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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 2 months ago
    It gives me an irrational itch to see a human being land there and to see videos of what they see, eight hours after they transmitted the signals. I imagine the Sun being a bright yellow star. It wouldn't cost much fuel to land there. There's almost no gravity. The sky is full of bright starts, with our band of the Milky Way clearly visible. Pluto is in the sky dimly lit, five times bigger than the moon. The horizon looks slightly curved, eerily close, with objects less than a mile away starting to be over the horizon and passing out of sight.

    The people there 100 years from now doing research, trading extracted materials for energy from gas giant miners, are cut off from Earth. They can send a message to Earth and get a response 20 hours later. They can configure their computers to download a website and read it when comes back a day later, without any active content unless it was coded to run on their local machines.

    They grow food with energy from nuclear reactors and nutrients recycled from waste. They bathe under UV lamps while doing strength exercises with children who've never seen the sun. Solving problems without Earth's institutions is just a facte of life. What kind of world might they not create on Charon?
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