Finding Common Ground between Ayn Rand and Christianity
Posted by Mark 11 years, 10 months ago to Government
Despite the undeniable differences, I think we can find common ground between Ayn Rand's philosophy and Christianity. The consequences for not finding it? More infighting among limited-government types and lack of cohesive plan that will propel us forward.
Ultimately, I do not see the history (with the small exception of Aquinas) to "re-discover" reason. Let's take two big ones: accepting original sin and altruism. I won't even bring up evolution vs. creationism or intelligent design-which is not scientific.
The same goes for Empiricism, Nominalism, and instances of Pragmatism within Objectivist thought.
Nominalism: The Objectivist belief that there is no metaphysical object to which a *concept* correlates; that concepts are merely organizational tools meant to help us manage our perception.
Pragmatism: The Objectivist belief that rights are based in our *need* for them, rather than being based in our nature (as espoused by Tara Smith and others).
"[The Pragmatists] declared that philosophy must be practical and that practicality consists of dispensing with all absolute principles and standards—that there is no such thing as objective reality or permanent truth—that truth is that which works, and its validity can be judged only by its consequences—that no facts can be known with certainty in advance, and anything may be tried by rule-of-thumb—that reality is not firm, but fluid and “indeterminate,” that there is no such thing as a distinction between an external world and a consciousness (between the perceived and the perceiver), there is only an undifferentiated package-deal labeled “experience,” and whatever one wishes to be true, is true, whatever one wishes to exist, does exist, provided it works or makes one feel better." AR, For the New Intellectual.
Nominalism: A concept is a way of categorizing many specific facts, it does not correlate to a specific.
"[Philosophers came to be divided] into two camps: those who claimed that man obtains his knowledge of the world by deducing it exclusively from concepts, which come from inside his head and are not derived from the perception of physical facts (the Rationalists)—and those who claimed that man obtains his knowledge from experience, which was held to mean: by direct perception of immediate facts, with no recourse to concepts (the Empiricists). To put it more simply: those who joined the [mystics] by abandoning reality—and those who clung to reality, by abandoning their mind." For the New Intellectual
I was VERY critical of Paul Ryan-religion wasn't even on my radar
My point is, while Christians are focused the God-fearing candidate and Objectivists appreciate he read Atlas Shrugged, he was voting on primary issues against the very issues you say the two groups come together on. Not ONE peep from Conservatives on this. They were sheep for religion.
Many in this site have felt strongly about these issues their whole adult life and never read AS until they saw the first movie. I could care less if they are Objectivists, Christians, atheists. I just want their values and virtues to align with the principles this once great country was founded on. Sorry, little worked up over some recent court decisions in our industry.