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    Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 3 months ago
    Frustration toward the established party's. Neither has represented the American people and both seem hell bent on pissing away everything the Founding Fathers provided as the bedrock for our country.

    My 2 bits.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
      If they are frustrated with the establishment why are they supporting Trump? Establishment and Trump? Their left, he's left, their socialist he's socialist their corporatist he's corporatist. Their Republicans he's a Republican. I don't get the connection. I never thought of tea party people fitting in that sort of strait jacket mold.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 3 months ago
        Trump is no more an R than he is a D. Bottom line he's a businessman and an opportunist. He's exemplified that numerous times as he explained how he buys politicians and why he befriends everyone. I think that is his appeal simply because no one, not even the RNC, see's him as a politician.
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        • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 3 months ago
          And he's not a Rearden-type businessman. More like Paul Larkin.
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          • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 3 months ago
            I'm not entirely sure if the Larkin comparison is entirely accurate. I've known people, contractors, who have worked for Trump and his people. I've been told he's a very shrewd business man who hires exceptionally competent people to lead and that he is dedicated, first and foremost, to making a healthy profit for himself and his investors. For better or for worse, I'd say Trump is 100% committed to his principals.

            If Trump sincerely subscribes to a "rising tide lifts all boats" he could be a very good thing for this country at a time when it needs it.
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            • Posted by H2ungar123 9 years, 3 months ago
              I wish Trump would JUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS re: the WALL, re: illegals, re:
              making America great again. Just ANSWER
              THE DAMN QUESTIONS!!!!!
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              • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 3 months ago
                Seems a bit premature to me. We have so much time left before the primary that if he answered he wouldn't be keeping your attention. Trump is a master at manipulating the press, this is why he's spent the least of all the candidates on promotion.
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            • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago
              yet his principles are to win a big profit, and to win a big profit,
              and to ... well, you know. . is he really a-moral, in terms of
              business principles? -- j
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              • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 3 months ago
                What wrong with doing your best, working within the framework of the law, to make a profit, even an obscene profit based on your skills?

                As stated somewhere else if he goes by "A rising tide lifts all boats" we'd be in good shape. With 200+ companies he could only benefit from running the nation as a business, bringing its debt under control, cultivating a sound business environment, reducing the size of government and reigning in taxes.
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                • Posted by $ 9 years, 3 months ago
                  When "doing your best within the law" includes using lobbyists to buy influence on the Hill, it's wrong. And Trump not only admits to doing plenty of that, he's proud of it and says that's how our system is supposed to work.
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                  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 3 months ago
                    Is it illegal? Yes.

                    I'm certain Rockefeller, Edison, Carnegie, Westinghouse, Vanderbilt, etc all cared if what they did to amass their fortunes was liked by others. I suspect many of those didn't much mind if their business actions were legal either.
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                    • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 3 months ago
                      The reason that Rockefeller didn't much mind if his business actions were legal is because he was judged retroactively by a law that didn't exist when he was amassing his fortune ethically. Rockefeller was a prototype for Rearden with regard to the kangaroo court scene.
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                      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 3 months ago
                        Yes, I understand.

                        My point though was that you shouldn't hold against Trump those things he did which were legal just because you find them distasteful. None of us are in his position, we don't have his money nor his responsibilities. The law being the measure, he acted within it to make his fortune.

                        @JDG: Why should he not be proud of his own accomplishments? Also, he didn't say thats how our system is supposed to work, he's said that how it does work and he took used the system to his advantage.
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                • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago
                  there is Nothing Wrong with making big bucks by doing
                  your best within the law, as he apparently has done.
                  the only part which concerns me is eminent domain, but
                  I don't know the particular situations.

                  it's his purchase of influence -- contributing to politicians
                  to further his purposes, for example -- which makes me
                  say "amoral" in this context. . at least he appears to be
                  a fine family man, and a good father. . a fine indication of value. -- j
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                • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 3 months ago
                  AJ: Drastic situation, drastic measures -I stand with you on Trump (and w/Term2).
                  But will he hold up? Will he eventually present a serious and concrete plan of action? Until another candidate shows the willingness to really break with the political status quo, and demonstrates the capacity to be able to tell Washingtonians to go F...k themselves AND not care (Trump can do this where it's political suicide for the others) until then, I remain for radical change in lieu of what we have today and the tragedy that it could continue.
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                  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 3 months ago
                    There are still big question marks next to Trump. Thankfully there's still along road to go. Hopefully in that time 1) he will mature in his statecraft and 2) He will put to rest some of the larger concerns about his running: he's not a DNC mole and he'll do whats in the best interest of the country. We have time.
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    • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 3 months ago
      I would like someone to tell me what distinguishes the difference between the two parties?
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        Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 3 months ago
        Easy, one party still puts on the show that they are for America, its people, and its Constitution and then does whatever the hell it wants. The other, brazenly has clear disdain and resentment for everything related to America, her people, and her Constitution and doesn't care to hide it.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
        What two parties? Did I miss something. Pretending to be two parties IS the show.

        So now following an earlier suggestion I put in these terms.

        Humanoid Party AKA Government Party AKA Coalition of the Left = Republicans as the right wing of the left and Democrats as the left wing of the left with one or two broken feathers the non-RINOs who are still however firmly attached.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
    Donald Trump can be explained by the phrase, "They're rolling out the drums..."
    They rolled out the drums for Napoleon, they rolled out the drums for Hitler, for Mao, for Stalin. It means, "We are tired of being the fall guy, we are not getting a good deal, we are being screwed, our so-called leaders are not on our side." Along comes a charismatic figure, and he promises to fix all that. He is believable, he is on our side, he'll make us be winners. We want to win, for a change." And that is how Napoleon, and Hitler and all the rest convinced even some of the brightest, to follow them. The failure of the current leaders have given birth to Donald Trump.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 3 months ago
      The better side of the Trump appeal is that people are tired of a President who has the mistaken idea that his role is that of an autocrat, who expects people to obey his dictates (part of the reason he's dumbfounded that Putin isn't listening to him). We expect our national leader to be a skilled diplomat, adept at bringing together conflicting elements for the best possible outcome. Making a successful business deal requires skilled diplomacy and an awareness of when to exercise power, and Trump has been very successful in that arena, and that appears to be part of his appeal.
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
        I think you hit the nail on the head. And that's why Trump is popular, regardless of the "schoolyard bully" detractors thrown by the media.

        He's a businessman, and he's good at what he does.... not your drinkin' bud. We've elected "drinking buds" as president before, maybe it's time we change that paradigm and elext someone who is not your "best buddy" but someone who will do the job and get 'er done. Because how did electing your "happy go lucky drinking bud" work out for the country? Or the guy who is the "Local Friendly Community Organizer"?

        That's the way I run my businesses... In an interview, do you hire your semi-qualified pal, or the best qualified candidate for the job? Hell, I may think someone's personality SUCKS, we may be as different as Air and Rock, but if they're the best qualified person for that job, who will get the BEST reesults for our company... I can get over personality.

        I CANNOT get over incompetence or dishonesty.
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        • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
          You're right about hiring. Funny though, most of the people who I hired over the years, turned out to have compatible personalities. It reminds me of Molly. She was still in school. Wasn't too attractive, and didn't have a resume . But she had references and said something that impressed me. She said, "If you hire me, you won't be sorry." She was right. She was an innovative and hard worker. She rarely needed to be told what to do and whatever it was, was done to the nth degree. Funny how she got more attractive the longer she was with us. She positively glowed with positivity. Our only regret was that she left us after only two years.
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          • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
            I love that - only a total fool, or someone who KNOWS their worth and value, would dare say that.

            I've told employers "I'll work for free for 2 weeks. You like what you see, you hire me and pay me back. You don't, I'll leave, no hard feelings."

            Know how many times I had to walk? I can count them on less than one hand... :-)
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      • Posted by $ number6 9 years, 3 months ago
        "that of an autocrat, who expects people to obey his dictates" .... IS trump

        & "skilled diplomat, adept at bringing together conflicting elements for the best possible outcome." is NOT trump
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        • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago
          I believe that he has been at the top of Maslow's hierarchy
          long enough to have flipped the scale -- he takes the self-actualization
          for granted and messes with the other rungs on the ladder
          for entertainment. . he has lost his fear of failure. -- j
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          • Posted by $ number6 9 years, 3 months ago
            I would argue he is mainly in the esteem area .... that is because of his desire to ALWAYS be right and inability to admit mistakes. He also tends to factually overstate his achievements in order to build himself up.
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            • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago
              narcissism is like that, as I understand it. -- j
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              • Posted by $ number6 9 years, 3 months ago
                When I read about Maslow in the past, I had bookmarked an article that said :

                Characteristics of self-actualizers:

                1. They perceive reality efficiently and can tolerate uncertainty;
                2. Accept themselves and others for what they are;
                3. Spontaneous in thought and action;
                4. Problem-centered (not self-centered);
                5. Unusual sense of humor;
                6. Able to look at life objectively;
                7. Highly creative;
                8. Resistant to enculturation, but not purposely unconventional;
                9. Concerned for the welfare of humanity;
                10. Capable of deep appreciation of basic life-experience;
                11. Establish deep satisfying interpersonal relationships with a few people;
                12. Peak experiences;
                13. Need for privacy;
                14. Democratic attitudes;
                15. Strong moral/ethical standards.

                I don't see Trump having most of those characteristics?
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                • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago
                  that is an interesting, and an optimistic, list!!! . I believe that
                  self-actualization is subjective and even Hitler was there.
                  I feel that I got there, personally, when I found that there was
                  more joy in my life than I could express, and I could
                  do most of what I pleased with people who pleased me.

                  it took longer to lose my fear of failure.

                  The Donald is there, as he perceives things, in my humble opinion.
                  and he sure is having fun with the levels below -- the love of others
                  and the basics of shelter, clothing and food. -- j
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                  • Posted by $ number6 9 years, 3 months ago
                    I think he has love of self and is lacking in 2,4,7, 9,10,13,14,15.

                    The loss of fear of failure is important, as is the reason an individual got there Is it actually no longer fearing failure (a self limiting problem) or immunization from failure because of circumstances?

                    And I agree its, very subjective. I also am not sure Hitler was there in that he was driven by his own power and not concerned with humanity as a whole. (interesting link
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
      "Dictators never seize power. It is handed to them by the electorate."

      "Here's another fine mess you got me into ..."

      the second is Oliver Hardy speaking to Stan Laurel. The first I'll have to go look up.
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  • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 3 months ago
    Trump's popularity is quite intriguing. I am intrigued by him, and yet I don’t think that it is just his performance and entertainment value that got me interested. So, I tried to analyze myself and this is what I see in Trump – he is essentially an Obama for those that hate Obama. He promises the ability to shake up the establishment, which is totally corrupted, by his style, forcefulness and unpredictability. I doubt it that he can be bought money-wise; he will not be shackled by promises of riches after 8 years. The establishment, used to long term alliances to keep influence and power will be shaken up. These alliances are perhaps America’s greatest enemy. He is not a Constitutionalist; he is a quasi-capitalist and, yes, an opportunist (who isn’t on that stage?). Are there other people with whom my values align better – Yes; but Trump may be the most effective personality to shake up and break up the statist establishment.
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  • Posted by GaryL 9 years, 3 months ago
    I don't have a clue who I WILL vote for at this point. Right now I am enjoying what Trump is dredging up from the bowels. So far in this discussion every adjective used to describe Trump, negative and positive, can also be assigned to all of the others with the single exception of Successful Businessman. Most of the politicians are only successful in blowing smoke up our rears! I don't expect Trump or any of the others to be our savior because they have a gigantic hurdle in front of them called Congress and a Supreme Court acting far above their pay grade.
    I am perfectly fine after we have allowed a Community DIS organizer to hold the reins for 8 years to try and see what a successful businessman can do. At this point, 14 months out from the election, all I will say is "Any one but Hillary or some other left wing lunatic". I will totally support which ever one gets the nod to go up against the democrat nominee and it might be a good idea for others here to adopt a similar posture.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 3 months ago
    Watching the Trump phenomenon reminded me of the movie "Idiocracy," where the President was the winner of the WWF pro wrestling championship. I agree that part of the fan attraction is very sports-like, with simple themes and lots of banners. However, there's another element outside of the reality-TV audience that is more sober, and deserves attention rather than dismissal.

    I don't want to call Trump's persona honest, because he's just as slippery as the rest of the political crowd. I do think that he's an open book, unashamed of his well-recorded history. He admits to cozying up to any political figure of any stripe when it served his purposes, and readily admits that he's one of those wealthy figures who routinely buy politicians. He does whatever is necessary to get the job done, and isn't so tied to rigid ideology that he can't walk away from a bad deal.

    While highly principled men and women with rock-solid principles may be admirable, there is the element of tyranny in their role as leaders. Americans have traditionally been problem solvers, willing to be flexible in how to address a problem, and have been frustrated in political figures fixated on rigid principle, preventing common-sense solutions. Most Americans support limited-case abortion, but up to now their only political choice has been between absolutists, who either claim to stand for no abortion under any circumstances, or abortion on-demand up to the day of birth. Trump's outcome-focused, get the job done attitude appeals to those frustrated with absolutists on both sides.
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years, 3 months ago
    I wouldn't say I support Trump, but I am certainly interested in what he's bringing the the race and cheering him on at this point. Now I also expect him to do his homework and settle down in the coming months. I have also attended Tea Party rallies so I might even qualify as a Tea Partier.

    The problem which many on this site have pointed out is that both parties are moving us in the direction of a statist government. You can elect a Republican House and Senate and they are so afraid of being blamed for "shutting down the government" that they fund Obama's programs. What's the point?

    It was looking very much like we were going to get to choose between Bush and Clinton. Again. I think both parties have had it with that -- which is one of the reasons that Bernie is doing so well on the left. At least he admits he's a socialist.

    Is Trump a conservative? No, but he has been successful and he knows you have to make money to spend it. That's a hell of a lot more than most politicians. At this point I'd like to see something different. While he's been compared to Barack Obama because they are good at saying things that get crowds excited, what did Barack Obama do before getting into politics? What multi-billion dollar enterprise did he build and run?

    Of course I would rather have Rand Paul. And if he get's any traction he's my man, but at the moment I see Trump as the Bush repellent. And it seems to be working.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 3 months ago
      William, a vote for Trump is a vote for evil. Don't waste your vote. Don't compromise your principles.
      Lack of ethics and integrity is the main reason we are staring into the abyss with the GOP and Democrats pushing us into it.
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
        Which evil is better to vote for? Who is the ordained presidential runners that it is a "waste" not to vote for, even if they're both dishonest, looting, lying schemers would make the fictional Mr. Thompson seethe in envy that he wasn't as slimy as they?

        THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "WASTED VOTE". Maybe in the old Soviet Union or China, but not here. Unless you buy into that lie, an allow yourself to be told who to vote for, so the annointed will (once again) win. And the whole "vote for evil" - well, that's good propoganda, but he may be the best candidate to pick from. Or... he may really be the best choice, when push comes to shove.

        If I feel Trump - or Fiorina, or Paul, or even (galt forbid) Looney Tunes is the best candidate running, then that's who gets my vote. Because if enough people have the guts and integrity not to vote as others tell them to, but vote for who THEY feel is the best presidential candidate, based on their research, we may get out of the "pre-ordained presidency" which is literally destroying this country.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 3 months ago
          Susanne, seriously, could you make your point clearer. To me, your comments are internally conflicting, which is an indication I don't understand them ;^) Thanks.
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          • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
            --giggles-- thanks!!

            (I feel like a certain politician from decades past... "Let me make one thing perfectly clear...")

            It's simple. If you vote for who, in your best research, is the best candidate, regardless of who someone else tells you to vote for, then your vote is NOT wasted. If EVERYONE did this, rather than fall for the "lesser of 2 evils" or "you're wasting your vote" coercive lines, then even IF "my" candidate didn't win, it would still be the choice of "we the people".

            Where I was going with that was I need to determine, for myself, who I felt was the best presidential candidate (or write in) for the position, and THAT'S who would get my support, my vote, and my backing. Someone who would blatantly lie, change positions (eg Flip-Flop), or do something against a certain document they swore (or will swear) to protect and defend... are instant disqualifiers for me. If you say something - I expect you to stand behind it, whether you're a political figure, an employee (or employer), a friend, a business, whatever.

            Head in the stars? Maybe. But I prefer these things (especially in a leader) called Honesty and Integrity. That is NOT for sale to the highest liar, er, bidder. If you ain't got it, then you ain't got my back... and I won't have yours.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 3 months ago
              Thanks, Susanne. I agree with gusto.
              I have been outspoken ( I hope) in saying that voting for the GOP or the Dems is a wasted vote because I think no one with ethics (honesty and integrity) will be allowed by the party to represent the party. I think the process is rigged and that is based on the past selection of GOP candidates that so obviously did not have a history of support for the things that the GOP promises to deliver to true conservatives: more individual liberty and less government.

              In 3 words, freedom for all.

              As the saying goes, "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then its a duck." The current flock of GOP candidates are all quacks, with one possible exception: Rand Paul. Therefore, it is a near certainty that Paul will not represent the GOP as candidate for president. (Unless all other GOP officeholders and potential candidates are somehow disqualified on the eve of the election.)
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
              Ah yes. However if everyone did that then no one would vote for evil. Unless they were truly evil. But since they don't the percentages of not supporting evil are low very low.

              Try this one to start a verbal fight. Is Christian Democrat an oxymoron?

              the Answer is not if i you can multi task or compartmentalize. Works on RINOs too.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
          As i see it the candidates that espoused that viewpoint announced themselves as members of the secular devils congregation. There is no push and no shove except for people with no moral values There is right, there is wrong and there is compromise which is also a wrong choice. The only evil to vote for is none of the above.

          What makes you think all of the candidates left on voting day will NOT be pre-ordained. It's a one party system with two faces. Supporting that system is evil.

          And how do you support voting one way and having your vote given to someone you didn't want under the winner take all rules?

          Tsk tsk tsk. Check your premises. There are more choices than candidate one or candidate two.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 3 months ago
    He has the money to pay them.

    Personally, I like the Tea Party ideals more than any other political movement short of the Constitutionalists. I just can't see supporting Trump, however, as consistent with the Tea Party or Constitution Party except solely as a vote against the Republican Party as a whole.

    I'll tell you this much, I think we'd be a lot better off with Trump as president than Hillary.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
    For Trump? Go out and talk to people... they look at him as the cure for Das Fuehrer's "hope and change". Or... to quote my brother... "Do you want another politician, or do you want someone who knows what it's like to run a business?" Serious beans... those who like him see he's one of the answers to getting the politicians out, and who might just run this country like a business, rather than an entitlement.

    Seriously - look at Rubio, Hukabee, Christie, et al... They're POLITICIANS who think they deserve the office because of their POLITICAL successes. Trump is the only one (save Fiorina) who can honestly say "I'm NOT a politician, I'm a businessperson, and I'll run the government as a business, not my personal entitlement".

    Do you want yet another one-party anointed moocher... or do you want to see change... not Oscumma change, but change back to where we should never have left a century and change ago?
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  • Posted by gerstj 9 years, 3 months ago
    It is not that Trump is a good candidate; he is not. It is total disgust at the duopoly that is ruling the US and at war with its citizenry. If the uniparty will not listen to the electorate and grows more dismissive and arrogant every day, then the people are looking for a champion who will pull the whole rotten mess down and start over. Trump may not be that champion, but he is the only one who just might clean the Augean stables.
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  • Posted by jscrump59 9 years, 3 months ago
    I'm not a Trump supporter, but I'm very displeased with the political elites as well as the professional commentators. However, I do believe that the chaos that Trump is injecting into the body politick is shaking things up on all sides and injecting real fear into race. Change might result.
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  • Posted by $ cz85b 9 years, 3 months ago
    AJAshinoff is right on with a number of parts of his response.

    1. Trump is an opportunist. Without question! He has been polishing this message for a very long time, and he knows exactly what he needs to say to rile people in the face of white washed politicians who have been focus grouped, groomed, and over rehearsed to sound like all of the other whitewashed, focus grouped, groomed, and over rehearsed politicians.

    Right or wrong, it is the same source of appeal that Bernie Sanders is enjoying from the other side of the political spectrum.

    At the end of the day, the people are told who they are "ALLOWED" to vote for, by the establishment, and we will have white wash A vs white wash B... When it was Bush Vs Gore, the first time, both sides screamed about how evil the other was.... When the rubber hit the road, Bush did EXACTLY what Gore said he would do in the first 100 days, and likely, Gore would have done exactly what Bush did during his tenure.

    The point is that there are no real differences among the major party candidates, EXCEPT for Trump and Sanders.

    On a short side note, it would not surprise me to learn, some day, in a decade or two, that Trump did what he did in order to get the masses to watch the Republicans, because I am positive that if he were not in the debate, NOBODY would have watched it.

    Ciao, CZ
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
    Wasn't this a subject on yesterday's Hannity show? I recall this being one of the show's topics...

    It was a fluke (had to borrow a truck to get to a jobsite, and they left the radio on the local "talking heads" station), as I usually don't listen to him. But that made it jump out all the more.
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  • Posted by GregoryRMatthews 9 years, 3 months ago
    There may be a few who claim to be TP's, but in general I do not believe the TP be backing Trump. Good L-rd the man is a progress and still states his progressive attitudes and yet so called conservatives are sticking with him.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago
    his bodyguards are paid shills, but the crowds are not, IMHO.
    tea partiers see an "out" with him -- they voted against
    the D.C. mob last November 4th, and it didn't work.
    the mob is still screwing us over. . The Donald offers
    another choice previously unavailable -- a person
    free from the shackles of the D.C. money sources
    who just might be able to run this nation like a successful
    entrepreneurial business. . sure, he's surprising in
    some of the things he says, but we badly need an option
    which isn't just another version of the status quo. -- j
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 3 months ago
    There ARE companies that provide 'Crowds' for these creatures.
    As to what motivates TP's (if true, there are serious doubts) toward trump...anger, frustration, lack of critical thinking and have fallen for the ole Heligan Dialectic trick...create a problem, appeal to our baser needs, get you to yell about it...then, out of the blue, comes someone that claims to be able to fix it all. Can you say?...GOTCHA? that's exactly what they intended. Remember...trump is related to hiltery. Aside form that, he wants to make America a great COMPANY, not a great Country.
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