The Owners of the Country

Posted by UncommonSense 9 years, 5 months ago to Entertainment
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Take a break from the politics and enjoy some uncensored truth...about politics of all things. :)

Listen and heed.

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  • Posted by InfamousEric 9 years, 5 months ago
    Though I agree with some of his thoughts & I love George Carlin, he seemed to take on a heavy social justice bent as he got older.

    I think what we face is much more insidious.

    There are 3 major authorities in this world that people give control of their lives to. They work together when it suits their need. They are, (in no particular order).

    Governments, Corporations, & Religion. Each has their good & bad points, none are inherently evil or good, and they are all culpable.

    Each acts in accordance with the best interest of themselves, and who can blame them, we seek to do the same thing.

    The trouble is that, we, the people are convinced by all 3 that we must sacrifice our best interest for the interests of the big 3. They control everything as Carlin says, they direct the affairs of us all. They dictate the rules of the game. limiting our ability to make meaningful changes.

    They use social issues to divide & conquer us... And we are willing participants, as long as we get our bread & circus.

    We have given them the power to direct each others fate.

    The day you decide it's acceptable for an outside entity to direct the affairs of another persons' life or livelihood, is the day you subject yourself to the same fate.

    Welcome to the dystopia that is today...
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