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    Posted by RonC 9 years, 5 months ago
    The problem for freedom loving Americans is not awareness, we all know what's going on. The real problem is we don't have a clarion call to action or a well defined action to take.

    We could rely on the election and encourage everyone to vote. The truth is most low information voters should not be allowed nor asked to vote. Just check out "Watter's World" on the O'reilly factor for a demonstration of man on the street stupidity.

    Beyond that, logistically our only alternative would be messages by courier. The government and NSA are monitoring messaging and movements around the world. If someone gave the signal, "let's role" over the internet, twitter, facebook, cell phone, or any other digital device, big brother would send a black SUV and pick them up. Just consider all the lone wolfs they have thwarted.

    So here we sit, some of the best informed, educated, and able people in the country with personal knowledge of how things should be, and we are left helpless to change things.

    Gingrich said last night on Hannity there is a big change coming from the electorate. 70%+ of the people out here are fed up. I would guess the other side knows that too and is moving with great haste to surrender our sovereignty to the UN and use international forces to quell any uprisings in flyover country. Large urban areas are easy to sedate, just hand out the free stuff.
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    • Posted by cjferraris 9 years, 5 months ago
      Evil triumphs when good people do nothing.. All of those people that see our rights being taken away, and the Constitution being trampled on but do NOTHING are just as guilty!
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      • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 5 months ago
        Dj, tell me what you have done. I ask because I honestly don't know what I can do.
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        • Posted by cjferraris 9 years, 5 months ago
          Actually, I have lit up the phone lines of my Senator and Representative. I've also reminded them that although I've supported them in the past, I can support another candidate just as easily. They can be fired as well.
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        • Posted by Bethesda-gal 9 years, 5 months ago
          Just as cj suggests, while it might feel insignificant, CONTACTING your eldcted officials IS IMPORTANT. Living in the DC 'burbs, I recently visited my senator with a group to express our horror at the Iran nuke deal. Our Dem senator came out in opposition of the deal.
          The other thing you can do is look up your local party organizations and get involved with them. Help get our electorate more informed through those orgs, raise money for candidates or volunteer for campaigns. Stuffing envelopes for a political mailing is better than sitting at home.
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  • Posted by rtpetrick 9 years, 5 months ago
    Let me remind all on this blog..
    When law is dictated by a president, we have a
    DIC.....TA......TOR.....SHIP !!!!!!
    Perhaps the time has come for Congress to do something about it.
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 5 months ago
      Left to his own devices, this president would stand up a government capable of nothing less than the USSR or Nazi well meaning in the beginning...
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
      True except they are part and parcel for the most part. It's time for the citizens to do something about it except....sad to say....they are part of the parcel as well. I was seriously thinking of changing the phrase Government Party to Couch Potato Party.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
    Since I've inherited some money and really hate O'Bozo's big Marxist mouth, I'm going to buy a new handgun.
    My glove compartment ,45 tending to become a "jamamatic" at the pistol range, I'm going to trade it in for a 9mm that shoots a lot more bullets. My son has such a pistol he carries holstered inside his belt.
    The new gun would contain the same ammo as the pocket pistol I bought this last summer.
    I've read that cowboys liked the compatible ammo of their .45 Colt revolvers and Winchester rifles. So yippy-ti-yay!
    And maybe I'll get an AR-15 also.
    I recently surprised my son by shooting a tighter group with his home assembled AR-15 than he had lethal enough at the time.
    I explained that before I retired, the Alabama DOC required me to NRA qualify with an AR-15
    at annual training sessions between 1984 - 2013.
    Oops, new thought. Maybe I should look for a similar rifle that fires 9mm. I'll research that.
    I've read that his majesty the dictator does not like civilians to have .223-cal. rounds.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
      Even with a semi jacketed hollow point round which means you have to polish the feed ramp among other things it's a wuss round. Useful only if you are in a part of the world where the ammunition is available in quantities. .40 cal or 10 mm to say it another way should be the minimum UNLESS you can shoot as well as i do which took forty plus years in which case a .22 will do nicely. One need s 17 round plus magazines and one in the spout precisely because it takes three times as many hits to do what one .45 cal slug will accomplish. The other rule is remember pistols are for 20 feet or less. Those being the averages and most not carrying a TC carry a combination that will the most with the least trigger pulls rather than the opposite. For revolvers the optimum at low end is a .357 Magnum rated pistol with at least a 125 grain SJHP Plus P. and a few of it's big brothers on the side. After that a 12 gauge with #4 Buck or slugs and then your in long gun territory.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
        Silenced Revolver? Is it possible Anyone care to comment? Or is it just Hollywood crapola?
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
            Sorry....that's a gotcha question. The russians were the first using gaskets on the front end of the cylinder and a standard suppressor. They were also the second using a trick based on one of your carriers. The US was third and most successful converting Model 29 S&W for use by Tunnel Rats in Vietnam.

            The trick was not silencing the weapon but the cartridge itself. So... beefed up necked down .44 down to .357 cartridge (which in real life along with the .38 and the 9mm and the 9mm short or .380 has never been more than .355 to .356 the rest was advertising) The necked down portion was heavily built up and held a piston disc with a rod, powder loaded from the rear and the primer seated last. All that was left was the revolver actions as the cylinder turned and the hammer cocked. And the pin striking the primer.

            Primer ignited powder burned and expanded and slammed the piston forward just like launching jet the bullet was propelled by that force with enough power to do the job at 50' to 100 feet'.

            The explosion was contained as the disc sealed the end of the cartridge at the neck. No suppressor needed Voila the world's first but not last use of a fully sound suppressed revolver (other than mechanical action. No sonic boom so very quiet.

            Some were developed for use in semi-automatic pistols as well.

            This was one of the few if not only weapons designs not stolen from the Germans. But Russia was not the only country to do that. The famous Springfield rifle of WW1 fame had a Mauser Action and our courts made the government pay the royalties after that war.

            No proof but one story claims Russian designer of the sound suppressed cartridge followed the design of guessed it... Navy carriers launching with steam catapults. Developed by the British. Which brings us back to SaltyDog.
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  • Posted by ChestyPuller 9 years, 5 months ago
    Has nothing to do with stopping anything except the right of the people to bear arms. They are using the Anti-Gun Manual they put together and gave out to all the anti-gunners in the MSM and organizations across the country to finally destroy our last piece of protection which is keeping the communists, [call them socialist's if you want, but Karl Marx wrote that socialism is the stepping stone to get capitalism to move to communism], from taking over our country.

    If you look at Zogby polls it shows for the first time ever the pro 2nd Amendment vs the anti-gun vote is 51 to 49 percent.

    Think about that the margin of error is usually 3% and with this many uneducated voters the gov't could plow through anti-gun legislation without much of an uproar. If you think that crazy, ask yourself this:
    Is it an infringement to have to get a permit?
    Is it an infringement to have to register [license (you know the paperwork you fill out with the weapons serial number on it)] a weapon?
    Is it an infringement to tax the purchase of a weapon or ammo?
    Is it an infringement to require you to take courses before being able to buy a weapon?

    As to taxing the purchase, why is it they cannot tax bread, milk, eggs, or meat but, they can tax weapons and ammo?

    You see they have been taking over for years and this CPOTUS [Clown President Of The United States] thinks its time to finish the job.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
      Far as I know there is nothing that is not taxed. I don't know why you worry so much about it. One baseball bat and the amount of weapons available for the taking is astronomical. Water pistol full of ammonia or a glass full of hot sauce (Daves's Insanity or ghost peppers preferred) and they'll give you the keys and the codes and the passwords to anything. just think of it as fly swatting. Do you remember the name of the last fly you swatted? Do you care?
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  • Posted by cjferraris 9 years, 5 months ago
    Didn't Rahm Emmanuel say something about not letting a good crisis go to waste? I mean they exploit so many things that are politically expedient and ignore what doesn't fit their agenda..
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
      That was Hillary. "Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste." The quote originated in South America from a strategy by Carlos Marighella of Brazil who wrote Mini Manual For the Urban Guerrilla and The Cycle Of Repression used by the Tupamaros of Uruguay. Originally a way for a small underfunded and equipped revolutionary force to succeed against a very popular and completely democratic Republic style of Government by turning their moral strengths against them through creating fear and the willingness of the public to give up civil rights in order to be protected.

      The tactical portion was never attacking the same type of target twice nor use the same methods or technology. Thus the government forces never knew what to defend. Tupamaros were defeated by a whisker an the the once proud "Switzerland of South America' never fully regained what it had lost. The one common factor was always ensure the target area included innocent women and children.

      Gradually the increased repression used by the government at the behest of citizens took it's toll and they began to support the insurgents starting to think this sounds familiar? It is. What Hillary referred was a reversal of roles where the Government uses the Cycle of Repression against it's own citizens. Gradually it evolved into the formation of the first Protective Echelon (German for Schutz Staffel) in North America and the future Directorate of Internal State Security was formed.

      In giving up the moral and political values of the Bill of Rights the US lost that round - the terrorists (foreign) won and we now face domestic terrorism as a result.

      TSA is but a small part of it....the only question is where will they strike next. I make a point of never attending high school basketball games recalling the movie Carrie.

      Sell your soul for perceived safety and security and reap the whirlwind...

      Lots of resources may be found on a google search. It's standard fare for training in certain of our military units and has been since the sixties. Oddly enough I never saw them invited to join in the new organization. But the instant expert amateurs arrived by the thousands.
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  • -3
    Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 5 months ago
    Why do you keep asking these types of stupid conservative questions. It's up to you whether you obey stupid executive orders or not; they're not laws. Stand up and be a man.
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    • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 5 months ago
      Zen: Really?! Come on, you can do better than that. I most always enjoy your comments as they are insightful and original but you must have mixed Mentos in your Coke!
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    • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
      LOL...Maybe we could move to one of your sanctuary cities and not worry about the law!

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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 5 months ago
        Once you learn the concept of being an independent free man that respects all men's freedom, you won't need to fear outsiders. strangers, or native Americans (N and/or S mixed genetics). Then we can all get back to a proper government devoted to only protecting individual rights by limited, proper use of retaliatory force, and letting all of us return to being productive men using our minds instead of trying to get the government to do things for us against others.
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        • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
          that you lost a point on this site for saying what you said-well, HELLO-no two points for this statement-makes me want to spend time on other blogs. let the conservatives own this blog. gah.
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          • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 5 months ago
            If you haven't noticed lately, they kind of already do.
            Irrational Pragmatists. It's fear and a lack of principles.
            Remember from our history, all the same fears and hate-mongering that went on during the Irish/Catholic 'invasion'.
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            • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
              You think protecting ones self from jihadists is irrational? And you're comparing them to the Irish Catholics? Tell many times did the Pope chant "Death to America"? Can't answer? OK, here's an easy one for many bombs did the Irish Catholics set off at Boston Marathons? How many shoe bombers were from Ireland? Can you name any Irish Catholics that demanded Apostolic Law when they arrived on our shores? No, someone is being irrational around here, and you needn't look too far to find out who it is.
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          • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
            Why are points so important to you K? Frankly, I'd rather debate content than deal with points. Oh well. To each his own!

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            • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
              are you removing them? I almost never take away points. I want the most objective comments to rise to the top of threads. That is by points, salty.
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              • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 5 months ago
                Kh: Yes, "objective comments to rise to the top" but if a Gulch member shoots down a legitimate post this is stretching thin the "objectivism". The Gulch Code of Ethics does state that chastising other Gulch Members is frowned upon. I have a lot of respect for you Kh and I guess I would have expected a somewhat different comment from you in regards to Zenphamy's harsh comments to Salty...
                However, as you later stated, and I too want, "reason and truth to win the world. So be it.
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              • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
                Me? No. I rarely remove points, the only times being when there's something objectionable to someone. For me, it's only words on a screen. The overwhelming majority of the time, I add points as their stated purpose is promote something of interest...whether or not I agree with it is immaterial. To me, the civil debate is what's important. Well, that and when something is funny!
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                • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
                  I just want the truth and reason to win the world salty. why I spend so much time in here. ;)
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                  • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
                    You'll get no argument from me on the principle. However, the devil is in the details as they say.

                    Let me toss this out:

                    If I had lived in New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina, the most important truth in the world to me is that the Army Corps of Engineers MUST reinforce the levees, and further, anyone who disagrees with me on that is simply wrong. However, I don't live in New Orleans, and I might think that anyone who chooses to live in a soup bowl 40 feet below sea level is a dolt, and I might object to spending tax dollars to fix anything there.

                    You see, differences is our perception of 'truth' can make for good, and sometimes spirited debates among civil people. People who refuse to be civil, however, deserve nothing more than to be ignored by both sides of the discussion.
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                    • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
                      you are not talking about "truth" but an evaluation of truth.
                      and example Truth is gravity causes the Earth to rotate around the Sun. There is not three truths there, but one. Some people may think that's good or bad-but that is an evaluation of facts.

                      There is ONE objective truth.
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                      • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
                        So you're saying that I couldn't believe that the levee should be fixed or are you saying that I couldn't believe that I don't want tax dollars to go to New Orleans?

                        Your position is untenable, K, and thus flawed.
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                        • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
                          no, I start from foundations and take no short cuts, salty. it is HUGELY inconvenient, but I am compelled as an Objectivist to go through all of the steps. You consistently miss the forest because you hang around in the trees
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        • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
          Once you learn the concept that there are people and forces abroad in the world who want nothing more than our destruction, you'll understand why there is a need for borders and protections. In the nuclear, chemical and biological warfare arena, there will be no retaliation...strike one, game's over.
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          • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
            this is widely understood, and your comment is directed to a Veteran.
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              • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 5 months ago
                No, Salty; The poster said: "Once you learn the won't need to fear..."
                Conservatives, since 9/11 have used our fear to take our freedom and grind it into the ground, and they're upping their game.
                I don't live my life in fear because rationally, I don't see anyone around me to substantiate fear, unless you count the people in my government, or the conservatives that seem to want to give up more and more of our freedoms, and want the US to intervene in other men's lives and their countries' problems without invitation.
                I still keep my weapons accessible as I have most of my life, but I don't sleep with them under my pillow or point them at strangers when I first encounter them. And I find all the fear mongering going on this site lately, an Objectivist site, to be insulting and sad.
                Fear can be a useful emotion, but only when it's rationally assessed and used by the individual feeling it. But when one let's it control them and their reactions, it can kill.
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