Of Death And 9/11
Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 5 months ago to History
A 7-year ago honorarium to those lost
When I was a much younger man
my father died and
my children, who were children then,
asked “why”?.
I told them he had gotten sick
and couldn’t get better.
I knew not death then.
I know not death now.
I listened today to the seventh
reading of the names to heaven sent, and
wished I could tell the grieving
what the slaughter of their innocents
I knew not death then.
I know not death now.
When I was a much younger man
my father died and
my children, who were children then,
asked “why”?.
I told them he had gotten sick
and couldn’t get better.
I knew not death then.
I know not death now.
I listened today to the seventh
reading of the names to heaven sent, and
wished I could tell the grieving
what the slaughter of their innocents
I knew not death then.
I know not death now.