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  • Posted by mminnick 11 years, 1 month ago
    This is true for any number of reasons. Political, Economic, social, terrorism. What particular path were you considering when you made the statement?
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  • Posted by 1musictime 9 years, 1 month ago
    It's more certain people are directing in the direction, not America, the country, whatever it is.Let the people deserving direct toward the wrong. Not to bring the right along.
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  • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
    As for what can be done, I don’t think enough people care—in my humble opinion, all those of us who can see what is happening need to be prepping, and if at al possible, creating an actual Galt’s Gulch for ourselves and all other like-minded souls we can ally ourselves with.

    I wrote this letter to the editor back in 2008. I think I was downright prophetic, in retrospect.

    And today, the mainstream news media still yearns for our Disaster-In-Chief to be the “messiah” that Barbara Walters wistfully spoke of…

    “Are you ready for a four-year nightmare?”
    September 7, 2008
    If Barack Hussein Obama is elected president, this nation will be in for a four-year nightmare. Obama will institute $1 trillion of new spending - which will, of course, load at least another $1 trillion of taxes on those who can’t pay any more - i.e., the wage and salary-earning people at the lower end of the economic spectrum.
    Whenever someone yells, “Soak the rich!”, guess what? All of these new tax laws have loopholes galore that let the rich preserve their wealth from blood-sucking confiscatory taxation, and the ones left with the mountain of taxation on their backs are - guess who? The people who cannot use all of those loopholes. It has always been this way and always will - the pols know doggoned well that it’s ‘the rich’ who cough up the majority of their campaign donations, so they aren’t about to gore their own oxen, no matter what they say they will do.
    And as for standing up to the Soviets - excuse me, I mean the New Russian Empire and Vladimir Putin - who is still the real ruler; even if Dmitry Medvedev is now the official President of Russia, rather like a ventriloquist’s dummy - or any other segment of the Axis of Evil, well, I think we can see how that would turn out.
    His energy policy seems to consist of little more than advocating one keep their tires properly inflated and their motor vehicles tuned up. No drilling for new oil deposits, no building new refineries and in short, if he gets elected, we’re in for a four-year ride on the Roller Coaster of Hell.

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  • Posted by MattFranke 11 years, 1 month ago
    Any solutions? Which a solution would presuppose a problem. As your statement presents no causal reason for your opinion, I would say I need to know *why* you think its going down the toilet, before any of us could agree or disagree. See where I'm coming from?
    So basically, what mminnick said.
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