Flu shot--your opinion on it?
Posted by stadler178 11 years ago to News
I was reading a news article that said younger people are getting more impacted by the flu this year. They encouraged everyone to get a flu shot. But the thing that I couldn't get was that on the CDC's website, they say only about 145 million (or less) of the vaccine is actually available for use. Maybe my numbers are off, but if I'm correct, isn't that less than half the U.S. population, which is more than 300 million people now? So if it's so urgent for everyone to get the vaccine, why have they only made enough for half of Americans? Any thoughts on this?
SOURCE URL: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm
I've been retired now for over 4 years. I haven't had a flu shot since. Incidentally, I haven't had the flu either. Coincidence? I will never get another flu shot. Just my .02
Trust the Government? NEVER !
Personally, mercury and aluminum aside, I think it's probably a wash for the general public. The mercury and aluminum keep me away. And, a few years ago a very good friend of mine's son, 15 and healthy, got a flu shot and his immune system collapsed about a week later. After 25 days on a ventilator they pulled the plug and let him pass. I helped bury the child. If forever changed me and forced me to reevaluate these vaccines.
I wish you the best of luck whatever your choice.
Except for the effects on cognitive functions. Voters need to be able to think rationally (a rare event these days.)
yes children love tactile
So long as there is no mind altering effects, I think it's worth getting it.
I usually get my shot in Sept/Oct, and I've never once had an urge to vote for a liberal. Although, I appear to keep electing dumba5zes. I don't think that's from the shot. :-)
I'm not knowledgeable about the science behind flu vaccination, but I know the scientific consensus is it prevents the flu without any significant costs. I get it every fall.
I suppose the #'s of shots available reflect historical knowledge that total vaccination doesn't happen.