E-cig / Vaping - Peer Review Is Out.
Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years ago to News
Some of you may be aware that I took up 'vaping' at the beginning of the year. Let me tell you it's the only way I was going to stay off the cigars. I quit smoking for health reasons, not because I'm a pleasure denier to myself.
I'm aware that, in the not too distant future vaping will become heavily regulated in the UK. There is every possibility that this will result in a ban on any really effective vaping devices. I'm hoping this latest bombshell (peer review) will put paid to the impending Government interference, & may well result in a repeal of the ban in the US.
The full peer review can be accessed from Sage Journals (membership required).
I've scanned through the 20 page document & the general consensus is that the health concerns associated with 'vaping' are so negligible, they're barely worth mentioning.
I think it's safe to say that any 'tales' of harmful chemicals within e-liquids, have been de-bunked, as of now.
I would urge each of you to disseminate this info as widely as possible, if for no other reason than to expose political pull, at the cost of thousands of lives potentially.
I'm aware that, in the not too distant future vaping will become heavily regulated in the UK. There is every possibility that this will result in a ban on any really effective vaping devices. I'm hoping this latest bombshell (peer review) will put paid to the impending Government interference, & may well result in a repeal of the ban in the US.
The full peer review can be accessed from Sage Journals (membership required).
I've scanned through the 20 page document & the general consensus is that the health concerns associated with 'vaping' are so negligible, they're barely worth mentioning.
I think it's safe to say that any 'tales' of harmful chemicals within e-liquids, have been de-bunked, as of now.
I would urge each of you to disseminate this info as widely as possible, if for no other reason than to expose political pull, at the cost of thousands of lives potentially.
http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/iEHC_lKDDLI/maxre... (not me in the picture btw).
Getting the do-gooders out of the way is of primary importance. This is why disseminating the truth is so important, regardless of whether the person 'passing it on' vapes, or has any interest in it or not. It's a stand against a total disregard of freedom & common sense.
As I understand it, it is becoming less likely that a ban will be implemented here in the UK now: there is too much evidence to support the benefits of vaping, to be ignored by those in positions of power.
"Passive smoking is an established risk factor for a variety of diseases [Barnoya and Navas-Acien, 2013]. Therefore, it is important from a public health perspective to examine the impact of EC use on bystanders. Indirect data can be derived from chemical studies in vapor mentioned above, which show that the potential of any significant adverse effects on bystanders is minimal."
Then paraphrasing (by me):
Formaldehyde was tested for in a contained environment. When a smoker using an e-cig (EC) entered that environment, formaldehyde levels increased...
"the authors specifically mentioned that the levels were continuously rising from the time the volunteer entered the room, even before he started using the EC. Moreover, no acute elevation was observed when the smoker used the three EC devices, contrary to the acute elevation and spiking of levels when a tobacco cigarette was lit. The authors concluded that formaldehyde WAS NOT EMITTED FROM THE ECs BUT WAS DUE TO HUMAN CONTAMINATION, since low amounts of formaldehyde of endogenous origin can be found in exhaled breath [Riess et al. 2010]."
Our beloved Govt steals billions of pounds from smokers every month here in the UK! Here, a packet of 20 Marlboro cigarettes costs £8.37 ($13.85 or there abouts)... Yeah, I know!
For vaping, I've bought raw ingredients: propylene glycol (PG), glycerol, nicotine (7.2% in PG base) plus a variety of flavours. I'm blending my own e-liquids now. It probably brings the cost of vaping down to £2 a week.
When the Govt decide to regulate & tax the fuck out of it in 2016, if I'm still vaping by then, I'll be going underground. I'll do my damnedest to ensure I've got a stash of raw ingredients to last a couple of years at least.