The Fountainhead removed from Kindle?
Posted by davidmcnab 9 years, 4 months ago to Books
My wife expressed interest today in reading The Fountainhead. But the title has apparently been removed from Amazon's Kindle library. anyone know what's going on?
Sold by: Penguin Group (USA) LLC
It might very well be a "who has rights in what country" thing.
I suspect there might be a local publisher who got hold of extended publishing rights, and is refusing to license it for e-book distribution.
Very disappointing, since my wife expressed a strong interest in reading it, and she loves her Kindle. Guess I'll have to go to the second hand bookstore and hunt down a dead-tree version.
If I were a bit more conspiracy-minded, I would be wondering if the PC brigade have had it censored here due to the rough-sex scenes and the overall advocacy of self-determination, which goes against the Official Socialist Party Line.
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The FountainheadNov 1, 1994
by Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff
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Front Matter : ... The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand's hugely controversial novel, tells the ...See a random page in this book.
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Product Details
The Fountain Head1972
by Ayn Rand
$9.97used & new(2 offers)