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  • Posted by DaveM49 11 years ago
    Complete change of subject: perhaps we have an object lesson here in the fact that there is no good or bad technology. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I live in a mining area. A few times a week, a very large amount of explosives is touched off (in one case, over 100 tons in a single blast) and does more work in a few seconds than 100 men with picks and shovels could in a lifetime. In the hands of capable technicians working for a constructive purpose, explosives are an invaluable tool. In the hands of a fanatic with some twisted agenda, the end result is bloody body parts flying around.
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 11 years ago
      and Neil Smith still gets grief every now and then because in his alternate universe, clean nuclear bombs are used in construction.
      gotta wonder about today's logic classes. <joke>
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      How true. Mt. Rushmore vs. psychopathic fanatic.
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      • Posted by DaveM49 11 years ago
        I knew someone who worked at the visitor center while Korczak Ziolkowski was working on the Crazy Horse monument. Part of her job was to take lunch up to "the guys", which involved riding up on a cable sling/breeches buoy sort of arrangement--an adventure in itself. The first time she made the trip, Korczak came over to her with fused dynamite sticking out of every pocket and asked her name. "Sharon", she replied. "Well, come on, Sharon--let's go blow up the goddam visitor center".

        Apparently he did the same thing to every newcomer.
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  • Posted by DaveM49 11 years ago
    I would think that one of the hallmarks of a competent "bomb making instructor" would be that he was still alive and possessed all of his appendages. But perhaps one must add "so far" to that.

    I live in a mining area and know a guy who works for the blasting company (which has to be a great stress release--when they set off a good one, we have a small-scale earthquake!). He has a t-shirt which reads: "I am a blasting technician. If you see me running--catch up!"
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