Cancel Hope, Cry Havoc, by Robert Gore
Destroy people’s hopes for a better life and you make riot, revolution, anarchy, and war inevitable. There is no way to predict which spark sets off which conflagration, but the world’s $200 trillion-plus debt load will provide abundant kindling. It’s hard to hold out much hope for the future when your future has been mortgaged. What we are seeing now—the refugee crisis, commodity collapse, financial perturbations, Greece, China, Catalonia, the rise of Putin, the US’s Syrian fiasco, Marine Le Pen, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders—are mild pre-tremors before a massive seismic shock. When the big one arrives, upended political orders in Washington, Ottawa, Tokyo, Beijing, Moscow, Riyadh, Berlin, Brussels, Paris, London, and Brasilia are conceivable aftershocks. Few of their billions of long-suffering victims will mourn the fates of powers that be who become powers that were. Now unthinkable, judicial proceedings, disgrace, imprisonment, and even worse will be the order of the day.
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This is an excerpt. For the full article please click the link above.
I know I kept sounding the warning about this scenario BHO seems determined to destroy this country and leave the wreckage for the next Prez.
All flu isn't blue
Some is green through and through
It's redneck Suthrin' Oregon
Beaver State's name rhymes with gun
They don't learn your first or family name
For twenty years or more it's claimed
Keep Oregon Green is the state's true motto
Spend your money -- in your auto
If you're from the East or California
I feel I should genuinely warn ya
They don't like shyster politicrats
Or blow dried TV propaganda acts.
Most are more involved in just the day to day work of surviving.
just sayin'... but WTF do I know...?
Another one for the archives. We are watching a house of cards being built ever higher on a foundation of detritus. I heard a report the other day that there is still talk in Great Britain of leaving the E.U. The world is entering deeper into a state of chaos... Can all the King's horses and all the King's men put Humpty together again?
"You blow up at your spouse or kids, kick the dog, slam doors, or shout at the television; you make an ass of yourself and feel immediately embarrassed and ashamed." Of those behaviors I limit myself to cursing and shouting at the TV...
I am not proud... but I am not really ashamed either. :) I often wish my voice could be heard on the other end! It might not be pretty. It probably would not be PC, but I am too old and tired to care anymore.
Good article.
made him one h--l of a hypocrite, not that Gore
isn't already a hypocrite, anyway. Sorry for that
To add insult to injury, managed by those that gave power and weapons to pagan barbarians only because they could be controlled; whence the controllers could not even control themselves.
Perhaps a cycle come full circle.
Let us Pray is truly a hazardous omition to action, in which people ask for intervention due to their lack of effort, capacity or willpower. Whichever it may be, there is something ill there. Make the effort I say, capacitate yourself all the more and go the distance, for heaven´s sake.
The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions. And yes it is, for an intention is not an action followed through thouroughly. All ideas are basically good, yet it´s in the actions that help put them into shape and context where we tend to fail. Look at Germany. The richest socialist country in the West has now become the richest Capitalist country in the West. Could this mean that it´s not about ideals as much as it is about attitude, discipline and Will? I´ve come to think so, yup.
about trillion-dollar deficits? Wasn't he for the wel-
fare state and destruction of industry? So who is
he to talk about it now?!