Shout out to Ayn Rand on Weird Entrepreneurs podcast from guest Jason Hartman

Posted by BrettRocketSci 9 years, 6 months ago to Business
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The Weird Entrepreneurs podcast has interviews with "weird and successful entrepreneurs." It's hosted by Justin Verrengia. The guest on episode 103 was Jason Hartman. He created a large real estate company with lots of employees. Then he created other successful businesses that don't require large infrastructure and provide more freedom of time and location for himself.
Listen to the show from approximately 12:00 to 14:00 to hear the portion about Ayn Rand. It comes up when Jason discusses his big reason WHY he does what he does.
Anyone else have a mission to be a successfully weird entrepreneur like Jason & me? You'll hear other unusual things in the rest of the podcast.
If you are in real estate, are you familiar with Jason? If you could one day be a guest on this podcast, what industry or business would you be talking about? (In addition to making a great plug for the ideas of Ayn Rand.)

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 6 months ago
    [transcribed from the show...]
    Q: "What's your big reason why"

    A: My first big “why” was I didn't want to be poor. I felt like in the beginning I just wanted to make money. It was a purely selfish goal.

    But after you gain some degree of financial success, I think your mission really changes in the way you want to make an impact on the world and do something. Steve Jobs talked about putting dent in the universe, and he certainly did.

    You cannot succeed in the world [without] helping other people, even if you're completely selfish about it, which is not necessarily bad. I'm a fan of Ayn Rand. You're going to help other people automatically. You can't not help other people. It's just automatic.
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