Very happy with UKIP success.
Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 10 months ago to Politics
Looks like UKIP are becoming a force to be reckoned with in British politics.
Found this video earlier, thought it was brilliant & VERY enlightening on the state of Europe. The parallels I draw between EU rulings & Wesley Mouch's bunglings are really quite disturbing - (from six minutes into the vid). Check it out, Farage is brilliant.
The Guardian is a Left newspaper in England but this is quite a good article & explains UKIP's success...
Enjoy. I did.
Found this video earlier, thought it was brilliant & VERY enlightening on the state of Europe. The parallels I draw between EU rulings & Wesley Mouch's bunglings are really quite disturbing - (from six minutes into the vid). Check it out, Farage is brilliant.
The Guardian is a Left newspaper in England but this is quite a good article & explains UKIP's success...
Enjoy. I did.
I'm glad to see that there are people in Brittan talking abut the unbridled, open door immigration. They win by force of numbers and take over a country without firing a shot.
It seems like we Brits have no rights whatsoever. Immigrants can come here & claim benefits, get free this that & the other, while my sister who currently lives/works in South Korea couldn't get ANY government support if she returned home broke. Our country is a perfect model for altruism (but it's more like an apology for being a once great nation) & the people (the intelligent ones) have had enough.
Typically, anyone who supports UKIP gets the race card pulled on them - not that anyone who values freedom cares any more.
The latest news I've heard is UKIP are looking at the possibility of forming a coalition with the Tories on the condition that David Cameron is kicked out. Sounds promising.
Recorded three new songs over the past week, including a protest song against Socialism. It'll be interesting to see how that goes down with the public.
We (Meander Lane) are currently #5 in local charts so we're gaining interest. Album release imminent.
British speak? Dashed good effort. ;]
The song's about government control, slavery mentality, induced confusion & panic. Things we all love to hate.
We planned to make a music video for America, which would make the message clearer but we lacked time & funds to do so.