Venezuela S.O.S.

Posted by sender47 11 years ago to Government
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At this moment maybe we are waiting a miracle, the situation is eaxh moment worse. Cubans sended by Castro control the armed forces.

This night many people have died, 300 meters from my house one died, and another one is being operated as we speak. Is not only the armed gangs that has been given freedom to shot anyone protesting, is also the "Guardia nacional bolivariana" armed force branch for internal affairs. They are also shooting protesters. people that have a pan and make noise with it as a protest (called cacerolazo).

I left this link to the reporter crew of cnn that was assaulted last night

I don't know if there is anyone with any power or connections reading this, but they are killing us, media anything is good. We cannot trust our own A.F. The armed gangs and Guardia nacional are going through the city shooting to any house or building that sounds like there is someone protesting. they are even entering the buildings by force and checking apartment by apartment.

This is probably the darkest hour in Venezuela.

I really hope Chavez is burning in the last circle of hell.

Will write more, when the situation is more clear.

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  • Posted by $ TimCutler 11 years ago
    You are going to have a very rough week. Went through this in 89. Find your municipal electric substation: fortify it, stock it and volunteer it as the local CnC. Things will get better after the inevitable prison assault.
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  • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years ago
    There is certainly nobody with any power here to stop what you're experiencing. I've been monitoring the situation for the past couple of weeks, as your country begins to look like the end-stages of Atlas Shrugged. I can only say what you've no doubt already contemplated: if you value your life, get out of the country. Find a way. Your situation is a perfect example for the reason behind the US second amendment, and why people in this country should own a weapon even if they cannot today conceive of a situation they would ever use it.
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