Greenhouse gas milestone; CO2 levels set record - Yahoo! News

Posted by ssnyh 11 years, 9 months ago to Science
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Yeah. This goes out to the people who don't believe the planet can take care of itself.

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  • Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 9 months ago
    I worked in a greenhouse growing peppers once. Can you believe we used to pump CARBON DIOXIDE into the greenhouse because the SELFISH PLANTS LOVE IT & NEED IT TO GROW!

    I'm here to promote awareness of these new & frankly astonishing findings. We who embrace the great collective psyche of our beloved Mother Earth must be united in agreement & acknowledge this to be a 'crime of nature' (Criminature™ - PLANTS are the problem, NOT PEOPLE!).

    To give aid to this - our moral obligation, I propose the introduction of the 'Anti Criminature™ Committee' who will oversee the execution of the following cast iron measures:

    1. It is our moral duty to worm out all those who are guilty of Criminature™. All gardeners & anyone in collusion with plant life will be put to death unless they cease their pro carbon activities immediately.

    2. In order to deter future generations from committing Criminature™, all plant life will be destroyed - thus removing any 'need' for carbon.

    3. Given that these drastic - but necessary preventative measures will result in a bit of a food shortage (sacrifices must be made after all), all the executed carbon criminals (and anyone who doesn't own a Prius) will be turned into burgers & fed to the poor.

    Ps. ;]
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  • Posted by Mitch 11 years, 9 months ago
    I don’t understand all of the hysteria over global warming, we don’t know jack when it comes to its effects. The Global warming Climate change people are completely too politicized, to make any common sense. Anyone that has every taken a science course in high school or college knows that you can only make a prediction after reproducible and verifiable results. This is a single monitoring station in the middle of the pacific with a single high reading; the reading went from 399 ppm to 400 ppm, 1 ppm doesn’t seem like a large jump in the CO2. The author acknowledged that we don’t know the extent of the effect of higher CO2 is on our climate so how can you say that a 1 ppm jump is all that terribly bad? I bet Al Gore was smoking a big fatty right next the sensor to artificially inflate the numbers. I don’t think you will find a single person that will deny the fact that we have an impact on our planet; the question is to what extent and for how long. Is CO2 levels currently causing global climate change or is it a part of a bigger cycle that these nimrods can’t comprehend? We already know about an 11 year solar cycle which effects climate on an 11 year cycle, El Niño. My point to the hysterical climate change people is that we don’t know and very few people will change their habits to save the planet. This is a political game, nothing more nothing less; it’s a means to an end. If you truly had an interest in saving the planet and believed in all of the hype, the solution isn’t conservation, it’s a new incredibly efficient and abundant form of energy that isn’t polluting nor expensive. Today the source of energy is called nuclear fission (with a small amount of easily contained waste) and in the near future nuclear fusion will lead the way to abundant, cheap, non-polluting energy. Until the eco nazi group wakes up and make their case with a solution, I’m not paying any more attention; I’m shrugging climate change.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 9 months ago
      Here's all I need to know about the climate. When I was a kid 30-40 years ago (in MI) we would open and swim in our pool during April and not freeze to death. (No one in MI is swimming in their pools until June or July these days.) Twenty years ago, when we moved here to AZ, it got hotter sooner in the year and stayed hotter longer than it does now. Soooo what that tells me, from what I've personally witnessed, is that it's getting cooler NOT hotter. And THAT is all I need to know. :)
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 9 months ago
        Shhhhh. don’t let “them” hear you. We went through the great ice-age scare in the late sixties through the early seventies. Been there done that!
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        • Posted by salta 11 years, 8 months ago
          You cannot refute a generalization with an anecdote, and especially when using highly variable things like long term memory and weather.

          The Hawaii research removes that variability, just look at the 55yr trend on the chart at

          The 400ppm number is not sugnificant for the climate, its just a human psychological level. The only important thing is the trend.
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 8 months ago
            I’m not sure if the long-term memory dry snark was for my consumption or LetsShrug, but I’ll see your senility and raise you a few headlines from the past.

            It makes for an interesting read. They really did try to sensationalize and convince us that an Ice Age was coming. I was just a kid. That said...

            I’m willing to read anything you are willing to write on the subject of global-warming, Salta. I haven’t the mind for science so I don’t presume to know what the heck is going on,but I do feel somehow like I have been looted when my electric bill goes up by 180% percent to “help” me adjust to a newly improved society that wants all of us to be aware of waste. I prefer to wait on the chance to marvel at the ability of a great mind and/or a group of great minds that will come along with a way to remove the CO2 through ingenuity. But hey, that’s just me. Meanwhile I will be glad to look at your data. (Just explain what I am looking at, please.;))
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