UN to Censor the Internet to Save Feminists' Feelings

Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: General
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I have always been a fan of free speech. I guess the U.N. only wants certain groups to enjoy such freedom.
SOURCE URL: http://www.infowars.com/un-to-censor-the-internet-to-save-feminists-feelings/

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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
    Screw the U.N. Just one more reason to kick them out and turn the building into a museum. As Rand once described it as a crime commission with the Mafia sitting on the board of directors with veto power.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago
    As you may recall, this is one of the reasons why the move to have the FCC take over control of the Internet's base domain name servers was such a big deal. If those remain in private hands, censorship of the Internet is nearly impossible. With those in government hands, censorship is as easy as removing the DNS records to "offending" sites.
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 5 months ago
      Any kind of incremental interference in the internet by US government agencies is a threat. The FCC's recent assumption of power that it does not have by decreeing the internet to be a "public utility" is one example of such creeping controls. The more centralized the technology of the internet becomes, the more it is vulnerable to censorship, which is why they try to go after control of DNS records. The more they do, the more they will drive legitimate users to the underground "dark web".
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago

        The problem with the notion of a "dark web" however is that ultimately all the communications flow through regulated communications providers. Unless you run your own network - which includes exclusive control and access to the hardware and facilities - you delude yourself into thinking you have private communications.
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        • Posted by ewv 9 years, 5 months ago
          Private communications can be encrypted today, but they can still track where it goes and comes from if they devote enough resources to it, and ultimately break into the rest by brute force if they want to. The 'dark web' also greatly reduces the number of people who can use it and makes normal functioning much more difficult. It's not a substitute for defending freedom of speech and privacy. Technology, like any creative thought outwitting bureaucrats, is a tool to fight the statism and try to function in your own life despite it, but in the end is not the solution as a means to try to coexist with it as a natural course of affairs. Brute force kills rational thought. You can stay ahead of it for only so long.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 5 months ago
      Thank you for amplifying that unfortunate reality. Most people drift through existence not realizing just how the are having their rights stripped on a daily basis. What we see in China and other "restricted" countries is something that we will also be seeing in the not too distant future unless the American people wake up and take notice!
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      • Posted by ewv 9 years, 5 months ago
        You should follow the work of security expert Bruce Schneier on current trends in security and privacy. Government (and other trackers) are now intruding more than what most people can imagine. The source of the problem is not the UN.
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  • Posted by $ johnrobert2 9 years, 5 months ago
    Looks like Atlantis may be the only place left. We better get it soon, before the hammer falls.
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 5 months ago
      There have always been proponents of censorship through government action, as well as psycho-tyrants with the same mentality, but Alex Jones' sensationalism is well known as not a credible source. UN 'conspiracy theories' are a specialty of his. It's not that there aren't people associated in some way with the UN who don't advocate despicable policies, but they are not the source of the real threats and their importance is far overblown.
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      • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 5 months ago
        It seems to me that you are not fully aware of the 5 treaties that are awaiting ratification (only needs a simple majority of the Senate) that will forever relegate you rights as an American to the will of the UN. No, all conspiracies are not imagined and all who follow such things are not crackpots however the majority who pooh pooh the whole thing are the one's who will shriek the loudest when the hammer falls.

        Perhaps it is time to open one's mind to the possibility that some of these conspiracy theories are in fact real and present a present danger to all who embrace freedom!
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        • Posted by ewv 9 years, 5 months ago
          There have been proposed bad "treaties", as well as thousands of bizarrre bills introduced in Congress, for a very long time. They go nowhere because they are crackpot.

          The decline into more statism in this country is being implemented by lobbyists and politicians in this country, not the UN. Alarmism over the UN is misplaced.
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          • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 5 months ago
            Whatever, have it your way!

            However, just be aware that there is truly an oligarchy in place (George Soros, Bill Gates, The Federal Reserve Chair and governors, etc. and many of these calls are being made by people who may have or may not have been elected by we the people (The Federal Reserve is a good example).

            State legislators, Governors, Presidents, members of Congress and hundreds of thousands of nameless and faceless bureaucrats also have had their hands in these efforts and they may even include many of the folks on K Street. So, in effect you are partially correct however as you see, there is a cabal that goes go well beyond what you may have thought.

            The treaties are also very real and are much closer than many believe to being implemented. At this stage of the game, all that is needed is a vote by the Senate, of a simple majority passed by vote with only a quorum present in order to make such treaties the law of the land.

            Once one of these treaties are ratified they even trump the US Constitution as well as thousands of state and local government laws.

            For instance, Agenda XXI came out of the RIO Accords in the early 90's and was brought back by Bush senior to be worked through a brilliant process starting in the early 90's. The preparatory acceptance work having already been completed leaves only the Treaty vote being that everything else has already passed muster in all 50 of the states and the US territories.

            Unfortunately! Most people (myself included) had no clue as to what we were signing on to (I was involved as a dupe in the cross acceptance process). Even people at high levels were "indoctrinated" and tricked with flowery language and beguiling concepts that were never shown to be part of the UN Rio Accords per se or even as part of the UN Agenda XXI program.

            Here in NJ our poison was known as "Smart Growth" (concept of controlled and sustainable growth through centralized planning at the state level - partially veiled if you will). This program was rolled out by Trenton and it included all 21 counties and essentially each and every one of the 650+/- municipalities had to participate and concur. That in fact happened in the late 90's.

            Again, the UN program being best known as Agenda XXI came out of various studies (one of which was the RAND Corporation study on world population growth - circa 1966). This study being the progenitor of Agenda XXI program called for an overall approach that would promote a "sustainable" world. It still had certain vestiges including the population numbers and the theories that were appropriate at the time. Times have changed however many of the concepts (Malthusian theory and food production norms) are still based on the original studies.

            For instance, the optimum world population was capped at 500,000,000 people (for the US, the optimal number was 50,000,000). The RIO Accords that I am sure you are familiar also embraced a world-wide redistribution of the wealth from the first tier industrialized democracies and a lowering of our standards of living in order to promote equity between all nations specifically, the emerging 3rd world countries. There were other studies as well that also embraced what is for all intents and purposes a worldwide implementation of Communism, a new economy and perhaps as Gorbechev opined, a new world religion as well.

            Again, these studies were the forerunner of the "infamous" Rio Accords brought back to the United States by President GHW Bush and promoted by all presidents since. Still a theory by Crack Pots? All of this is very well documented I assure you.

            At each level of the process in place here in the US, a cross acceptance regimen had to be completed, at least here in NJ it was done in conjunction with the state's (or should I say Statist's) master plan with the effort again being known as "Smart Growth". This program basically gave much more control to the state and Federal government and took away more and more of local control by boards, councils or committees. This control was also designed to move populations back into the decaying urban centers. The program is similar throughout the US and indeed the world.

            All that needs to be done now is for the existing treaty currently before the Senate to be voted on (simple majority by a quorum present will do suffice I believe) and that will in effect complete the entire process from beginning to end.

            Viola! Forget about local control over your planning and land use process!!! Don't believe me....check it out....its all public record!

            Even though you are of a mind that what we need fear only are the lobbyists and some elected officials and those of us who believe things are much more dire are nothing but "crack pots" conspiracists, you might end up eating humble pie in short order as things continue to unfold.

            For all our sake's let's hope that you are correct and that I am not....

            For what its worth!!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
    Someone always has to be special.
    So I'm kinda surprised this is not about Muslim feelings.
    Think there's a good chance it shall soon be ALL about that.
    Where will feminists be then?
    Perhaps going to find their own Gulch to hide it.
    Maybe there will be Amazons along the Amazon.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 5 months ago
    It goes without saying it's not free speech if it only applies to popular ideas.

    I'm more interested in what they technically mean by "UN to Censor the Internet". What does that actually mean? The article focuses on how ludicrous it is to call unpopular speech "cyber-violence". That's low-hanging fruit. But what is the UN considering doing?
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 5 months ago
      Nothing. There are functionaries who would like to, but the UN is not the source of the power or the bad ideas. Some time in the more distant future the sources of power could shift, but the tendency of some conservatives to go after the "UN" as an overwhelming centralized threat while more serious problems are all around us lacks objectivity, to say the least.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 5 months ago
      All you have to do is look at laws that are being proposed and regulations that are being implemented outside of "normal" processes such as; the "Fairness Doctrine" to name but one. Peal back the underlying rules that will be encompassed and you will see that such legislation is "normalized" to UN treaties being rolled out.

      The same applies to the UN Treaty on Small Arms, the Treaty on Sustainable Growth (Agenda XXI) to name but two more. I strongly suggest that people spend a little less time watching television and a little more time investigating what your government is up to. You might be very 'unpleasantly" surprised!!!
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 5 months ago
    I thought 'Feminists' (lamestream connotations)
    didn't have feelings.
    Being a lamestream feminists and being oversensitive seems to me to be an oxymoron. .
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
    I didn't know they had reconstituted after shooting off both their feet in the nineties. I wonder if this time they can keep their mind on business and their hands off Bill. What they did to their 'sisters' back then was shame shame on you shameful.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 5 months ago
    The aircraft that hit the twin towers should have flown to 1st ave and 42nd street and then a new high rise for residents could have been built. The organization located there is a blot on humanity.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 5 months ago
    The world is now officially being run by morons! This is it! We as a species are creating our own demise because all adversity is artificially being removed. Another generation or two and 90% of the worlds population will be ripe for the harvest!!!!

    Stupid is as stupid does!
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