Gulch Live: Radio Interrupted 09.25.2015
Links from the show...
Holdin Barkery Dog Treats - Treats for the dog and for the human!
The Geneh War - Near Future Science Fiction with a Philosophical Flavour
Gamepuzzles for the joy of thinking - Original games and puzzles designed and made by Objectivists.
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Radio Interrupted is a live show. During showtime, 1PM - 2PM ET, please participate in the real-time conversation on the Gulch Activity Feed ( ) or call in to (712) 775-7031, ACCESS CODE: 560-722 to talk live on air.
1. At 1PM ET, go to the Gulch Activity feed:
2. At the top, you'll see a "Gulch Live" box.
3. Type your comment, submit, and poof, your comment will be automatically injected into the stream - along with everyone else's comments as well.
- For the best experience, post your comments in the Activity Feed. If you post your comments here, you'll not see the live stream responses and things might get a little confusing.
- When addressing someone on the feed, consider using @membername to address them directly or no one will no who you're talking to.
- All comments submitted to the feed will automatically be added to this post.
Holdin Barkery Dog Treats - Treats for the dog and for the human!
The Geneh War - Near Future Science Fiction with a Philosophical Flavour
Gamepuzzles for the joy of thinking - Original games and puzzles designed and made by Objectivists.
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Radio Interrupted is a live show. During showtime, 1PM - 2PM ET, please participate in the real-time conversation on the Gulch Activity Feed ( ) or call in to (712) 775-7031, ACCESS CODE: 560-722 to talk live on air.
1. At 1PM ET, go to the Gulch Activity feed:
2. At the top, you'll see a "Gulch Live" box.
3. Type your comment, submit, and poof, your comment will be automatically injected into the stream - along with everyone else's comments as well.
- For the best experience, post your comments in the Activity Feed. If you post your comments here, you'll not see the live stream responses and things might get a little confusing.
- When addressing someone on the feed, consider using @membername to address them directly or no one will no who you're talking to.
- All comments submitted to the feed will automatically be added to this post.
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- 1Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 5 months agoAre you going to try and get senator McConnell out also? He needs to go.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years, 5 months agoThe most important thing in health care reform is to actually reform healthcare and get away from the old model of the doctor with the black bag and take advantage of new technologies.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 5 months agoI know a group that is pushing for impeaching Obama. Where does Fredom Works stand on that issue?Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 5 months agoWhy would Boehner resign and not just give up the gavel?Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 5 months agoThe gathering of Republicans to replace Bohner will only result in another impotent RINO who will answer to the party more than the people. Same as it ever was.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
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- 1Posted by hurc81 9 years, 5 months agoYeah, all the auctions end at the same time... how am I supposed to bid on three different items??? I'm so greedy...Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 5 months agoThey are actually spaced 1 - 2 minutes apart, so you should be able to get your last bid in on more than one.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|