Welfare Shrimp

Posted by $ PhilValentine 11 years ago to Politics
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From a listener in Pensacola. We now have welfare shrimp! Since when is shrimp considered a basic food necessity? Most of us see shrimp as a luxury. A food stamp recipient sees shrimp as simply free. But, of course, it's not free. It's paid by those of us who see shrimp as a luxury.

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  • Posted by MattFranke 11 years ago
    Well between the Gulf Oil Spill and Fukashima radiation, I'm gonna go ahead and say ,"Eat up. Here have mine."
    But on the other hand, you have different fingers.
    When they get sick from the radiation, who will have to pay for it? Damn it, we will. Sooo, it's six one way, half a dozen the other.
    However, you're point is certainly correct. Food-stampers should not be eating better than those that support them. Maybe if they were limited to milk, butter, sugar, and flour, people would try a little harder to get on their feet.
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  • Posted by mminnick 11 years ago
    Food Stamps (now a credit card type ) were once upon a time limited to the basics - bread milk eggs, beef, chicken, pork. Now you can get almost anything using the "Food Stand Card". Is it any wonder that there are approximately 20 million new food stamp users? I know the times are hard (been unemployed a total of 2 years over the last five). There are many people who cannot find a job. There are others who don’t want to find a job. They want to let Uncle Sam or the state governments take care of them.
    I have yet to take food stamps - and I never will. I can take care of myself and my family. I’ll dig ditches if I have to. This government doesn’t want people to be self-sufficient. They want to instill the cradle to grave welfare state mentality into all citizens. Those that are self-sufficient are a threat to the Socialist ideal and the Communist idea of “From each his best – to each what is needed) I know this is not the correct phrase, but it is the sentiment and that sentiment sucks big time.
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    • Posted by Lucky 11 years ago
      "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
      A good slogan as poetry until you think it thru.
      Recall, the Twentieth Century Motors story.
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