yet.....poof....gone before it gets dark only to be seen again at their phony awards presentations.the one's where the deserving youong soldier gets the Green Weenie while the absentee next higher up gets the Bronze or Silver Star or DFC. depending on a. rank and b. distance from the sound of bullets flying or paint drying, while those that do find they are under selection for release from service while the REMFs move up the ladder towards placed like a Pentagon assignment all the while dropping dimes and nickels and pennies as they make sure the after action reports are written their way. Military, civilian, government or corporate they are the disease of the nation and their very act of breathing a crime against humanity.

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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
        A green weenie is the lowest level of award possible given to justify the presentation of higher awards to others more distant from what ever the effort was. Every where in every effort of human endeavor the rule is give as little credit as possible and steal as much credit as possible then make sure when the next higher level does it to you, make sure your status is protected. Eventually you get these high flying slugs that serve to feed BS to Presidents directly and serve the nation not at all.

        I exclude the actions that can't be covered up of those who earned their just due all the while realizing for everyone that received same there are ten who were ignored.

        They are your block wardens, your snitches, your suck ups,

        Don't sleep near them . They are also your prime targets for fragging. Invariably for getting other people killed, wounded, demoted or denied promotion in favor of some suck ass shake and bake whip and chills. They are not part of the real effort and never accepted as anything more than a part of the enemy or opposition as they progressively slither towards the top. Best to avoid them or ......

        I write this in honor of the deeds that went unrewarded and as a way of spitting on those who stole that which was not there's.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 2 months ago
      I'd say you're right. It's one of the rationales used to continue to behave in an immoral manner. "If I don't do this, someone else will so it's foolish for me to give this up."

      I chose to leave two industries (state government and health care) due to conflicting moral and ethical values. I wasn't out the door before my positions were filled. Knowing this didn't make me feel any differently about my choices. It did drive home the awareness of the strong desire people have (especially if they are being purchased by a great salary and benefits) to believe the Emperor is in full arrayment.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 2 months ago
    So to a drone's operator a NSA site can be used as a litter box.
    Fine by me.
    Tip to the operator: Do not approach or leave the drop site in a straight line to your whereabouts.
    Flying low would also help with that.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
      Good description. Drones are drones playing video games. But better their unmanned aircraft getting shot down than useful human beings. Who do you think took the hit for that drone that Obama abandoned in the Middle East? Some sad sack game player who found out real life has a price to pay no matter how many times one hits the reset button.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 2 months ago
    There's a group in Utah that has discovered a Utah Law against harassment and stalking that puts the NSA Utah Facility guilty of a felony.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 2 months ago
      Wasn't that sometime in early 2014? Remember the bravado talk of Utah shutting off the water to the facility in 2013? It's become obvious that laws don't apply to government/political ruling class (except when needed to further ideologies/agendas.)The government has become a flagrant scofflaw.

      Poor Richard Nixon, talk about being born too soon. Now, relative to the past few admins, he appears to be a paragon of virtue.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 9 years, 2 months ago
    Looks to me like one of those "feel-good" actions which are ineffective. Sort of like re-cycling garbage. This looks like more fun than garbage, which means it has a more socially redeeming value: happiness.
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