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  • Posted by 11 years, 9 months ago
    I'll get a bit more Devil's advocate with this story for one reason, though the author of the story probably wouldn't think as far. Maybe unfortunate occurrences like this is the only way people will start paying attention to the problem of children's deaths. After all, millions of children are kept from existing outside the womb, and most people have gotten used to it.
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  • Posted by flanap 11 years, 9 months ago
    There was time in this country when the use of firearms was as much of daily life as cooking tools. It is the sensational mentality behind it on both the libs and conservatives that turn it into a fascination by young children. Parents are to blame; however, parents should education their children as early as possible on the correct USE of firearms and not be so concerned about the HAVING of firearms. There is an immense difference.

    I do not get all that excited over my cooking tools as I do over the use of them to an end that is as intended.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 9 months ago
    Terrible tragedies involving children happen all too often, and most do not involve guns. Drownings in bath tubs, pools, buckets of water, toilets. Kids get left in hot cars, hit by cars, fall down stairs,.... the list goes on and on. There are plenty of irresponsible parents out there, and some who look in the other direction for a few seconds at the wrong time. Obviously guns should not be accessible to children, (neither should access to a pool, or a knife, or small objects that can be swallowed) but you can not legislate morality...and passing laws to take away our freedoms is NOT the answer. New gun laws will do NOTHING to stop the existence of evil either.
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  • Posted by jarmans 11 years, 9 months ago
    I do feel for the parents’ loss of a child but put blame where blame is due. It started with ‘No-Fault’ insurance. Then we got ‘No-Score’ soccer. No one wants to be wrong, no one wants to be a looser but in REAL LIFE there are winners and looser. Why can’t the parents be at fault? They want it to be someone with deep pockets, the McDonald’s coffee case has showed us that. Who is going to pay for this, surly the parents’ ignorance won’t. In nature Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection plays out, the REDNECK (I can say this, I’m a Redneck) phrase ‘Hey ya’ll watch this!’ has weeded out many deserving low end of the gene pool individuals. The parents need to know that LIFE HAS RULES and consequences.

    This craze was created by Sandy Hook and the flames fanned by the President. Folks who never would have owned a weapon now are buying them and they don’t know how to use them safely. The same Johnny-come-lately are gobbling up ammo so quickly the shelves stay bare.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 9 months ago
    There seems to be a large disconnect here. In the country and in the days when I was young, guns were in all of my friends houses, but all of our parents (mostly fathers) taught us early how to handle them, to never point them at anyone and to always treat them as if they were loaded. Today's parents apparently leave them loaded, don't teach their kids anything about gun safety and rules and then wonder why Johnny shot Sue... This is a parental issue. If you have children too young to understand or if you have someone in the house who is mentally unstable, lock your guns or ammo up. I like my glass display case. "In case of emergency break glass" We just recently read the story about the young kid who took the family auto for a joy ride... Both can kill.
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