
Gays are People Too: Treat Them That Way

Posted by theelephantsconscience 9 years, 5 months ago to Philosophy
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Socially, morally, and biologically we need to treat our gay neighbors with the love and respect that we expect for ourselves.
SOURCE URL: http://theelephantsconscience.com/2015/07/03/gays-are-people-too-treat-them-that-way/

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  • Posted by stargeezer 9 years, 5 months ago
    Forcing people to lose businesses they built, income removed from their families, forcing them to surrender occupations or surrender their deeply held religious beliefs (weather you believe in such or not) does nothing to engender good feelings toward any group. When you subvert legal foundations by judiciaries who feel that it's their job to legislate their view of political justice/correctness rather than upholding existent law and president and does make judgments that places a segment of the populace in a position of having rights others do not share, we shall oppose you.

    And when you claim that we must accept your choices under the pretext of "proven science" which is contrary to the basic foundations of biology, you are so very, very wrong. There are two sexes and your actions to violate the simple proof any can see who are not blinded by personal desires cannot change what all creatures know by instinct and humans by science.

    On the day that homosexuals are honest with themselves and the rest of society that their desire for the companionship of a member of the same sex is their choice of lifestyle, not a unavoidable accident of genetic gambling, we can begin to go down the road to acceptance. That day will never come as long as you keep telling the rest of us that we must accept your lifestyle and to hang up any choices we have in deference to yours. I will never be FORCED to accept you, but I may CHOOSE to accept you.
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    • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 5 months ago
      Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. famously observed that my right to swing my fist ends at the tip of the other man's nose. The world, it seems, has forgotten or ignored the second half of that observation in it's rush to create a bevvy of new 'rights', the violation of which entitles the aggrieved party to seize the assets or bankrupt (or both) of the supposed violator. This will not end well.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 5 months ago
    Men have rights. Women have rights. The last I checked there were only men and women on this planet. Its on that basis I give my respect. If I need your service, if I want your business, I don't need to know about anyone's sexuality.
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