Flu shot--your opinion on it?

Posted by stadler178 11 years ago to News
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I was reading a news article that said younger people are getting more impacted by the flu this year. They encouraged everyone to get a flu shot. But the thing that I couldn't get was that on the CDC's website, they say only about 145 million (or less) of the vaccine is actually available for use. Maybe my numbers are off, but if I'm correct, isn't that less than half the U.S. population, which is more than 300 million people now? So if it's so urgent for everyone to get the vaccine, why have they only made enough for half of Americans? Any thoughts on this?
SOURCE URL: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm

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  • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
    My sister -in -law, a medical doctor with a phd in micro biology says that there are so many strains of flu out there by the time the vaccine is developed and distributed the strains the vaccine was designed for have mutated. On the off chance it has a strain thats still out there she says elderly and health compromised. But if you 're healthy - no need.

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    • Posted by Robbie53024 11 years ago
      True, the flu vaccine is a prediction on what flu strains are going to be prevalent when "flu season" comes around. However, for those with less developed immune systems (the very young), and those with compromised immune systems (AIDS, the elderly, or those with other infections that have degraded their systems) the flu shot is a good prophylactic measure. For the rest of us who are healthy, no need.
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  • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years ago
    When I was in the military, I didn't have a choice regarding the shot. It was always a 50-50 chance I got the flu anyway.

    I've been retired now for over 4 years. I haven't had a flu shot since. Incidentally, I haven't had the flu either. Coincidence? I will never get another flu shot. Just my .02
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    • Posted by gonzo309 11 years ago
      I've not gotten a flu shot as an adult and won't get one. The people I know that espouse the use of the flu shot are sick more often than folks who don't. The last vaccine I received was in 1970-71 when I went to Spain and received a cholera shot that made me deathly ill. There was an outbreak supposedly and it was required for me to reenter the US. Within 15 minutes of getting the shot, I barely made it back to where I was staying before collapsing.
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  • Posted by WBD 11 years ago
    Even if only 30 percent of the population get vaccinated it will slow the spread. The shot only protects against the 3 worst types circulating that year. Many people still get other types of flu and conclude the shot doesn't work. A co-worker of mine got the real thing last year and ended up spending a few days in the hospital. I always get mine.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 11 years ago
    In my region 30% have been vaccinated. 20% of those who died from the flu (reportedly) had been vaccinated for it. A big portion of those who die from the flu have other complications - diabetes, heart condition, obesity.

    Personally, mercury and aluminum aside, I think it's probably a wash for the general public. The mercury and aluminum keep me away. And, a few years ago a very good friend of mine's son, 15 and healthy, got a flu shot and his immune system collapsed about a week later. After 25 days on a ventilator they pulled the plug and let him pass. I helped bury the child. If forever changed me and forced me to reevaluate these vaccines.

    I wish you the best of luck whatever your choice.
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  • Posted by iroseland 11 years ago
    While my immune system is not compromised, it still kind of sucks. So I get flu vaccine most years. Only once did it fail to keep me out of trouble. This year I was too busy to go get one. So, I have mostly been avoiding other human contact. It works but kind of sucks, and I spend a lot of time washing my hands. If you have immune system problems or will be spending time with people who do then it makes sense to reduce the odds of getting into trouble. Also, wash your hands..
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  • Posted by RobertFl 11 years ago
    The probability of getting some form of Flu virus is much higher now than it has been in the past. As mixed as I am about getting a gov't shot, I think getting the flu is worse. Over half this country doesn't read the news. They probably don't know what the flu is. OR, they won't spend the $30 to get the shot (I'm sure ObamaCare will make it free).
    So long as there is no mind altering effects, I think it's worth getting it.
    I usually get my shot in Sept/Oct, and I've never once had an urge to vote for a liberal. Although, I appear to keep electing dumba5zes. I don't think that's from the shot. :-)
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years ago
    Maybe they know not every one will take the suggestion, so they don't prepare doses for everyone.

    I'm not knowledgeable about the science behind flu vaccination, but I know the scientific consensus is it prevents the flu without any significant costs. I get it every fall.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years ago
    If the suggestion comes from government, I automatically distrust it, particularly if they feel they have to advertise it.

    I suppose the #'s of shots available reflect historical knowledge that total vaccination doesn't happen.
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  • Posted by 11 years ago
    Oh, and I should add of course that obviously the total population shouldn't get the flu shot, for various reasons. But even factoring that in, I'm just not sure the vaccine available would really be enough. Maybe I'm wrong.
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