"The Martian" by Andy Weir

Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years ago to Books
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Last night, I awoke about 0015 and was unable to again find surcease in Lethean slumber. So, I went to my friendly Nook book store to do some late night shopping. Perusing the Sci-fi/Fantasy section, I happened on a first effort by Mr. Weir. Needless to say, the premise was intriguing and, as I began reading, I became immersed in the protagonist's dilemma. There are no Bemmies , but delightful read of a guy determined to survive in the most hostile of circumstances. Unfortunately, I became so engaged I read through the night and finished it about 0445 this morning. I can recommend it as an excellent read. I hope you try it and enjoy as much as I did.

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