Watch Activists Airdrop Flyers onto an NSA Base Urging Agents to Quit Their Jobs
Posted by gaiagal 9 years, 4 months ago to Government
A government seeking control over its people can't be successful without the complicity of most dangerous threat to life and liberty: the order takers.
I exclude the actions that can't be covered up of those who earned their just due all the while realizing for everyone that received same there are ten who were ignored.
They are your block wardens, your snitches, your suck ups,
Don't sleep near them . They are also your prime targets for fragging. Invariably for getting other people killed, wounded, demoted or denied promotion in favor of some suck ass shake and bake whip and chills. They are not part of the real effort and never accepted as anything more than a part of the enemy or opposition as they progressively slither towards the top. Best to avoid them or ......
I write this in honor of the deeds that went unrewarded and as a way of spitting on those who stole that which was not there's.
I chose to leave two industries (state government and health care) due to conflicting moral and ethical values. I wasn't out the door before my positions were filled. Knowing this didn't make me feel any differently about my choices. It did drive home the awareness of the strong desire people have (especially if they are being purchased by a great salary and benefits) to believe the Emperor is in full arrayment.
Fine by me.
Tip to the operator: Do not approach or leave the drop site in a straight line to your whereabouts.
Flying low would also help with that.
Poor Richard Nixon, talk about being born too soon. Now, relative to the past few admins, he appears to be a paragon of virtue.