Narcissist In Chief's F-ed up Proxy War
Posted by not-you 9 years, 5 months ago to Government
If ObeyMe wants to fight an effective proxy war against ISIS why in the hell doesn't he do this for the Kurds. They don't need billions of dollars worth of 'training," ...all they need are the arms because the Peshmerga can DO the rest. He's is going to dick-around and get the US into a shooting incident with Putin. Nothing more dangerous than a Moron Narcissist.
O = 0 is completely out of touch with reality.
Change leadership.....God, there's just NO
words. No words!
So thinks the mind that thought to spend our way out of debt by doubling it.
point of past delusional, now show-
ing signs of insanity....GOD save
His eyes almost look attached to his eyebrows and then peer into those eyes;
The look of Jeb Bush's eyes are weird too, by the way.
In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned the nation about the dangers of foreign policy entanglements and participating in foreign wars. I expect old George would have taken it even further than your sainted Rand, and not even intervened to liberate, "slave pens," [But then Ms. Rand while having many good ideas about individual rights undercut a chunk of her credibility with me when I learned that she advocated elective abortions purely for reasons of convenience.]
While I understand that you don't agree with that, it is where an Objectivist derives their opinion on the subject. It has nothing to do with passing through the birth canal. Some Objectivist will even opine that it's nearly a year before the mind of a baby really makes enough neural connections and development to be considered a complete human.
Just a little pedanticism, for fun.
I hope it's clear that whether someone agrees or disagrees with Rand doesn't indicate they think for themselves.
To quote Bill Cosby, "Right."
To follow one of Limbaughs greatest lines. "Let's be fair about this. You have a deserter and traitor on the one hand and a military combat veteran on the other. Given your anti-military stance which one would you honor? Just be glad former Janet Napolitano wasn't around. She's the one that claimed the governments greatest enemy is former and present members of the military. Look at the way his congress takes care of them. The same one percent diss-missile given to the elderly and retirees.
In light of that. Then look at his lack of morals, values and standards. Hell hath no fury like an unhonorable failure and wannabe man.
What else could he have done. By his low standards it is a wonder the hero wasn't stood in front of firing squad and the traitor wasn't made Secretary of State. Just to follow past examples.