Galt’s Gulch –Netflix Original Series? The Blaze Network Series? Gulch Online Radio? Next???

Posted by $ dhinet 11 years ago to The Gulch: General
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Galt’s Gulch –Netflix Original Series? The Blaze Network Series? Gulch Online Radio? Next???

Joining the Galts Gulch was a whim, not the long search mentioned in other Galts people chats and bios I have read.

For the past couple weeks I have been watching the uStream of AS III filming. I with many others have learned a lot from the painter and the clapboard guy to Tim of Craft Services that the favorite of the case and crew for lunch is PB&J. Hearing the enthusiasm of the cast, producers and directors, along with the hopes and dreams of John and Joan Aglialoro who own the book rights motivated me to push for more. During the interactions, questions and answer sections of the interviews, Mark, JJ, Naomi have conducted so well, I have pushed for a Netflix Original, The Blaze Network, Amazon Prime…Series for TV.

At first I thought it would be the current people to just do it, then things changed. The Gulch is the most amazing group of Doers! We have all the experts here. The screenwriters have so many experts here at their disposal to take Ayn Rands work to new level. To educate the young, old rich and poor of the need to be objectionist, libertarian. Show them there is a choice besides the D or R politics.

We have all watched movies that are made for commercial consumption. They almost never can dig into the real meanings or follow the direction laid out in the books they are trying to bring to life. Can any movie really do justice in 2, 4 or even 6 hours? The depth of characters, ideas, meanings of life need time to develop. In the past the writers could only write their thoughts, prayers, inspirations dreams in their books. Now their books can be brought to life. The media is open and hungry for new content. The Blaze would jump on this in a second. The Ayn Rand series would have little or no editorial restraints of mainstream media.

Here in Galt’s Gulch we have all the people to make this easy. We have the intellectual scollors to keep the storylines and scripts true to form, we have writers to make the words flow so the common man like me can understand and enjoy the story. We have business people to suggest storylines, like Gibson Guitars. We have regular folks all with their own ideas.

The people could have input, get their ideas out for all to share. If someone has a good storyline, the next series, MadMen, House of Cards, 24…. Where would they go to pitch the idea?? We can have open forums to throw out ideas. Ideas that can grow and produce great things, educate, open people’s eyes, shake the world. We have all the tools here, right here in Galt’s Gulch. All the pointers have directed us here. Each of us has our own gifts to share.

I am not a writer, not a philosopher, not college educated, not a lot of things. But I am a dreamer, a do-er, inventor… I see what the future offers. I see new technology. Again, all the tools we need are here in the Gulch. Let’s not just chat about them, let’s grow the Gulch and invite more like minded people to join us. Growing this has no limits. I think enough people like us are ready, not next year, not next month, they are ready now.

We need to gather and log the experts, the ones who love their talents and use them. Take all the ingredients and form an outline of the product. Come to agreement on our Gulch principles.

As for setting up the structure I am sure we have people with management ideas. There needs to be leadership that will listen and follow our constitution. It will be good to hear your feedback. I am just a common guy looking for more, looking for the future.

Now with the upcoming release of Atlas Shrugged III – Who is John Galt?, this is the time to move. There will be a huge wave of people wanting more. People are starved by current politics all over the world. Now is the time for all the Galts to help Atlas Shrug the World!

A special thanks to MikeJoyous for a simple reply that suggested, now is the time for Action!

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  • Posted by Robbie53024 11 years ago
    Crowd-source funding?
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    • Posted by $ 11 years ago
      I think that we could have an investors fund. I am not a finance guy, but we are supposed to work for betterment of ourselves. With all the pent up demand for this, I can't see where the money would be a big problem, maybe the opposite, controlling the money would be a full time job. And Galt's Gulch Series is not a non profit educational institution.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years ago
    Good idea. I can also see some of our authors getting their books on screen, either as a mini series or if it fits one movie. I have heard that Amazon is planning on some original programing and I know that NetFlix is expanding what they offer. I'm not sure about The Blaze. If it's tied in anyway to Glenn Beck that it a turn off for some.
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  • Posted by rlewellen 11 years ago
    This is not the time to promote a new production of Atlas Shrugged. We should promote the movies that already exist and the upcoming movie. The Gulch was started thanks to the movies. The movies did a superb job of conveying the ideas in the book. Keep in mind we haven't seen the third movie yet. More details will come. I am only supporting the current movies. Doesn't Mr. Aglialaro own the rights anyway?
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    • Posted by $ 11 years ago
      John & Joan Aglialaro have the rights and I am sure would want to continue the legacy. On the contrary, now is the time to start working on getting the followup going. This will not be a easy project. We have thousands of talented people that would like to spread the word. We should be ready to receive the new arrivals when they are enlightened and look for more people like themselves. In Business when the process starts, they do not sit on a successful product then start thinking of the next big thing. Hopefully the AS III is a big hit and we get a huge wave of people seeing some light. Ride the wave in September to a lasting message, not just 3 good movies.
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  • Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago
    If everyone is serious, I may be able to help with this. It depends on how much support, or willingness there is to continue some of these productions now that the Third film is completed. At least a radio show on The Blaze Radio. Radio has minimal production costs. Maybe start there.
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    • Posted by $ 11 years ago
      Hi OvermanWarrior, I think it could be done with all the help here. There are many great writers and loaded with wise women and men. The problem with a online/radio show would be the quantity of people that have time to listen and the competition from other stations. The viewing public are starving for a new series to follow. 1 hour a week is enough for most people with families and other tasks. Just my opinion.
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