This Chart Shows Just How Bad Unemployment Is Today Compared To The Great Depression

Posted by UncommonSense 9 years, 4 months ago to Economics
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Ah, so our real GDP is actually - 2 %. Hey, where did my change go? ShadowStats is actually a pretty cool site. Enjoy.
SOURCE URL: http://www.alt-market.com/articles/2711-this-chart-shows-just-how-bad-unemployment-is-today-compared-to-the-great-depression

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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 4 months ago
    The biggest difference today is that the unemployed don't look any different than the rest of us. They are not standing in bread lines or living in cardboard boxes. They are wearing the same clothes as the employed. They are buying the same groceries, talking on the same cell phones, receiving the exact same medical care. The depression is invisible unless you look for it. I see it in the run down homes and yards and closed stores in my town.
    It's the employed who are aware of the bad economy, as we see our paychecks shrink as inflation goes up precipitously.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 4 months ago
    I had a couple of minutes to get some me time and came out here and found this article. What a great read. Puts into real numbers what we all see and feel.

    4% inflationary growth, real growth -2% is about right and that is where this article puts things. Great read thanks for sharing.

    I also think we are headed for something far far worse. The ponzie scheme the government is playing with the federal reserve (borrowing against US Bonds to print money, to sell more US Bonds to borrow against those to print money to buy more US Bonds to print money against to borrow against..... is going to blow up at some point. US Bond derivatives in the form of currency printing will eventually have the same effect as derivatives on the housing market.

    The US is an economic corpse, we just do not recognize it yet.

    OK, this article was so appreciated I had to comment now back to work I go.

    Edit: I had a thought after nearly leaving the page. It was only WWII that pulled us out of the last one, I wonder if the reason that Obama and his gestapo are so prone to help Isis is because they want to get into a WWIII situation to pull the worlds economy out? Interesting thought.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
      The issue we are seeing today and you elaborate on is the result of way too many Wesley Mouches', Tinky Holloway's & Mr. Thompson's in various high places thoughout the elected & unelected gov't & banking and not enough Hank Reardon's, Dagny Taggert's & Ellis Wyatt's to rightfully take their place.

      I agree with your comment that the U.S. is an economic corpse and many sheeple don't recognize it. However, it seems to me that this country has gone beyond the point of no return ~ http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/...

      That said, I'd bet that those would-be Dagny's, Hanks & JG's of today would be smart enough to know better than to attempt to enter into the toxic mess that our self-proclaimed "elite" created...better off to shrug instead. I would.
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      • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 4 months ago

        I also think we are over the edge and in free fall. What they are doing today is moving the ground further and further away. At some point the ability to move the floor further down will run out. Shortly after that, splat!

        I do think they will get one more Keynesian Cycle out of the US economy. IE they will get through this fake part of the growth with inflation and we will get some nominal growth, really as a residual effect of the inflation. We will see growth as the economy catches up with the inflation levels, increased minim wage and the trickle up income that will occur as a result creates a fake loop that will likely get us another 10 years, maybe 15 but when it crashes this time the economic ruin will result in something not unlike Atlas.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 4 months ago
      Interesting final thought, Roy. Begs the question...are they that evil? They could be.
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      • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 4 months ago
        Well, to paraphrase FDR, I can loose a few ships to get America to wake up from the book The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor. He all ready launched an 8 point plan to make Pearl happen in order to get us into the war, rather than stay neutral. If he could do that then, it is not much of a stretch to see our currently leaders do this now.

        It is sad and the logic is flawed. They would see it as a good thing to create a war to thin out the population (A positive to both population and environmental people) and create a whole mess of jobs to fund the war.

        I think to some degree we did it with the Iraq war, but this is on a whole bunch larger scale with the possibility of nukes being used by radicals that cannot see far enough into the future to realize that will hurt them as well.

        I think that when the game becomes about power and a person has learned to see their collective as some how more important than any other collective of people any form of evil can be justified and will be given enough time.

        I do think that the Obama collective has degenerated to the point where any action can be justified by them, so long as greater good theory can be applied in their stellar sense of logic and reason (dripping with sarcasm). Which means anything could go right now.
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 4 months ago
          Yes. Before this administration's done with us it is going to get very interesting. Very...
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
            As I recall the depression didn't start until well after the stock market crash and the results of government intervention were high jobless rates.

            As I recall government intervention led to the end of that by something called World War II
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