A perfect commercial
Posted by iroseland 10 years, 11 months ago to Entertainment
this is the best Cadillac ad ever.. Of course check out the comments to see stupid people foaming at the mouth over it,
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGJSI48gkFc
I love this commercial and the house they're living in is exactly the type of architecture that Ayn Rand loved and talked about in The Fountainhead.
I thought the commercial is fine. It's a free country. You can take August off if you like. My wife and I take time off when it makes sense with our practices. It's no big deal. And who cares if he plugs in his car or not. It's a free country. When there are cheap used plug-in cars available, I'd like one. The whole point, IMHO, is you need to be focused on getting what you want, e.g. time off to go to cafes, plug-in cars, whatever you like. I like the ad b/c it reminds me of my family, where we are both hard-charging in business, but it's a free country for those who want to be more laid back.